development forever a lost boy at last // disappearance

Dec 1, 2022

oddfish & 12 moons & agender & it/its/they/them & riverclan warrior

Oddfish has always been a strange creature - from the moment they'd arrived in riverclan, a wriggling bundle of kitten found tangled in twoleg trash by the riverside. Not that oddpaw really remembers any of that - it hadn't been till they were much older that the nursery queens had explained it's strange origins, that they'd understood why they'd never had a mom, but many instead. Oddfish has always been, well, odd.

With spiky fire-and-ice coat, and wide yellow eyes, they've posed a striking figure amungst their clanmates with fish-sleek coats and river-tinted pelts. Gangling legs carry them at a toddle across land, clumsy an inept even now that they've grown. But they'd never questioned that they belonged in riverclan - how could they, when the water was their home? Sleek and graceful in the water, agile beneath the waves in a way they'd never be when dry.

They'd joked once, that maybe they should've been born a fish instead.

These are the thoughts that haunt oddfish's mind when it's quiet. And when the creature lies awake at night, it finds itself asking why it stays, when it is so strange. They've always been impulsive - actions spurred on by a sense of wonder and whimsy many of it's clanmates don't seem to share. Strange mumblings are the only warning anyone gets - but then again, that's just how oddfish is.

They simply vanish - not in the dead of night, but the light of day. One moment, it's business as usual - patrols assigned, oddfish toddling off on mismatched limbs.Their lack of presence only notable by the sudden silence, not even a goodbye spared for it's siblings. Perhaps they simply wander off, perhaps they planned it all along - but they don't return. They're simply... gone.

  • Actions && "Speech," && ' Thoughts/Quotes '

    ooc: bby deserved some closure! TL:DR lil mans is gone forever and it's up to your interpretation what you think happened to them! NGL even IDK
    tw/cw: —
  • a striking rosetted tom with a pelt the color of fire and ice and wide round golden eyes. it's gait is awkward and strange, legs moving stiffly as it toddles about, but it seems to swim gracefully within the water. it often speaks in the third person, puzzling others with it's strange riddles and whimsical words.

    physically easy && mentally medium
    non-violent powerplay allowed && healing powerplay allowed && minor injury powerplay not-allowed
    please attack using [b][color=#ffdb58]action here[/color][/b] and tag account

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It wasn't that odd... that strangeness that wandered around in tones of sunlight on unsteady toes. It will be sought after in quiet moments when the air is too frigid for cowardly tongues. And when that cheery, silly voice does not return to them after a typical afternoon spent fishing, they notice it.

"No one was supposed to go off on their own- how can Oddfish be missing?" Her exhaustion breeds impatience... and losing a competent warrior in the haze of drifting snow when winter had come upon them was a curse. "Look again, I want them found." It was hard to trace tracks already covered by fresh flurries... where the dampness of the powder made scents hard to detect. Trudging through the chill until it felt like her paws would fall off, there was not a trace of evidence to any struggle...

It was as if StarClan themselves had plucked it out of their view... had cradled it in their arms like a long-lost toy. Having to report it was an even more abysmal task, standing amongst a crowd of warriors who had known it... who had loved that odd, little fish. And to have no answers... no closure. Maybe it had been one of those snow pits, a mound of the white landscape looking more sturdy underfoot just to swallow them whole without a sound. Or maybe... maybe it had taken to its name and returned the river peacefully. Sunk to the bottom to hibernate for a winter trapped beneath ice.

A fish suspended only in memory now.



Something was stirring in the center of camp. The silvery molly had become too familiar with the scent and taste of unease to ignore it when several warriors, her mate among them, returned to camp with sour, lost faces. Hazecloud blinked as she looked between each cat accounted for, not realizing the absence of a particular tom yet.

Oddfish had been polite in the brief moments they interacted. In particular when he and Crappiepatch had held a contest of holding their breath underwater. Her and Lichentail remaining on the sidelines to jump in if they stayed under too long, and Dogteeth as their judge.

"What's wrong?" She asked, tail flicking to shake off the contagious worry. No signs of scratches or bites, so no fights occurred. "What happened out there?"

she appears around hazecloud’s forelimbs, a slight lean bringing her shell - cracked face into the pale glimmer light of outside. snow continues to fall, and for a moment, the girl is too distracted by the sight to understand the queen’s rousing worry. her ears perk when she speaks, however — whipping her little skull around to gaze upwards at the blue molly with her usual wide - eyed, straight - lipped stare. she asks the warriors outside questions, and as she does, she whips back around to do the same. the molly stands (it makes her look more official ), looking for all purposes like a snowball on trembling white stems, ” yeah.. w’as wrong? “ she mimics, dove wing soft and breathy where it leaves anemic pale lips.

lichentail is out there, she sees. a stubby tail lifts half in excited, kitlike, greeting — that was hazecloud’s mate — and half in pointed expectancy. she wanted to know what happened out there too!

  • i. CRIES ODDFISH !!!

  • IMG_3104.png

    delicate lilac - striped molly with sugarplum eyes she is pallid ; platinum splotched with ribbons of shell - touched cream, wisped ends like memories of a distant shore. feather breath and elderdown fur conceals a body worn fragile by tumultuous youth, too thin in some places and round with baby fat in others. her face is short - muzzled, framed half mast by eyes coined warm, sugared amber.

    currently exhibiting symptoms of whitecough. this includes a running nose, wheezing, sluggishness, and labored breathing. please keep contagion in mind.

“No one was supposed to go off on their own,” Lichentail says, but Iciclefang can only shrug as the bearer of bad news. “Well. Oddfish did.” It’s spoken tersely. “I didn’t see them leave.” And really, who could account for the comings and goings of a strange feline like Oddfish? They were a warrior grown, not a fragile kit. Iciclefang half-wonders if they’d simply chosen to abandon their Clan. Or, more likely, the poor thing had wandered too close to Twolegs and had suffered a similar fate to Robinpaw, Ashpaw, or Boneripple. She does not verbalize this concern aloud—the deputy looks frazzled by the news as it is, even as Hazecloud and little Shellkit exit the nursery to inquire about the situation.

The tortoiseshell does not sugarcoat it. She looks the queen and the child dead in the eye and says, quiet, “Oddfish disappeared. We can’t find them anywhere.” She flicks her pale gaze back to Lichentail and dips her head. “We’ll search again. Surely they’ll turn up.” In her head, she again questions the futility of the efforts going toward searching for a grown warrior—but even she has to admit she’s worried for the quiet feline. It’s leafbare, and though many prey animals are holed up away from the snow, there are still predators skulking about the riverlands.

, ”

In his time- and his time had no been a very long one, admittedly- enough cats had gone missing for Ferngill to recognise the unique sort of panic. Gloompaw, still unfound, stuck out in his memory above many others. When his attention wandered toward his hoard, Ferngill thought of the baby tooth she had given him, swept away by the river and buried in obscurity.

Iciclefang's words were as clear-cut and sharp as her name, and Ferngill looked toward her unable to had the wobble of worry in his eye. With something like this, there wasn't any solace- it was easy, so easy, to think about every possibility. Oh, and Shellkit, he didn't want to panic her. A wobbling smile found its place on his lips, falling to the kitten. "Iciclefang's right. They'll show up. It'll..." A forceful swallow- the dryness of his throat was making his words a little too unsteady. "It'll be alright."

Ferngill had never really been a good liar. His attention flickered between his sister and Lichentail, searching for answers they did not have. "I'll help look," he volunteered, a little too frantically.
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