private for past and future - catfishpaw

( tags ) It was his fault. He knows this is not true, yet he feels it is his responsibility all the same. Catfishpaw was injured by a badger and thankfully she would make a full recovery. Nothing to do other than rest, however he knew that getting behind was never easy. Fernpaw and Dovepaw changed when they didn't pass their assessments to become warriors. He was certain if the same would happy to Catfishpaw she would be unhappy and perhaps blame her injury, her foolishness. To him he didn't care if his first ever apprentice may not become a warrior when she became of age. Maybe that would reflect horribly of him and they would blame his incompetence for her lack of warriorhood. If that was the case he would bear that pain. However, there was still time. Not much, but he thought of something.

Catfishpaw was confined to the medicine cat den and wouldn't be able to resume her training for awhile, but who said all training had to be physical? Fishing required calculation. Sure you could just go for it and attack the dang thing, but you would be lucky to even catch it. Fish were extremely flighty, as soon as they saw your shadow they would be swimming far away from you. Battle required some thought as well. Everything they did wasn't pure strength. He was by no means the strongest cat within the clan and he would be lying to say so. However, he was clever and while Catfishpaw rested he could at the very least sharpen her mind.

That's why he entered the medicine cat den with a trout, making his way to Catfishpaw, carefully dropping it to her paws. "H-hi. I brought you something to eat," he mews. A pretty awkward greeting if he were to say so himself, but that wasn't the focus here. Whiskers twitching in anticipation, he takes a seat in front of Catfishpaw. "Soo, I kinda have a strange idea if you're up for it? We haven't been training... For reasons, but hear me out. I can still train you. Not the typical way, but anyway, sharp claws are good and all right? But what about a sharp mind? We can uhm..." Ah! There! Without so much as a warning, he darts his paw to a small pile of shiny rocks and drags them so the rocks are between them.

His tongue sticks out as he concentrates on a demonstration he will make for Catfishpaw. The rocks are placed purposely, it quickly becomes apparent he has created a possible battle scenario with rocks. If she had thought he was done, she was sorely mistaken when he unsheathes a single claw and starts drawing trees and squiggly lines to represent the river. What he means to represent is Thunderclan battling Riverclan. "Alright, so this is Thunderclan and Riverclan in the middle of a battle. One thing a warrior has to be aware of is their own weaknesses, so with that in mind! Pretend you're a Thunderclanner. How would you fight Riverclan? What is Riverclan weak at? What is Thunderclan more skilled at?" It hits him fairly late that he had asked for her opinion on this different form of training. When he does realized he becomes flustered and shuffles his paws, "O-oh! E-ermm... This is how training would kinda be like from now on? Until you're given the clear from Ravenpaw, if you'd like to do it."

// @Catfishpaw