pafp FORGED IN THE FLAMES [ ✦ ] scuffle


just pretend . 𓆩♡𓆪
Nov 8, 2023

Blazingpaw has always seemed to have a problem with her. Today, though, she was not in the mood for banter, wasn't in the mood to be on the receiving end of that sharp tongue. Her parents still hadn't come home. She hadn't slept at all that night, too consumed with worry and too busy with watching the entrance of the camp to sleep. She's in a bad mood today, cranky from lack of sleep, on edge because her parents are gone. It all comes to a head when, finally, in the quiet hours of the morning, she finds herself drifting off to sleep. That is, until moments later when she is jolted awake by a sharp pain in her tail. Immediately, she shoots up, a cry of pain escaping from her lips.

More surprised than she is actually hurt, she immediately pulls her aching tail closer to her and then whirls on the cat who had done it, only to come face to face with none other than Blazingpaw himself. "You!" she cries out, stepping forward, closer to him "What in StarClan's name is your problem?" he has always been so mean to her and she doesn't understand why. What had she ever done to him? "Your WindClan side is showing" she regrets those bitter words the second they spill from her mouth, but she doesnt back down. The adults had said that WindClan was mean, and Blazingpaw was mean so that must be where he gets it from right?

// please wait for @BLAZINGPAW

THERE WILL COME A SOLDIER — Admittedly the red tabby tom had been too distracted by apprentice banter and chattering that he hadn't realized where he was heading, his eyes bright with eagerness to go out of camp and he daydreams about catching his first prey or climbing the highest tree in Skyclan. His big paws bouncing and dancing upon the snowy ground of camp unable to peel that toothy grin from his maw as he speaks with a nod of his helm "I'm super excited for my first day out, I know it'll be great." His ire towards Springpaw absolutely forgotten after they had moved into dens and already settled into their new surroundings, feathered ears pricked forward as he begins to excitedly talk about how he would actually get to see a porcupine in person soon unaware of the danger it presented. He hadn't been paying attention to where he was going and soon thrilled stomping of his paws met with the tail of Springpaw, he was immediately alerted of her prescene when she cries out causing him to stumble back with fur fluffed up and eyes widened.

"Uh... I... It was an accident—" Blazingpaw begins only to feel his breath taken right out of him hearing her next words and the way that they sting upon his ears. What in Starclan's name is his problem? What's her problem? She was shrieking at him while he was trying to apologize to her! He hadn't meant to step on her tail, he hadn't even noticed that she was there considering he had been talking with a few other apprentices and his ears lay flat against his helm. Her next words were unwise and bitter, it makes his throat tighten as the fire within him ignite in mere seconds. "Your Winclan side is showing!" The fur on his spine rising like needles on a porcupine like the games he and his sisters always played as kittens only to lash his bottlebrush tail behind him. His father was a former Windclanner was he bad too? Blazingpaw wasn't bad... She was wrong... Springpaw was wrong!

"I'm not... I'm not..." He struggles to usher the words out of his jaws only able to feel the way that his muscles were tensing up and an anger welling up in his belly "I'm not a Windclanner!" The russet tom hisses at her only to pounce forward in an attempt to barrel her with his larger body and his paw lifts to cuff her roughly over the ears feeling his teeth gritting with anger, it isn't anything to actually hurt her but enough for her to possibly take back what she said. He's a Skyclanner through and through... What if he had the blood of an enemy coursing through his veins that didn't make him as bad as them? As bad as the crazed moorqueen...

Did it?

  • Untitled248_20231022220251.png
    longhaired red tabby tom with green eyes
    4 moons old; ages the 28th every month
    sexuality unknown; too young
    son of coyotecrest and howlfire
    brother to wolfpaw and hawkpaw
    currently being mentored by bobbie
    easy to befriend; kinda quick to anger (especially if you're springpaw)
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed