camp forever young // mossball

A few final touches and his nest was finally finished with entirely fresh bedding. It had been overdue, and compared to how it had formerly looked it certainly held a more liveable presentation now. A minor treat to himself, just something small that surely his back and hips would be thankful for. The clean up followed after of course and he quietly carried the clumps of old bedding away for disposal just outside the camp until all he had left was a ball of moss. A tantalising desire filled him as he gazed upon it, and soon enough he caved to temptation.

Sunnyday carried the ball of moss to a quiet corner of the camp's clearing so he could amuse himself by batting the ball between his front paws. Though his play eventually grew more vigorous and eventually a smack sent the moss ball bouncing a distance away. A chirp escaped him as he leapt to his paws so he could pursue the object, but someone was quicker and reached it first. Sunnyday slid to a halt in an instant and crouched down low in submission, though his gaze remained locked on the moss ball with a sense of longing.

sleekpaw & 06 moons & genderfluid & he/she/they & thunderclan apprentice

In all honesty, sleekpaw isn't quite sure what has gotten into him - he's to old for kitten games after all, he's an apprentice now. If her parents were around, she'd certainly get an earful for her disgraceful behavior.. but they aren't. With a flicker of motion in their peripherals, pale figured feline is darting forwards before they even realize it, one soft paw smacking down upon - oh, it's a mossball. Baby blue eyes blink, startled, and turn to find sunnyday, uncertain. "Erm -" he starts, before deciding the best course of action is to simply swatt it back in the warriors direction, and hope he's not too upset at the interruption. It'd just been too tempting.

  • Actions && "Speech," && ' Thoughts/Quotes '

    ooc: —
    tw/cw: —
  • a small and effeminate apprentice with pale pinkish cream fur and baby blue eyes. sleekpaw comes across as quiet and aloof towards most, though he shows a softer side around the nursery queens and his mentor. she seems to care little for anything outside of training, apprentice duties, and her appearance. they seem strangely silent on the topic of borders however, and even shiftier about anything concerning cross clan relationships.

    physically easy && mentally hard
    non-violent powerplay allowed && healing powerplay allowed && minor injury powerplay allowed
    please attack using [b][color=mistyrose]action here[/color][/b] and tag account

Stormpaw was resting near Sleekpaw, eyes half-closed until a sudden movement caught her eye in her peripheral. Instinctively, she reached out to tap it, but Sleekpaw beat her to it. She glanced up to follow what she assumed was its previous trajectory and nearly startled out of her fur seeing Sunnyday not far off in a crouch.

"Uh hey," The apprentice mewed awkwardly. He was not looking at the two apprentices, but instead the ball, and Stormpaw felt hot under her fur as she struggled to find the right method to go about this. She was not fond of Sunnyday due to Sandpaw's injury. And while she could understand the pull and tug of wanting to chase after mossballs, she was training to be a warrior. She was no kit.

"Better not let anyone else see you with it." She remarked rather coldly.


The warrior was on the mossball in an instant when Sleekpaw swatted it back to him, though he didn't return to his private game. Instead he found himself looking between the pair of apprentices with a sense of uncertainty. Though Stormpaw's words had him feeling somewhat... confused. Was it directed at him, or at Sleekpaw? And why shouldn't anyone see them with a mossball? "Why?" The question was genuine because he truly didn't understand why it would be a problem.

Though something hadn't missed his attention; the fact that instinct to pounce on moving objects was driven deep into both apprentices. So... why shouldn't he have some fun abusing that? After sitting up from the submissive crouch, he then waited a few seconds before batting the mossball in Stormpaw's direction.
"There is nothing wrong with playing with a mossball." Barleypaw stated, rather matter of fact, her front paws diving onto the ball, to stop it as it rolled across the ground. A small hum of a purr came from her chest as the older apprentice swiped rather hardly back towards Sunnyday.

"If you think about it? It can be like a training exercise in itself. Why do you think kits play it? I think exercises agility and well, I think it's helped me be on the way to learning about catching running prey." She wasn't sure if her answer was spot on, but, her voice was soft and just trying to help.

"It's called fun," she purred, olive eyes just trying to make the warrior feel better, as well as the other apprentices. There should be nothing shameful about playing with mossballs.
Stormpaw blinked back at the warrior. Perhaps if it were any other warrior, she could have been less cold, and there was a brief flash of guilt within her as she realized she was treating him rather unfairly from an outsider's perspective. Then, abruptly, she reminded herself of Sandpaw and Howlingstar and she sniffed, making her choice to stand firm. Sunnyday was a warrior, but he was the only one Stormpaw felt comfortable in talking back to simply because of his history and standing with Howlingstar.

"Yes, but you just looked... ridiculous." She murmured. "You weren't even looking at me or Sleekpaw." Her instincts would cause her to snap at anything that moved quickly—but once she realized it was a game, and saw the way Sunnyday was crouching, she no longer felt it was worth her time. Did others think the same? Barleypaw did not, and Stormpaw allowed the apprentice to take over the mossball after Sunnyday batted it to her.

Quietly, the tricolor apprentice excused herself and began to leave.​

Another apprentice caught the mossball, Barleypaw, one of the youths he didn't know all too well. Though given that his time spent with apprentices was heavily limited it was genuinely hard to get to know any of them, especially when he actively tried to avoid them on top of that. She made some good points about the importance of play and he found himself nodding along in agreement. A paw reached out to stop the mossball as it was returned his way, though before he could make another attempt to coax Stormpaw into possibly joining the game she took her leave after sharing her final thoughts. A frown hung heavy on his features as he watched her head away, and he wished that he could explain why he hadn't looked at them at first. "It's because I'm scared... I don't know where to look... I just wanted to keep playing..."

The playful mood only seemed to wilt further, but it wasn't entirely gone. A part of him still hoped that maybe, just maybe, Barleypaw and perhaps even Sleekpaw would be inclined to keep going. So taking a chance he once again batted the mossball back towards the apprentices with a slither of hope.
WE'RE GETTING LOST! Sunnyday had caught side of Killdeercry's defense before, though not directly to be exact. At one time he had been her sisters friend, though the warrior did not foresee her going to such lengths for the tom again. That was a kindness she gave only once, and she hoped if Crowflower still saw herself as a friend to the tom she would do the work herself such a situation occurred again.

Still, going out of her way to be nasty to her Clanmates was simply not in her interest. Raccoonstripe maybe, when she believed he genuinely deserved it, but otherwise provoking fights was not common.

She emerged from the warriors den to collect her apprentices and, seeing them interact with Sunnyday, she quietly lingered. Semi-protective of them when around the tom, but also curious to see how they would react. She was pleasantly unsurprised, making a smile on it's way across her maw. Sleekpaw indulging in the moment of play, and Barleypaw speaking to lighten up the mood in the face of Stormpaw's judgement.

"Thank you for being polite, you two." Killdeercry didn't think Stormpaw's words were too scathing, truthfully. Perhaps unwarranted when the older tom was simply entertaining himself, but she wouldn't scold her. That was up to Owlear anyhow.

"If it's something to chase that you're looking for, why don't we play a game outside? One of you hides and the other tracks you down, sound good?"— tags