Forestshade’s Apprentice (CLOSED ShC kit adopt)

Blitz Krieg

alpha and omega moonlight howl
Jun 7, 2022
Hello! I will keep this super brief, I’m wanting a plot character for my ShadowClan warrior Forestshade. Below are the requirements:
  • Must be 4 moons old and a kit; will be apprenticed immediately at upcoming meeting
  • Gender or appearance does not matter; their family is also completely up to you! They can be NPCs, dead, or adopted out by you
  • The main requirement is your character must show promise as a talented hunter. The plot revolves around Forestshade hand-picking your character to be her apprentice and requesting this from Chilledstar, whose roleplayer I’ve gotten permission from to do this. Due to her blindness, Forestshade isn’t all that great a fighter for obvious reasons. She’ll throw her weight around in spars but your character shouldn’t be all that great at fighting, just like her. However, she is a highly skilled huntress who will pick your character from the nursery specifically because she sees (figuratively) greatness in them. She will teach your apprentice to use their ears, nose, and whiskers instead of relying solely on sight! At first, she will be too tough and controlling, but eventually comes to realize that this is suffocating to her apprentice, just how she was suffocated by her parents and by Chilledstar (early on in her apprenticeship). She loosens up and allows them to learn at their own pace. It will also be a plot point that she still trains her apprentice against societal standards when she should be in the nursery, as she will become pregnant soon. This could be a fun plot point with whoever is their temporary mentor, and she will pick back up their training full time when her kits are apprenticed.
  • With this pairing I’d like to tag your character in all out of camp threads and I’d like you to do the same thing! Forestshade will also not really care if they leave camp without a bit, but if it gets to the point where she’s getting a bad mentor reputation for it she’ll put a stop to it. Her rep matters to her!
  • Please remain active at least casually. If you go inactive for at least a month I have all rights to rehome this apprentice slot and backwrite it with a different character, but I REALLY don’t want to do this for continuity purposes so please only apply if you are positive you can remain at least semi-active and have plans to play this character into warriorhood!
  • This is not first come first serve, as I want it to be a good fit. You may apply with whatever form you like, and I will pick in just a day or two!
Again, sorry this is brief and not pretty, I just wanted to get out a casual adopt for this plot point!
NO PREVIOUS NAMES ORCHIDKIT: she / they; other gender stuff, sexuality if you want – scrawny little cinnamon smoke with low white, blue eyes - look at them long enough and they appear violet in the shadow-y overcast.

─ 4 moons: ROSESKY xx SAGEPOND; sibling to tulipkit (not terribly close) ; born and raised in shadowclan . no heavy opinion on other clans but would rather avoid them all together

✦ anxious, shy ✽ kind, loving ✽ people-pleaser orchid is more of a background character in her own life rather than a protagonist. she takes great measures to avoid most cats, even her sister, often choosing to remain on the side lines even during moments that are supposed to be for her. they don't mind this and in fact quite enjoy having the attention on others, often playing by herself and pretend-stalking her mothers tail. a coward at heart, orchid would run away from the first sign of trouble by either shutting down or crying, often annoying their peers and the adults around them. despite their anxiety issues, orchid tries her best to be a good cat with good upstanding moral values, but with being so young it means shes still malleable; who knows what she could be taught?

─ tends to latch on to others that show kindness, hoping i can show this by getting her in to the wrong crowd just VERY briefly
─ genuinely means the best & would love forests kits, see herself as a "i have to show them the ropes" type
─ forest not being able to fight fantastically would be a huge relief off of orchids back, as they're deathly afraid of pain & inflicting it on others
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Fallowkit Fallowpaw Fallowsuffix
— Owl; his mothers favorite animal //kit; rank of the clan
— AFAB Transmaculine He/they // Bisexual Panromantic Monogamist
— 4 months // ages at players descretion
— Apprentice of Shadowclan

— only living child
MATE one
— mother/father/parent one one
— previously mentored no one
— mentored by Forestshade

A cinnamon tabby with high white and a bobbed tail.
— Fallowkit is very small, being the runt of the litter and all that. He stands at about 4 inches high and weighs maybe a few pounds soaking wet. He is a short furred cat with cinnamon tabby pattern across his body. White covered under his chest, belly and legs and a little dash of it on his bobbed tail. He also has these pretty, mossy green eyes. reference
— carries solid, point, bobbed tail, dilute
— No scars or visible injuries
— Cerebal hypoplasia


— Fallowkit is an unusual little guy. He tends to keep to himself and tries to not be super social with everyone around him, prefering to just watch things go about the clan. It is like he knows more than he lets on but never says otherwise. Fallowkit though shows prospect of being an excellent hunter despite his wobbly nature, it seems if he can focus enough he can do it. With a slight obession with the dead and what lays beyond, he is a myserious guy with a grey moral compass.
May develop Cabrgas syndrome

talents, experience? what are they good at?
what are they poor at, or dislike doing?
peaceful and healing powerplay allowed!
smells like moss and water
sounds like salad fingers
— penned by [you!]
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Closing this!!! Thank you both for applying :D I have decided to go with Orchidkit as I think the dynamic between blunt Forest and a super shy little apprentice will be very interesting!! I’d still LOVE to see Fallowkit in ShadowClan, though!!
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