Where should I go now? The answer eluded her. If she could, she would return to the Ripple Colony, but such a group no longer existed. They became part of Riverclan and the thought of said clan brought bitterness. She only stood as long as she did because of her friends and family. Her former colonymates. Kaedem now dubbed Dawnstorm had been her most precious friend. No matter how much she waited just to catch a glimpse of him, he never showed up. Do you hate me now? She would never know. It was impossible to do so. If she tried she would be killed. Is it worth it? Or will it hurt him even more? She longed to see her friend, but she would loathe herself more if her death, her foolishness permanently scarred him for life. She was thankful he was not there when she fought against Willowroot. The senior warrior might have lost the battle, but she was not weak. The older warrior left her with jagged and horrid scars. In particular her stomach. How she survived she is unsure, but no hatred came whenever she looked upon her battle scars. How could she feel hatred?

Willowroot faced in combat with honor. Both of them were fully prepared to die in combat. The only thing that stopped her from killing Willowroot was the presence of her child. A child who yowled and rushed to attack her mother. Unlike the rogues, she still held morals. There was no honor in killing a parent in front a child, nor was there any when it came to killing a child in front of their parents. Because of her own code, she winded up having scars from said child as well. Does she regret it? Allowing the child to tear into her? Not at all. She didn't have to think twice about it really. And... I wonder if she passed my message to Kaede... Powerless she is to tell her friend herself, but if she had any wish in the universe it was to tell him that she was okay and that he should take care of himself.

Dangerous it was to remain near Riverclan all alone, so she departed on a journey to find Prickles. The tom had vanished after the battle, though she blames the chaos of battle to be separated from him. I hope he isn't dead. Eventually she found herself in the twoleg place. Such a strange world and even more dangerous than the one she had known before. What Prickles had taught her was not enough. Day after day she fought with other cats over scraps. Food was difficult and kittypets took one good look at her and were apprehensive or in some cases she was subjected to insults.

Every time she caught sight of a ginger tom she'd hoped it was her friend, but luck didn't favor her. With pronounced ribs and slightly tucked abdomen she found herself in search of scraps, anything really to satiate the hunger in her belly. So far it didn't go well, she winded up in another fight. Scratches littered her pelt and tufts of fur stuck out from her pelt. Tired paws took her to a nice patch of grass, unaware she was trespassing. Ah, let's take a little break. Aaah, the sun feels so nice. The tabby was unsure how long she had been laying there until she felt something nudge her. Eyes shoot open to face a possible opponent, "You're a pretty thing." Moronic. For her to blurt such a thing to a stranger who was undeniably pretty. Before she can further highlight her foolishness, her stomach growls.

"Awww crap." The tabby would rise to her paws and hiss in annoyance when she put weight on her left paw. "Hope that ain't lasting long." It almost appears as if the stranger beside her is forgotten until she turns to look the white cat once more. "Say, ya got any food? Or know a good spot to grab some grub? There's gotta be somethin' here."

// @YOKO places this gently
Her Twoleg is by far the nicest creature she's been living with since she was a kitten. Her Twoleg Mother was perfect for her, ever since she looked up at her Twoleg Mother from her spot in a (very uncomfortable) light brown nest as a young kitten. From that day on, she was dubbed as "Yoko", she didn't know the meaning behind the name but she liked it all the same.

His Twoleg Mother decorated her with different accessories and collars, speaking in soft foreign words. He'd picked up on bits and pieces of words like Food, Pretty, and Come Here. The basics. It's a warm presence when his Twoleg holds him up and lays him against her hind legs, while she click, clacks on some flat surface with weird looking doodles on them. He is content with living in his big den, with just her and him.

Though, on one wonderful evening she was up in her tall indoor tree that was settled in her den. She heard the tall-tale signs of her Mother returning from a long day of whatever she was doing. She had leapt off her tree, with graceful paws and trotted to the door with a smile. She halted as her owner pushed open the flat surface, holding a naked paw attached to… a twoleg? She was surprised at first, don't get her wrong but her Mother and another Twoleg at that? And they were both female as well? She didn't get it at first, her Mother and this weird Twoleg with doodles decorating her forelimbs, naked faces smashing together, embracing each other. It was odd for a couple of days.

Yoko eventually grew to like her Mother’s mate, she was a joy to be around. He liked meowing up at her for food, and staking his claim of her by rubbing his pale feathery body against her legs. She was nice too, giving him scratches and giving him gifts. He especially liked his black spiky collar gift, though it was uncomfortable to wear while sleeping. It was nice.

Today, while her owners were out she grew bored. She didn't want to play with her toys for right now, she wanted to go explore beyond the painted fence that obscured her vision of branches and blooming undergrowth. So, adorned with a blue bow around her neck she squeezed her way through the flaps of her cat door. Feeling the sunbeams touch down on her pale furred figure, she languidly stretched out. The molly flicked a tufted ear, as she heard a rustle from her yard. With knitted brows in confusion on What or who? was in her Garden?

He decided to investigate the source of this strange dilemma. With soft tufted paws, he pushed himself forward with perked ears as he stutters out a small. "H-hello?" The feathered tom was nervous.. what if this thing will hurt him?!

He padded towards the source, eventually coming across the one who trespassed his Garden. Yoko nearly leapt out of his own fur at seeing the ragged, gaunt tabby that was laid on the ground. Scrunching his pink nose up at the scent of stink. She never went a day without grooming her pelt, but this? This is just wrong. Studying the tufts of fur and scratches along the figure of the unknown tabby, she gathered that this cat... was injured and hungry. Of course, laying an eye on this injured stranger was proof enough.

She cautiously moved forward, blue and green eyes trained on the stranger. He lifted a tufted paw to nudge at the cat. "Excuse m-me stranger, are you alright?" Speaking softly, he waited for an answer from the prone figure. And an answer he'll get.

He flinches as the tabby's eyes shot open, fur along her back rose up as he let his odd-colored eyes train on the tabby who awoke. She lets out a squeak in surprise, as the stranger called him pretty? He closed his eyes and lets out a breath to calm himself down from the scare the tabby made. He thought the cat was dead! "T-thank you...?" He responded to the nice? compliment, with a small dusting of pink across his face. A tufted ear flicked as she heard the grumble of the other's stomach.

Watching the tabby rise onto her paws with a hiss. His brows knitted with worry, if the stranger was this injured he had to help right? Sweeping his plumed tail along the dewy grass, he blinks at the tabby's question about food. He nods once, before speaking with a shuffle of his paws. "Of c-course! I've got food, My Mother j-just refilled it in my bowl this morning. B-before she and her mate left." His maw curves up in a small smile towards the injured tabby. "L-lean on me, if you can m-manage. Let's get you something to e-eat friend." She moves to stands next to the stranger, so the cat can lean on her. After a moment or two, they were off padding towards his cat door.

  • no ref yet </3
  • ( N-no, don't b-be silly! ) YOKO.
    bigender ; SHE / HE ; 23 MOONS & AGES EVERY 15TH.
    — resident of the twoleg place | kittypet-born
    — single / bisexual, poly / sort of looking / open to crushes & romance
    — a longhaired white feline with heterochromic eyes
    thoughts ; "Speech, EBD4D4" ; attacks only
    — may powerplay minor harm ╱ peaceful and healing powerplay permitted
    — smells of peach syrup & faint undertone of strawberries
    — all opinions are ic

    biography / @ on discord for plots
    — penned by calzone