private For the sake of us all [Retrieving moonstones]

It had been a long, difficult journey, made more complicated by the fact that Badgermoon had technically never been to the Moonstone before. Certainly he had dreamed of it, certainly he had fantasized about when it would be time for him to encounter the divine landmark - but that day had not come until now, and even still, they weren't actually going to the Moonstone itself. Today was not the day to dream with StarClan - it was time to hunt for rocks. It was an honor to gather the sacred stones with which they would bury their lost Clanmates, the black-and-white tomcat understood that, but his body ached from the travel and the raid on SkyClan, and it was difficult to suppress a feeling of frustration at being so close and yet so far. Badgermoon's round yellow eyes lingered hungrily on the entrance to the cavern as he and his patrol arrived at their destination, whiskers trembling with a mix of desire and awe at being so close to the very place where StarClan performed its miracles and sent its messages. Perhaps unnecessarily, the broad-shouldered cat mrowed, "We're here. Remember, whatever we pick up we've got to carry all the way home."

With that, he began to search for rocks that were ... well, something. He wasn't quite sure what they were looking for, exactly, but he was sure that he would know it when he found a suitably spiritual stone, one that was worthy of being placed upon the grave of a WindClanner. He did his best to keep an eye on his patrolmates, too, attempting to gauge how they were feeling about being chosen for this task and how the trip had treated them all. Hopefully the traveling herbs were doing enough to keep his Clanmates steady on their paws, and hopefully the importance of the place where they stood was impressed upon all of them. Perhaps he'd lead them in prayer before they departed.

@rainpaw @curlewnose @Firepaw @Juniperfrost @Spiderbloom
[ a continuation of this thread! sorry this is so late <3 ]
She's ecstatic when she's told to come with her mentor and the traveling group to the moonstone, it's an honor truly and if Rainpaw's loser ass wasn't dragged along to it would've been perfect but it's easy to ignore her especially when she knows that this sacred task was only trusted to those that were truly loyal and to prove herself she'd need to be on her best behavior. Better said then done but she was trying, she was far more focused anyway on just staying on her paws and keeping up with the group as they walked the painful stretch to the moon stone. Every obstacle they overcame was something she could brag about to the other apprentices when she returned, it'd make up for not being able to tear into Rainpaw. Crossing the thunderpath in particular had felt so monumental to her, the roar of those monsters as they ran down the black stone was like nothing she'd ever heard it was far more frightening then even the loudest thunderclap making her know exactly why the path was called what it was but she'd still had the bravery to race across it even with her fur prickled and heart racing she'd still done it and she'd do it again on the journey back. There was time to prepare for that though right now she's in the presence of something that just may rattle her even more, even outside of the cave that housed the moonstone she could still feel it's presence looming. Knew that Starclan must be here, must be watching. Her fur stands on end and whilst Badgermoon gives his orders she can't help but stare into the darkness drawn to it like her mentor was, it called out in a way luring her in but she had to refuse it. Both because she had a duty to accomplish and also her paws shivered where she stood as if wary of what her ancestors might see in her.

She turns her head reluctantly gulping down the indescribable weight she feels before pulling away from it's lull to go search for herself for the special rocks they were tasked to find. It seemed so vague to her, she had no clue what to look for would it just be any other normal looking rock or would it stand out to her? She doesn't just wanna pick any random one that looked like it could be found back in their own territory, that wouldn't be right wasn't a send off for Sunsetbreeze. For once Firepaw is silent as she scours around, eyes keen and vigilant as she pads along inspecting every rock she sees. ​

Her paws ached, but she was familiar with the feeling. She and Jasperglare had traveled far and wide before finding Gin's group, and then here. She had been mostly quiet on the trip here, having nothing to really say. Expressionless as always she scanned her surroundings, memorizing the route in case she needed to come back.

She didn't think she would ever come back again, but just in case, it was now sealed away in her mind.

She looked at the entrance to the moonstone, considering she was just foxlengths away from where cats spoke to the dead. She wasn't sure how to feel. Did they approve of her being here? She was a rogue before she was a Windclan cat. Did they scorn her, as so many clan cats had done before?

Her gaze drifted, looking for the stones they were supposed to retrieve. She didn't know what they looked like. So, she looked to her clanmates.

"What do these stones look like?" She asked.

She was curious. If she touched one, would she see them? These hallowed starry pelted cats? Would they speak to her?

What would she even say to them?? Sorry you died???

Perhaps it's best they didn't speak to her.

"leave those snails alone, they've got problems of their own"

Rocks. There were so many rocks that Curlew couldn’t keep them all in his albeit limited frame of view. The cats on either side of him did not seem as enthused by the stones as he was. Being the expert on pebbles and stones and rocks of all kinds, the tom quickly spotted the best ones for his clanmates on their way to Starclan.

”The smoother, the better,” he told Spiderbloom, grabbing another stone with deft paws. ”A smooth stone means a smooth trip to Starclan’s hunting grounds.” His ears perked up when he spotted a stone with a bright white band around it. The warrior picked it up in his mouth and brought it over to the she-cat. ”These are the best ones. They ensure our clanmates’ souls will come back to speak with us and guide us for generations.”

Curlew didn’t really know how he knew these things, but he knew in his gut that they were true. The stars seemed to twinkle more brightly here, and though he saw his clanmates drawn to the cave, he found his own eyes drawn to the rock and earth beneath his paws. Maybe it was true that tunnelers gave up their connection with the stars when they went underground, but Curlew believed that they instead found the light of their former clanmates in the places other cats would never think to look.

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He stalked in silence along behind the group, glancing around quietly for any stone that might look proper for the burial plots of their dead; something that reflected StarClan's shine from above and he wandered past Curlewnose to paw at a pile of rubble and lower his nose down to examine the cluster of rocks present there. Sunsetbreeze had been a difficult apprentice, kittypet born and he had quite literally had to beat the foolishness from him in their training; but eventually he'd become a proper warrior, skilled and loyal without question. If only SkyClan had instead killed one of the softhearted fools who did nothing but gripe and complain and not their warriors who dutifully walked their guided path. The blue ticked tom huffed, indignant with his thoughts and turned to pick a smooth rock up in his mouth to move back to the middle of the small clearing to drop and examine in a more proper light.
This one might be suitable. Or his eyes were getting bad as he got older, he hoped not. His father had gone blind young due to what he called blurry obstructions in his gaze, he'd described them as dark shapes that floated there before his eyes.