camp FOR THE DANCING AND THE DREAMING || sharing tongues


It's a strange question, he thinks. Not something he has ever really found odd, or different. As a small group shared tongues and warmth amidst the falling frost, one daring RiverClanner had been bold enough to bring up something that it seemed nobody else had ever considered. How did Nettlepaw dream? They inquire about whether or not he sees anything as he sleeps. Explains that everyone else does. Nettlepaw squints at the other cat, but it is a thoughtful expression. He wasn't taking offense to the curiosity.

"Well... I thought everyone dreamed the same." The apprentice admits with a flick of his tail. "But when I dream, I don't really see very much. I feel things, like... the softness of my mother's fur. I smell things, like the river, or the mud after it rains. I hear things, like birds chirping, or voices. I taste too, if I'm eating fresh-kill in my dreams, for example." Nettlepaw explains. "In terms of what I do see, it's... pretty much the same as when I'm awake. Everything is too blurry to make out, but sometimes, I dream I'm surrounded by total darkness, and there's this sun in the far distance, and if I look at it, it's so bright it hurts. I don't know if that makes sense... but it's a nightmare I keep having. Usually I smell blood, too. And hear... well. Anyways." He doesn't really want to descibe the nightmare any more than that. He thinks it's about his escape from the rogues, and his mother's death, but he'd rather forget it all entirely. "What about you all? What does everyone else dream about?"
Aspenhaze laps their tongue over Nettlepaw’s forehead carefully, not wanting to spook the apprentice but sensing the stress he exudes talking about the more uncomfortable parts of his rest, and wanting to act. They can understand, as they’ve had their fair share of nightmares. They’re few and far between, but when they do happen, it is never anything pleasant. They sometimes wonder just how much clan life does to them, but never enough to truly be concerned. Either way, it’s an interesting topic of choice to linger on.

They sit back down, and bring up their own thoughts. “My dreams are usually blurry, vague enough that it does not stick to my mind when I awaken. Usually, my nights are peaceful, thank StarClan.” If anything, they spend more time making sure that Petalnose is sleeping comfortably, even when she’s not aware of it. It brings a sense of peace to them, as well. “I cannot recall what my last dream might have been, but maybe that is a blessing. Things are rough enough as it is when I’m awake, don’t need more to worry about in my sleep.”
bounceheart ✧ she/her ✧ riverclan warrior (=˃ᆺ˂=)

Bounceheart was embracing the lazy evening alongside Aspenhaze. While she had asked Nettlepaw the question, it was out of pure curiosity - they wondered how his blind life transferred to dreams. They wondered, how could they be different? She listened to him, her gaze drifted off to somewhere else in the camp. Simultaneously, she was tapping her tail against whoever else was beside her. In some ways, they did dream the same - sometimes, there were only smells or feelings for them. And such as Aspenhaze, some mornings her dreams would escape from her memory the moment she woke up.

In a sly attempt at an apology, she drew her tongue over the back of Nettlepaw's ears. "I don't remember much of mine.. after some time, even if it seems important, I just forget." Even if she had a terrible nightmare, by the time her paws hit the water she couldn't recall what she was afraid of. "But it still feels so real, when I wake up I feel like I was really there... as though the smell is in the den with me," like the smell of fire, or blood, or a fresh-kill. ​
Foxtail lays beneath silverpelt, trying to relax for the remainder of his evening. The young warrior wasn't particularly in the conversation, but he heard something about dreams. Dreams were quite strange if you ask him. A lot of times, his dreams don't seem to make very sense— one moment he could be at a gathering, and in a blink of an eye he's hunting for fish. He doesn't think his dreams are meant to mean anything— he isn't someone that StarClan would come in contact with about something dire. He's just a warrior, that's all. Bounceheart's tail taps his fur, pulling him out of whatever thoughts his mind was glued onto. He finds himself looking over at the small group, ears pricking forward as Bounceheart mews.

He laps his tongue carefully over Bounceheart's forehead, hoping she wasn't worrying about accidentally tapping him with her tail. "My dreams always seem to be random," Foxtail murmurs, wrapping his tail around his paws. "They always seem to make sense when I'm dreaming." Most of his dreams are peaceful... they can be just as random as talking with a dog, or being friendly with WindClan. But every now and then, he can have a nightmare. It typically involves water, and the inability to swim. ...He doesn't like those nights when he tries to swim in his sleep. "But if I try to recall what I dreamt later, I can't remember it entirely and the logic behind the dream falls apart."

  • 74203346_wyqQOkxcDfS3IQ1.png

    credit to raphaelion for the artwork <3
  • Foxtail
    experience: trained
    backstory: tbd
    biography: [HYPERLINK]
    credit to nopeita for the pixel <3
    cisgender male [he / him]
    eyes: green
    pelt: cinnamon/chocolate tabby
    fur length: long
    parents: dawnflower and redfur (riverclan npcs)
    14 moons

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It's relaxing, the grooming. Sharing Tongues was always a moment of bonding for the clan, where even the grumpiest members of RiverClan could find some relaxation with their fellow cats. He listens as Aspenhaze describes their dreams, little more than a forgetful blur. It seemed strange to the apprentice that he could have such vivid dreams (even without sight), while others hardly dreamt at all. Was it peaceful? Aspenhaze seems to think it is. Whiskers quiver as Bounceheart joins the gentle grooming, admitting that she, too, lacked many memorable dreams. Am I just strange? The boy can't help but wonder. Her dreams seemed nearly as vivid as his, but she was forgetful of them, where he remembered every detail. Ears flick toward Foxtail as he adds his share to the conversation.

"Mine always seem so vivid, so real." Nettlepaw admits. "And I remember them. I suppose I forget after a few days or so but... sometimes dreams linger for hours after I wake up." He wonders if it has something to do with his habit of tossing and turning, and flinging moss across the apprentice's den as he slept. Every morning, he would have to re-arrange his nest because of how torn up it was. Clearly, his trauma ran deep, but Nettlepaw is certain he isn't the only young RiverClanner to suffer remnants and echoes of recent moons.
⸙͎。˚⋆ ⍋ ѧѦ ѧ⍋ ⸙͎。˚⋆

The conversation of dreams seems like something he can actually contribute to! Most of the times, the adults around camp are discussing important matters far beyond his scope and while Valekit doesn't necessarily mind that, it can be frustrating at times. Bitekit had this unfathomable urge to escape into the apprentice's den... maybe this was why? To have more to talk about? The chimera slinks among the group, eyeing the nursery with a glower knowing that Hazecloud is in there now. Was no place safe from that witch? That was maybe his only motivating factor now for being ousted from the nursery into the responsibilities of training as a warrior.

He sits, proudly and confidently, at the feet of Aspenhaze, having decided this one to be safe. They are around that lead warrior one a lot... It must mean they were of equal strength and power in all but title. Nodding sagely to himself, as if he had made some profound discovery, Valekit almost forgets to invite himself to the conversation. "Most of my dreams are about playing in the river," he deposits helpfully, looking around his clan-mates with meadow-green eyes.

Was that boring, compared to theirs? Vivid and random hardly seemed like apt descriptors of the actual contents... Did that mean their dreams weren't worth remembering? That seemed like a sad reality... even Nettlepaw had things to remember and he couldn't even SEE!​
*+:。.。 Sharing tongues and being social fostered bonds that helped maintain trust between inter-clan relationships, and yet Asphodelpaw's pelt still prickled with unease at the idea of relaxing. Still, he stiffly wandered over and plopped himself down beside his clanmates, hoping to hide his timidity behind the typical huff and puff expected from the high-strung apprentice. Dreams were the subject of this conversation, and already he felt more out of place than before. But it was a subject he held an opinion on, and any thought was better than none at all, surely. "I don't usually dream. I prefer to sleep lightly" he practically boasts, as if insomnia is a superpower and not a burden - although to the boy who views taking it easy as a crime, perhaps that's not a shock.

"When I do dream, it's usually about things I suspect I must have been thinking about before - or just as - I'm about to wake. For example, I remember having a dream where I went through almost my entire morning routine. I thought I had actually done it and somehow teleported into my nest or something was it not for the fact that there was no one else in my dream" That's what made the nightly vision so memorable to Asphodelpaw. He remembered the unnerving feeling of being unsure what was a dream and what was a memory...only to realize upon reflection that everything he'd "done" had happened completely alone. The moss he would've sworn he'd collected - no elder in sight; Grooming his pelt in a completely silent, empty clearing and preparing to go on patrol only for not a single cat to join him or lead the way. He shivered at the odd memory.

Of course, that dream had happened a long time ago. Any dreams he's had recently were much more...He looks blankly at Valekit, imagining with a cold shiver his river-related dreams as of late. Suddenly, a bit of spite creeps up in his chest and he finds himself blurting out, "Do you all think it's true that if you die in your dream, you die in real life?" It was a kitten's tale, of course, told by rowdy children to even rowdier younger denmates. Asp had, of course, not believed in that theory for a second, but no one above the age of two moons probably did, either.

    DMAB— He/Him — Unsure
    8 moons — Ages 1 moon every month real-time
    Mentored by Crashingtide
    Riverclan — Apprentice

    Physically easy | mentally medium
    Attack in bold #9fc3fc
    injuries: None currently