
Dusk coats the sky in deep hues of dusty purple and pink, spreading over the moors like a blanket. By now, most creatures would be retreating back to their dens, their warrens. They would be starting to wind down for the night. Cats back at camp would be settling down too, sharing a meal and tongues, talking about their goings ons that day with their loved ones. That's where she wants to be right now, in the nest she shared with Scorchstreak running her tongue across dirty tortoiseshell fur and telling her mate all bout her day. But instead she was here. On patrol. To the clan she despised more than any other. She does not complain though, not when it was her own mate who had sent her here. It was with good reason, at least. She trusted her not to cause trouble and therefor there would be no trouble to be had. At least, not unless their fishy neighbors decided to start some themselves.

"You lot keeping up okay back there or do I need to slow down for the way home?" she says, looking over her shoulder with a teasing smile as she slows to a trot. Featherpaw was more than okay, shes certain. She had seen to it that her apprentice kept fit while she trained under her. No apprentice of hers would ever be caught slowing down a patrol, not if she could help it. But she could not say the same for some others.

As they draw closer to the RiverClan border, her scrappy tail sways methodically back and forth, her golden eyes scan the distant reeds on the opposite river bank for any sign or scent of a RiverClan patrol. "Remember, we're just here to mark the border and leave. Don't start any trouble but if they give it don't be afraid to return it" she quips, though she trusts the two warriors she was with not to go out of their way to antagonize the cats across the way.

RiverClan however... she could never be certain what they would do next.

// This takes place before the WindClan may meeting!

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  • d8xs4yJ.jpeg
    A small framed moor runner with a blue toned pelt and black stripes. Her tail is cropped and her eyes are golden in color. On her chest, she sports a large 'X' shaped scar.
    Difficult in battle. A skilled fighter + isn’t above using dirty tricks in order to win

Wheat-tinged eyes watched dusk settle into gloaming, as though the preliminary colors of night dripped onto the moor's shadows, roosting into the golden spotting of Celandinepaw's pelt. She felt fatigue prick at the ends of her eyes, and perhaps she would rather be curled up in the warmth of her peers rather than on the dusk patrol. Or, better yet, buried within the hays and the hearth of the Horseplace. "I'm fine." She chirped from behind Bluepool, like her cadence had been as sprightly and light-touched as the sundown itself, dulled yet never broken in candor. She kept close to Dimmingsun, though stopped at Bluepool's signal. It was the pungent scent of fish that hit her senses first, a wave of aroma that she didn't exactly like - it was too... fishy, for lack of a better word. Golden-hued molly stared at the flittering stream, the water almost quieted as though it ebbed in its power, and Celandine hoped its silenced voice was no portent sign of misfortune. Riverclan was nice, right? At least, Reedstrike was. She mused that those that dwelled upon the other side of the bank would understand that the Windclan patrol was simply passing through.

Dimmingsun stifles any feelings of insult, pushing it down and squeezing it into oblivion before it can even think to flare up. He's glad, really; Scorchstreak had assigned him to patrol (he certainly does not envy her first time doing so in her new position) and thus, evidently, thought him capable of such. It feels he can breathe again with the chance of keeping watch of their borders bestowed upon him, like he isn't just forced into a tiny corner of the world and expected to comply. Bluepool is just being polite.

"All good here," he assures her and means it, not wishing to meet Wolfsong's wrath if someone were to suspect a bluff and yap on him.

He certainly doesn't plan on antagonizing the rival Clan when his own is still heavily in recovery, but he dips his head respectfully to Bluepool, letting her know she doesn't need to worry about him in particular. Featherpaw might possess a tongue as sharp as a thorn, but he knows she is no fool. Redheart's mellow personality contradicts any notion of picking a fight.

And Celandinepaw... "You okay?" She did say she's fine, but Dimmingsun is curious about her abrupt stop. "Don't like the smell? Can't say I blame you. Just try not to wrinkle your muzzle if we meet a patrol... it's probably a sore spot for anyone."

Featherpaw was no fan of the RiverClan stench, either... though in her life she'd had more bad experiences with ThunderClan warriors, it was no secret that the fish-feasting Clan was no great ally of theirs. Bluepool's teasing question was tossed out to the followers, and Featherpaw gave his mentor a sharp look... "It would b-b-be a great failure of your teaching if my stamina was so p-puh... poor this close to my warrior ceremony," the marbled tabby retorted. Though her voice was as steely as ever, there was something akin to humour buried in her sharp eyes. The respectful sort of despairing she often readily offered her mentor.

There was no intention to cause trouble... though Bluepool shoudl know by now he had a skin thick enough to deal with it, and fangs sharp enough to teach them a lesson. Whether RiverClan would greet them kindly was yet to be seen... but was unlikely. A history under iron claws would ensure that, no doubt.
✦ penned by pin
They were happy to be out of the den for, even if it was at a less-than-desirable time. Redheart was eager to exercise their new responsibilities and help out. Quietly, the ruddy warrior followed at the tail end of the patrol, keeping his green gaze fixed on the back of Bluepool's head as she navigated them closer to the Riverclan border. Eventually, the distant reeds grew closer, and his nose crinkled, mirroring Dimmingsun's half-hearted reminder to the apprentice and thankful that there were no Riverclanners in sight so far. Maybe this will be a pleasant event for a change.

Much like his fellow patrolmates, the stench of fish was less than appealing, but a part of him was glad to be in a somewhat less hostile patrol for a change. "Looks like we're all on our A-game, hm?" They remarked once they began to slow their roll. He caught the others' playful grin, eliciting a deadpan remark from Featherpaw. Bemused by the jest, the tabby smiled back and rolled his eyes, his tail swaying aimlessly as the group moved along the familiarly well-trodden path. Hopefully, the far more serious paw' wouldn't send a scary glare his way for chuckling at the comical transaction.

  • 9OYSQUJ.png
    redkit, redpaw, redheart
    maine coon/somali mix, lh red ticked tabby
    amab, cis male, he/him, 11 moons
    ex-kittypet, moor runner of windclan, mentor to TBD
    pansexual/romantic, single, crushing on rivewhisper
    G1, adopted by venomstrike + rattleheart
    "speech", thoughts, powerplay
    peaceful and healing powerplay accepted
    penned by tasmagoric, tags, heartchart, art
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