For I am one thousand years old | elders walk


In spite of his misgivings, or rather his irrational fear of having the fur harassed off him by nosy elders, Snakeblink has to admit taking their oldest clanmates on a walk around the territory is among the nicest duties he’s had in some time. The newleaf weather is gentle and comforting, the clear sky tinted orange by sunset, and a mild breeze carries the smell of flowers and fresh water to him at every turn. And if he keeps his ears pricked, he might get lucky and catch some tidbits of gossip — elders always have the best rumors.

”I do not know how you can bear it — being cooped in your den all leafbare long,” he says idly to the closest elder. His tail goes to tap against the side of an apprentice that has been speeding up, walking faster than their old bones can keep up with at length. Turtlepaw is already on the hyperactive side, but he feels like all three are liable to dart off at any point, probably because they are fresh out of battle training and have not eaten yet tonight. ”A few days in the medicine den are already bad enough. How do you even pass the time?”

——————————————————————————————————— so god damn lonely

  • Prompt: the elders are going to get sore sitting around all spring... take them for a supervised walk at sunset! @SANDPAW @turtlepaw @Cricketpaw

  • 2h3Dnip.png

    Snakeblink • he / him. 51 ☾, riverclan warrior
    — a sleek, skinny tabby with long ears and a scar over his right eye.
    — gay, not actually evil, penned by @Kangoo

ꕀꕀ Honestly, Sandpaw doesn’t mind the duty that he’s been tasked with today. The elders are an important aspect of RiverClan—they have a multitude of stories that he’s grown up listening to, and their creaky bones grant them wisdom far beyond what the tortoiseshell tom understands. The walk also gives him a calm, low-stakes way to spend his evening. He doesn’t mind slowing his pace for any of the older cats; his natural gait tends to be just as slow-pawed as theirs is.

Still, he can’t help but wonder if his paws would be better put to use elsewhere. Cicadapaw is probably out hunting, or patrolling, or maybe even sparring with someone like Smokestar—because of course, Cicadapaw will always get the things that he doesn’t have. The unsightly heavy-eared apprentice has always been destined for greatness, and pushed forward along his path by the rest of the clan. It’s not fair. But… musing over what is and isn’t fair won’t help his situation, and so Sandpaw does what he always does. He endures.

"I’m sure they never get bored of collection’ ticks an’ makin’ up stories to scare the kits," he quips in response to Snakeblink’s question, giving a good-natured grin to the elder who walks beside him. "That story about the bear was made-up, right?"
NO MAN COULD TEST ME ✧°.☀ ————————————
A once-pretty coat that's become dull over time now faces the moment to shine under the newleaf sun. Dappleleaf happily accepted it's warmth in comparison to the colder mornings they had all woken to for far too many moons. A walk with her new denmates was a nice change as Snakeblink had pointed out from their usual activities.

The she-cat is a bit hesitant to answer the lead, her pride still healing from being less-than-kindly introduced to her new role.

"My leafbare may have been a bit more enjoyable than some. My nest in there is only a moon old, I think." Maybe two, but she can't quite seem to pin down the exact day as they began to blur together since then. Days of powdery gloom all felt the same. She knew for sure, though, it was after her grandchildren had been born.

"I've no ticks in my fur. Thank you." Dappleleaf's voice became clipped at Sandpaw's accusation, taking it more personal than he intended.

[penned by beatae - ]
———————————— ☀.°✧ IMPRESS ME
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