camp for the sake of pete // intro.


there's a million, billion, trillion stars
Nov 20, 2022
rolypolymoon | 16 months | male | he/him | physically medium | mentally easy | attack in bold #f5deb3

The camp is quiet save for the soft snores of his resting clanmates. His gaze watches the heavens above him, starlight shining down upon his pale pelt. It's times like these that remind him why he joined skyclan. He has twolegs to care for and protect in the daytime, but his nights belong to the forest and the cats that dwell within. As he stands his usual vigil, he passes the time tracing shapes into the lights glimmering overhead. He doubts starclan minds. The chill of the night air is soothing to his soul and he breathes out slowly, watching the whisps of his breath spiral up to join the spirits.

He sometimes wonders what his clanmates must think of him and his odd ways. He's short and sleek and lithe with muscles hidden beneath a glossy coat, but its his eyes that matter - two glowing orbs even in the darkness. He's a child of the night - a ghost, only a whisper on the lips of those who rise in the day. But it's enough, he thinks, just to be here for what little time he can. A small, happy smile graces his face, and he lets out a contemplative hum. It'll be dawn soon he notes - he'll stay long enough to share prey with the few early risers, and then he's off to his other life, basking in the warmth of the twolegs who love him so.

Failing forever to arise at a reasonable time, it was to Twitchpaw's great surprise that backlit by dawn there stood an unfamiliar face. Or- not entirely a stranger, but mildly unacquainted, as if the other's face had been a ghost in his nightmares. Eyes aswim with grogginess studied the figure blurred for a few moments- oh, it was too early for these surprises! New daylight warriors daily, waltzing into their walls- it was always a new face, he swore! Someone within this camp- oh, they might have an inviting nature, but they were out to spite him he was sure... they'd know it'd make him uneasy to see a stranger, and they were sending them in to frighten him, he was sure-

Or maybe it was just early.

The poor clanmate earned a look of wild-eyed suspicion, but other than his usual teeth-gritted expression Twitchpaw did not seem to hold any animosity. Sidling over in a still-sleepy manner, the bristle-furred tom spat grog-croaked words out. "What are you doing?" His intention was not to have venom lace his words in accusation, but it came out that way anyway. He'd blame the early hour for any curtness- it wasn't him, it was the night-terrors!
penned by pin ✧
Fickle mind and fickle body, he rose and slept as he pleased. A habit maintained throughout kittenhood, and further still, through his time as a...clan cat (bitter sentiment on his tongue, acceptance came day by day...) And with this— his position; cozy so long as no skulls were cracked and no noses were a-dripping. In and out of sleep he eased; and with the groggy step into the clearing... A figure or two. One strange, another, not quite.

And what is he to think, when a ghoul manifests in the dead of night? (—well, perhaps not quite; but a sleep-addled brain chooses to interpret the darkness as such.) What is he to think amidst a mind-haze of mist and butterflies when the cursed little thing spits accusations like this...? A narrowed gaze— partly scrutiny and partly sleep-dizzy— lands on pale flanks, and, were it not for the question angled toward them, he wouldn't find a thing strange about them. But it seems, it seems... there was something about them the haunted did not like. The possibilities, the splendor...

He puffs his first breath of crisp, morning air. Steps are clumsy once he drags himself from his lair, and near immediately, he flops back down in a cascade of willow fur, belly-up, and the two of them are... upside-down. And from here... the cursed, nearly, his irritance could be reinterpreted... Maybe it wasn't the stranger who upset him so, but rather, his state of... upside-down-ness, jealousy. The thought has a giggle bubbling in his throat, though, it's groggy... tipsy-turvy, not quite right... ♪ "Hehe— mm-maybe they're... w-waiting on a wish... To wish the both of you right again, izzat it?" drawled with sleep-drunk words and a dreamy lilt...