camp forever is the sweetest con [napping]

Clay remembers everything.

From the first time he’d seen blue-swirled fur and kind yellow eyes, to the time they’d sat huddled on a riverbank trying to catch fish, all the way up to the time they’d spent curled up in peaceful bliss while rain beat down upon their temporary shelter.

Some cats would call it a gift, to remember all of it as clearly as he does. Clay thinks it’s a curse. It’s hard, these days, for him to feel normal. To feel… anything. If he could just forget, he wouldn’t have to feel this everything and nothing all at once. But forgetting would be losing Clearsight entirely, and for good.

He doesn’t realize he’s drifting off until he wakes up, groggy and disoriented. Blearily he blinks, looking around to find himself in the boughs of one of the beech trees surrounding their temporary camp. His pale muzzle stretches wide in a yawn, but the tom doesn’t get up yet. Maybe a nap, even an accidental one, could do him good. Glancing down, he spots a couple clanmates, and tilts his head to the side in bemusement. "Hey, guys. How’d I get up here?"

Petalnose did not quite know what the matter was with Clayfur, since she remembered being here- she just assumed the Tom was just a sad being. It still make her questioning mind spin of the why. Why was he so sad when she had asked an update of the clan when she made her way back home? Maybe it was Windclan. But he had to have lost someone to be that upset. She knew that personally she wouldn't be upset, just on edge. However, questioning mind or not, she wasn’t going to poke and prod at him. She would figure it out eventually without bothering him, she was skilled at that. One way or another she’d eventually figure it out. Petalnose knew how it was to just break in front of her clan, the night of her poisoning. It was embarrassing and she was extremely fragile at the time. Grieving for her loss… then grieving for her memory. Her identity.

She had originally ached for the opposite of Clayfur. She wanted to know who she was, what connections with which characters she had. Everything. She knew nothing. But now that she had know a small serving size of how she was when she was younger- what she had caused. She wanted to go back to knowing nothing. Both were torment to her. But one caused guilt, more grief and pain.

Climbing was surely not her thing, she remembered Crappiepaw and Ravenpaw being her witnesses. Her nail had seemed to be on the verge of being as long as the others but it was still cut short. Her ears twitched with alarm as she heard a voice from above her, her eyes widening. She looked up and then they narrowed with curiosity. She tipped her head to the side. “I’m asking the same.” The tabby patched molly said with a raise of her brow. “I don’t think I’ve seen a Riverclanner achieve such thing.” She made her way closer to the tree, “Have fun getting down!” She joked as if she would leave him, however, she lifted her front paws and planted them on the tree, seeing if she could help the other on the way down. She’d definitely either take another fall or get stuck up their with him if it came to the requirements of actually going up to fetch him. Her ears flicked in annoyance to herself. How useless she’d feel in that situation. Calling for help was something she struggled with.

SKY HIGH"Maybe a bird dropped you off up there, haha!" Crawlingroach quipped as he padded his way over to the tree so he could peer up at Clayfur. It was certainly an unusual place to be, and even more unusual to hear the other feline not knowing how they got there. "Are ya feeling okay, Clayfur? Weren't doing a spot of sleep-climbing were ya?" Now that would be something interesting to see! Though that would rapidly make it a medicine cat problem.

Unlike Petalnose he wasn't particularly keen on attempting the ascent. Nope! The ground was just fine by him! If they wanted to get stuck in a tree then they would be doing so without him. Instead he opted to sit himself down so he could watch the potential show, and also to ensure that no one landed on top of him.
The first of the cats below to respond is Petalnose, and her initial words cause a furrow to crease the space between his brows. She’s never seen a RiverClanner in a tree? He’s reminded, then, of the brown and white warrior’s memory issues, and frowns. She jokes, wishes him good luck on getting down, and he shrugs in return. "It’s no biggie, I can get down just fine," he assures her—he’d hate to worry the she-cat. She’s got plenty of her own problems to worry about without him adding to them, he thinks. And besides, he can get down, he just doesn’t know when or how he got up here.

Crawlingroach, who doesn’t seem as keen on lending aid as Petalnose is, pops his own joke that a bird might have dropped him off up here. But then he asks whether Clay’s okay—a resounding no, obviously—and whether he was sleep-climbing. At this point, he’s willing to believe it. Did he come up here while he was sleeping, or before? "I, uh… I don’t know?" He rolls to allow a white paw to hang down from the branch, swinging lightly back and forth. "I feel like… like shit, actually. Maybe I should just go back to sleep; d’you think I’d fall if I did?" Maybe he’d hit his head and lose his memory, like Petalnose had. He wonders if she’s happier, now, without all her memories of what happened in the past.

Petalnose’s frame of reference may be limited by her memories, but she’s on the right track when she comments on the rarity of tree-climbing Riverclanners. Although not an impossibility, it certainly seems to be an activity they are more than happy to leave to Skyclan and their ilk. After all, who needs to rise above the ground when they can sink below the waves?

Snakeblink is biased here; he learned to swim before he knew how to hunt. But Clayfur wasn’t born to the riverlands, was he? It figures that a pine cat such as him would feel as comfortable in the treetops as he does in the water.

”Let’s not put that hypothesis to the test,” he says breezily in response to Clayfur wondering if he’d be at risk of falling if he went back to sleep. He got up there without meaning to — what’s to say his brain won’t decide to climb down while he’s unconscious? That sounds like a nasty fall waiting to happen, and they have their fair share of amnesiac cats already. It would be a shame to add Clayfur to that very select club.

He eyes the tree critically as he circles it to come sit under Clayfur. Could he get up there? Probably. But like Crawlingroach, he’s not keen on trying.

——————————————————————————————————— so god damn lonely

  • Snakeblink • he / him. 40 ☾, riverclan warrior
    — a sleek, skinny tabby with long ears and a scar over his right eye.
    — gay, not actually evil, penned by @Kangoo