pafp FOR THE GLORY // return from hunt


✟ 18/4-24 ✟
Aug 3, 2022

Shallowpaw was tired, he had been out the whole morning trying to catch anything. At last he had succeeded with capturing a vole. It had not been easy and he had not been catching it in an honorable way either. He had used dirty tricks to steal this vole which could have been one of his other clanmates catch today. He had distracted them so he could hunt the vole down instead. He would not say he was proud over it but doing it had given him results. It didn't matter how he did it as long he brought back food to them right?. As long he provided and showed results they wouldn't kick him out. He didn't wanted to get abandoned again so he had to prove somehow that he not was a burden that he was catching up to them. If he had to go back to his previous rogue roots to make sure to keep his place in this clan then so be it. Nothing to lose as long he didn't get caught.

In the end he was the only one out of the apprentices who had returned back to camp victorious with that vole hanging from his mouth . The rother apprentices had been unsucceedful and in a way to made him gloat knowing he had succeeded when the rest of the patrol hadn't. The same ones who always looked down on him, who treated him like a rogue. It was a nice feeling to know they where the ones who had failed for once, to let someone down. For sure that most mean something, right?. That what he was doing wasn't that bad after all. As long he gave them results that was all that mattered.

// prompt 3 - Shallow is the only one out of the apprentices who returns back with prey for the clan and a senior warrior notices this

Howlingstar sits under the Highrock, sharing tongues and chatting with a few of her clanmates. She's caught in the middle of a joke, chuckling at something a warrior said when the latest hunting patrol returns. Pricking her ears, she averts her attention to the cats streaming in through the bramble tunnel. With a small frown, she notices with disappointment that all of their jaws are empty. Hunting continues to be a challenge in the recovering forest.

A glimmer of hope, however, brings up the rear of the patrol. Shallowpaw carries a plump vole in his jaws and the tabby blinks, a small smile forming on her jaws. Good, he's adjusting. He's learning. She knows he had struggled with hunting in the past. When he meets her gaze, the senior woman gives him a deep nod, signalling her approval, her pride in him. "Good catch," She then calls over, eyes squinting slightly as the aged warrior smiles.
He is with Howlingstar as the patrol returns– he had been lucky enough for a moment's rest, for him and Stormpaw both, and he took full advantage of it. It was only a temporary thing before they would be out again. He is laughing alongside their leader, a low rumble from his chest that halts slowly with her pricked ears. He, too, begins to see it. A hunting patrol, back from the depths of their territory. Each face somber, bitter. Owlear's own expression falls some to a soft, hidden grimace.

Even though Shallowpaw had been successful, it would not be enough to fill their bellies. But he would not discredit the apprentice's success. When he turns to face the group, it is with a genuine smile. Though there is no point in repeating the leader's praise, he nods along. Agreement, and approval. Good catch indeed.

  • ooc:
  • owlear_clangen.png
    ──── owlear. senior warrior of thunderclan. cis male.
    ──── approximately 90 moons old, yet still youthful.
    ──── pansexual and single,   though with past flings.

    ──── a chocolate tabby with long, thick fur and a broad-shouldered build. despite his age, he is still a strong, imposing tomcat with clear, attentive eyes. though they are a muted hazel, they seem to twinkle with silent wisdom and a warm, deep-seated joy.
  • "speech"

The warriors had all faired a bit better hunting, not including himself who had not so much smelt a single bit of prey all day and sometimes that was the luck of it. Sometimes a party went out and returned with nothing to show at all and sometimes, sometimes one of them got lucky and of the apprentice's today to return successful it was his own. There was a swell of pride in his chest, delight to see the blue tom wander in with his catch and Sunfreckle trotted over to greet him in time to hear Howlingstar's curt by polite congratulations. A nod was given to Owlear as he passed, the older warrior surely worried about the lack of prey coming in just as any of them but with an understanding sometimes you had to take what you got.
"Good job, Shallowpaw. Keep hunting like this and you'll make a fine warrior in no time." If he had any idea how his apprentice had caught this prey, he might have something more to say on the matter. He might have commented that caught prey was good regardless, but that it was not a competition and to work with ones clanmates. He might have said it put the prey at risk of slipping away by treating it like sport. But he knew nothing of the young tom's actual efforts and saw only a success that he smiled upon.

Shallowpaw had not been expecting much with his return of success as he was about to drop the vole at the fresh-kill pile before heading off to find himself something else to do. After he had completed with dropping the vole at the fresh-kill pile would look up only for his eyes to meet Howlingstar who was seating under the highrock. When he was about to look away to ignore the leader she said something that not even him could ignore. Good catch. He looked back at them now standing still as he stared at them with the vole still in his mouth.

See?. Results. He had achieved results with what he had done. This was the first step in the right direction he was sure. Because even now he still wanted to become a warrior one day. A dream like that couldn't be easily destroyed. Even if he had wanted to give up he had no control over what his heart really desired for and that was to become a warrior one day. He wanted to become a better warrior than all of them. Didn't matter how he got there. If wanting something should fight for it. Pride should never get in the way. He just had to abandon unnecessary things like that. If he didn't...he wouldn't have earned this acknowledgment from their leader right now. She would never have seen him if he hadn't done what he had done today.

This felt right. His way was right. Nothing to feel ashamed about. It was fine to be selfish sometimes. It had always been him against the world after all. Nothing would stand in his way over something he wanted.

He would blink his eyes at the leader, shortly afterwards noticing Owlear as well who was showing a silent approval as well. Turning his eyes to his mentor who had joined them to give him praise. He always did that. " Thanks." Was all he said, determination burning in his veins. He was gonna do everything in his power to become a warrior to beat cats like Wildpaw and...prove to them all he was not a burden.

He was not gonna let Sunnydays efforts to bring him in go to waste. He would get there in one or another way.

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