camp FOR THE FUTURE - moving to the nursery


Nov 19, 2023
It's obvious now.

No more sleeping next to Duststorm. No more patrols. No more freedom. Just camp. Only camp, unless he's allowed to take a walk.


Hollywhisper feels defeated, and he knows that he looks like it too. If he had it his way, he'd still be free to do his duties, but he supposes that there's a point where it would impact his ability to do so. He'd be happy to find out where exactly that point is, but he settles for accepting his fate.

He hopes the kits that are in the nursery aren't too hard on him. He doesn't mind playing with them, but he's not sure he wants to do anything too extreme - or drink mud again. Never again.

With a muffled sigh, Hollywhisper enters, dragging his nest with him. He assesses the den, trying to figure out the best place to set it. He doesn't want to take up any of the other queens’ space.

After a bit of deliberation, he decides on a spot, and sets his nest down. It'll feel lonely without Duststorm next to him, but it isn't like he won't come visit. He's just sleeping in another den - a den Hollywhisper is used to.

When he returns, will he be too used to the nursery? Will he struggle to readjust to the warriors den? He doesn't know.

Hollywhisper steps outside the nursery. He doesn't stray too far, he just sits at the entrance. Uncertainty dwells within him, nervousness too.

“I just need to… adjust,” he murmurs, trying to psyche himself up. “It'll be easy.”

But he's not sure it will be.​


Fluffykit is taking one of her many well-earned day naps when an unfamiliar shadow darkens the entrance to the nursery. She stirs, unease beginning to flutter in her belly like so many butterflies. Hollywhisper sits, looking plumper than she remembers… and he’s got his nest with him, which can only mean one thing. She rouses from the nest she shares with her mother and littermates, jaws stretching wide in a yawn. “Are, um…” She looks around, tucking her ears against the sides of her face, “Are you gonna move in here, too?” That means more kits are coming… she doesn’t know how she feels about that. The nursery will be even more crowded.

But Hollywhisper does not look happy. He looks tired, she thinks. Tired, or… or sad, maybe. Fluffykit peers up at him, a frown dancing on her tiny muzzle. She doesn’t like that he looks sad. “Um… do you want some help finding a place to put your bed?” She pushes herself to her paws, walking on wobbly, trepidatious paws. Is she overstepping? Hollywhisper didn’t say he needed help, but… she pulls back nervously, a paw going to her mouth as though she’d burped up a bite of her dinner.

  • ooc:
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  • Fluffykit, she/her w/ feminine terms.
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — 3 moons old, ages realistically on the 9th.
    — mentored by n/a ; mentoring n/a ; previously mentored n/a.
    — skyclan kit. butterflytuft x dandelionwish, gen 3.
    — penned by Marquette.

    lh chocolate tortie/cream chimera with jade eyes. frightened, clingy, anxious, gentle.

*✧・゚ The sight of a new face in the nursery is enough to pin a bright grin on Sangriakit’s muzzle. She bounds over to stand beside Fluffykit—she nearly bumps her shoulder into the other kit’s, but holds herself back. Coffeekit likes to wrestle and play with her, but Fluffykit is way less fun. But even if her cousin isn’t that entertaining, Shiori is. Or… Hollywhisper is! He’d wanted to drink her super cool potion, and he hadn’t even said it was gross. And now he’s here, moving into the nursery. Sangriakit has remarkably less tact than the orange-patched kit, leafy eyes staring expectantly up at the warrior. "Are you having kits?" Her little white paws dance with excitement, tail flickering back and forth as it’s stuck up in the air.

Fluffykit offers her help with finding a place to put Hollywhisper’s nest, and the cinnamon torbie beams up at him. "I can help you move your nest! I walk a long ways to get here all the time, so I’m totally strong enough." She’s noticed that, in fact, her trips back and forth from the twolegplace have gotten shorter. Or maybe her legs have just gotten longer. Either way, she’s definitely big enough to help move one nest wherever it needs to go!

Oh, how he was glad leafbare was drawing to its close- by the time a new boom of kittens would be born, it would be newleaf, and they wouldn't have to worry anymore about how- how scarce everything was, and about what all the other Clans might do to inconvenience them. Another camp invasion wouldn't do, they couldn't- couldn't risk a single thing, and... he felt even more protective of the queen's den now that Butterflytuft was within it. And now another...

He strayed a little further, but small voices were already piping up, and Twitchbolt's face curved into one of withheld humour. "I was gonna ask if you- if you needed anything," he murmured to Hollywhisper, "But... I think you already have some eager helpers." Buried within the subtext of his words was the implication he was indeed still here if Hollywhisper needed anything... for anything, really. It was the nice thing to do, wasn't it? He didn't look... exactly thrilled to be here, after all...
penned by pin ✧

YOU TELL ME THAT YOU NEED ME — Blazingpaw couldn't help but be drawn by the excited squeaking of Sangriakit and the shy questions from Fluffykit, he wonders what's going on only to find his emerald gaze locking onto the sight of Hollywhisper who seemed a lot more plump than before. It seemed that a lot of warriors were settling down and having kittens though he can only imagine its due to greenleaf being around the corner when prey will be plentiful once more and they won't need to worry about their ribs being visible due to starving and the lack of food. Maybe rogues would keep away too or that's what he hopes. It only takes a few pawsteps for the fire pelted tom to arrive standing near but not too close to Twitchbolt as he glances to the two kittens so eager to help the newest addition to the nursery.

He clears his throat a little awkwardly not wanting to seem rude for staring or not adding anything to the conversation as he parts his jaws to speak "Are you uh... Excited?" He hasn't met a queen that was dreading the arrival of kittens just yet but there was always bound to be a first, he hopes it isn't Hollywhisper but one could never be certain especially since the new queen seemed nervous.


  • 8JbI3pG.png
    longhaired red tabby tom with green eyes
    6 moons old; ages the 28th every month
    sexuality unknown; too young
    son of coyotecrest and howlfire
    brother to wolfpaw and hawkpaw
    currently being mentored by bobbie
    easy to befriend ; oftentimes quick to anger
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed