FORGET HOW LONG IT'S BEEN [ cleanup after wolves ]

// follows this thread immediately, before this thread!
// please note this thread is for mainly APPRENTICES, batwing would have left the warriors out!

Batwing's ears twitched as he stepped away from Howlingstar. Freckleflame's breakdown rested heavy on his soul, and Batwing wasn't sure he could hold onto the thought of Sunfreckle's body spotted across the front of the nursery. A heavy sigh left his mouth. Weight pressed upon the lead's shoulders and he shook it off briefly, turning to face the majority of the apprentices that had followed him. Hopefully they had. This would be awkward otherwise. "Alright."

He lifted his voice, calling out to the group. "There is debree in the camp from the ravine walls, the camp walls are damaged, and each den needs reinforcing." He declared, visions shifting amongst the mass of them. "Sort yourself in three groups, alright?" Batwing inhaled gently. They were all exhausted, himself included. Batwing's ears lowered, vision softening as he spoke. Damn his parental side from kicking in.

"If you need a second to breath, tell me now. What we just went through is a lot." Batwing stated quietly, glancing amongst the apprentices. There was so, so many of them. "It was scary, very scary. A lot of us warriors were scared, too."You mean all of us, right? Not one cat in camp didn't smell of fear-scent. He shook off the thought. ​
Batwing was right - everything that had happened had scared Softpaw out of her fur, but she was determined to power through it and be of service to ThunderClan. She wondered if Vixenpaw was frightened in her injured state, and the one thing that Softpaw found herself regretting was that she didn't have the time to check in on her sister during all of the commotion and subsequent reconstruction. They had only ever heard of wolves in tall tales, and now that the creatures were reality, Softpaw felt as if her entire worldview had shifted.

Stepping off to the side of the congregated apprentices when Batwing ordered them to split themselves into three groups, Softpaw glanced at the remaining apprentices with her wide eyes. She was one of the younger apprentices there, so she wondered if one of the older ones would step up to direct the group she'd split off with instead of letting her take charge - not that she would mind, but this was a chance to prove herself as a proper apprentice prior to being let out into the territory - if she had that chance anymore. First there had been the new law implemented, and now there were wolves. Softpaw was beginning to feel as though she'd never make it out of ThunderClan's camp.
જ➶ Wolves, actual drooling monsters from the deep forest had erupted into their lives. Queens had told her scary stories at night of behemoth dogs that preyed on unsuspecting creatures who didn't pay attention. Creeping up on them in groups. Did she believe it then? Of course not! Now she wished she would have. Her whole body is trembling, shaking. It won't stop. Even clenching her jaws and trying to concentrate on being still is futile. And to make matters worse her habit of crying has been unleashed. Dripping down her face and she is holding in her sobs because it won't do to cry now. Not after everything has already happened. Yet it's so overwhelming, isn't it? Dust tries to breath in and it's shaky at best. Lifting a paw she rubs at her face trying to dry it from her leaking eyes as Batwing speaks about breaking up into tnree groups.

It's not so bad. She can at least try to work to forget. Make things better. Dropping her shaking paw she glances toward the group, sniffling and blinking her amber orbs. Okay. So which one does she want to go with? Honestly at the moment she doesn't want to deal with leaving camp. So maybe just being part of the clean up crew. That sounds good. Just moving the debris out would be good. Rising up on her shaking limbs the white pawed youth finally moves with stuttering steps toward a group, placing herself close.
She isn't... entirely sure how much of this is something she can help with. It's a crippling sense of fear and uselessness that clings to her pelt, even after she'd managed to safely help Bravepaw hobble out of harm's way and back again. He'd been a much needed ally, if only because it was hard to see between all the blurring colors of shifting pelts running in terrified circles and in conflicting directions.

Staring between the general, vague shape of Batwing and shifting towards her den-mates (she thinks), Doepaw hopes that maybe they won't be full of so much residual anger that her stumbling makes them angry. The extent of their losses are hard to conceptualize, harder still to care for when all she can feel is the wild fluttering of a still-timid heart. Everyone seems... quiet.

It's unnerving.

"I'll uh... help with the debris," she decides to fill in the silence of her den-mates. At the very least, it'd probably be obvious enough to see stuff on the ground that didn't match the earthy-hues of their packed-dirt camp floors. Rather than going through the effort of something far more delicate and involved than weaving reinforcements into the walls.​

His fur is ruffled and pushed back, no longer hanging over his gaze as he gazes hard at the spot on the ground still faintly red from blood and the lingering scent of his father clinging to the soil as if desperately trying not to be pulled away from his clan. Pigeonpaw can't stop staring, he feels his breath quicken as he locks eyes with the ground and does not allow himself to be pulled from his torturous staring contest. He can still hear the scream, the sound of flesh rending, the scent of copper and the filthy musk of wolves in the air. The blue smoke trembles where he stands before walking over and turning to kick dirt frantically over the spot as if he could bury the memory along with the reminder. His claws scrape into the soil and he digs, furious, frantic, tearing apart the ground with grunts and small growls; his fluffy coat rippling with every hectic movement as he squared his shoulders and tore into the earth. Pigeonpaw didn't stop, didn't stop until he had amassed a pile of dirt, had left the spot mishapen and scraped with claws snagged into hard dirt so violently he tore one in the process and did not notice until his own blood streaked the soil as his father's had.
It wasn't fair - it wasn't fair - it wasn't -


  • 62602527_Rj6et8vCTd63fvT.png
    —⊰⋅ Apprentice of ThunderClan
    —⊰⋅ He/Him
    —⊰⋅ LH Blue smoke w/white & blue eyes.

. ° ✦ He knows he should be returning to Gentlestorm's den, helping organize the clutter of herbs and comforting his denmates that would return there tonight but... It's near impossible for him to sit still during this. Watching his father gather the apprentices, knowing he should be among them and so he is. Shouldering himself between Pigeonpaw and Doepaw he tried his best to hide the sore limp from his hind leg, still aching from the strenuous push and pull climbing up the ravine.

"I won't be scared again!" Bravepaw announced with a confident stomp of his paw. He wouldn't, for Sunfreckle's sake, his mothers, his Clan's. "I'll help you clean up, Pigeonpaw-?"

Bravepaw glanced down as red streaked across white fur and paused. "Uh, you can hang out with us when you get some cobwebs from Gentlestorm."
 ° .  . ° 
  • ooc:
    A Longhaired chocolate tabby/blue tabby chimera with deep blue eyes. Very thick coat that has started to grow into long, wispy curls. Developing into an awkward stage of kitten uglies as the rest of his body grows and changes.
Adderpaw's yellow hued eyes could only stare up into the dimming night sky, vision blurry as he tried to focus on the stars above him. How many of his clanmates now filled those stars after tonight, and how many more would be joining them? Gritting his teeth, Batwing’s words just filled the apprentice with more and more rage with each click of his tongue. How could they focus on such a little thing like this? Their home was attacked — the place they felt the most comfort in -- the most peace and serenity had just been left to the wolves to scour and ruin. They almost lost their camp, and… too much more.

He found himself staring at the same red spot as Pigeonpaw as Batwing's words droned on, falling on deaf ears. He'd do whatever was required of him when the time came, but he had the chance to have a moment to take everything in -- he wasn't going to miss that opportunity. Slowly, though, his expression of dread melted away into wide eyes and pinned ears, nervously looking at the ground that was being torn into by Pigeonpaw. He had just lost Sunfreckle, and normally Adderpaw wouldn't care or make sure to avoid offering his sympathies... but he remained in silent discomfort as he watched the apprentice accidentally rip out his own claw. Shuffling away from Pigeonpaw (not like he was close in the first place), he finally sniffled his running nose a little too loudly and finally met his gaze to Batwing's, his image blurred by the tears that pooled in his eyes. Right, three groups.

Taking a small gander at his denmates, he sighed and figured now was the time to help, to speak up and not sit in the shadows. How could he truly call himself a ThunderClanner if he didn't help his clan at all? "I can help with the clan walls." Hopefully Adderpaw could even reach them, and he felt his face warm with shame at the thought that he may be of no use to his clan. A worthless, small runt who couldn't even learn to defend himself or hunt for himself -- who is thrown around from mentor to mentor as though it doesn't affect him. But his anger doesn't last for long, as there is no reason for those silly worries tonight. He could worry about those when they weren't in mourning and turmoil.​
Batwing fell silent as they moved amongst themselves- some deeply unsure, looking to other apprentices for support. Others murmuring soft tidings of comfort to others. His green eyes shifted first towards his son, looking mildly upset. He couldn't blame Bravepaw in the long run- if there was one thing he had inherited from Batwing himself, it was the need to be doing something, even when he could do nothing. "It's alright, Bravepaw-"

His statement is cut short as Pigeonpaw erupts. Just as Freckleflame had, and Batwing's eyes narrow. There was one thing- being upset was one thing, but being upset to the point of harming yourself was cause for stop. Batwing pushed to his paws, moving on swift paws, hunkering down swiftly. Narrowed green eyes found Pigeonpaw's vision, whether or not the apprentice wanted it to happen. "Look at me. Look at me!" Batwing searched the eyes of the younger. The lead wished to impose the wisdom that he knew the pain- he knew the useless feeling the apprentice probably felt dwelling deep within.

"I have no words to comfort you." He began, slowly standing back straight. "I can only tell you that I've been there. I'm sorry." His ear twitched, and orders left him like they weren't just imagined. "Bravepaw, Pigeonpaw. Report to Gentlestorm. Bravepaw, if you're cleared, you can help weave the walls. Pigeonpaw, get your claws bandaged." He watched the apprentice a moment longer, before he was turning, looking towards the rest.

"If you need to leave camp for moss or bramble, tell me. Do not go on your own." His eyes shifted amongst them. "Those of you that don't know what to do, or are without a group, try to patch the dens." A dull ache slowly began behind one of his eyes, a headache blooming slowly. Batwing shifted on his paws. He hadn't slept in a long minute, and didn't expect pity from the clan's apprentices, so he moved, pushing a larger piece of rubble out of the clearing to the edge. ​