private Forgive Me || Emberstar

Rabbitnose had been nervous all day. He had been working up to approaching Emberstar, and it had consumed his entire day. And finally, as dusk was approaching, it was TIME.

He padded over to her, throat tight and fur prickling with anxiety. He had defended someone who hurt her so, so badly. She must hate him.

He had to apologize. He didn't know it was so gruesome.

"Emberstar?" He softly called out to her. "I' to apologize... For how I acted at the last meeting." He started.

"I didn't....Know just how badly she hurt you. I'm sorry for defending her. "

Well, he wasn't entirely sorry. He was still grateful to Cinderfrost. But....She hurt Emberstar so badly, and he couldn't defend it.

A yawn pulled itself from Emberstar's maw. It had been a long day. A satisfying one though, she had gotten a lot done. It was time for her to retire to her nest and rest though, and she was going to savor every moment. At least she thought as much, until a voice called out her name.

Instantly, she perked back up. A unique and useful talent for a leader. She shot a gentle smile to the warrior addressing her. "Yes Rabbitnose?" she asked, ready to get back to work at a word.

She blinked in surprise at what he said instead.

"There's nothing to apologize for." Emberstar insisted with a shake of her head. "I know all she did for you and yours, you had every right to be upset about the decision. Besides, I'm not hurt, I'm fine!" She stood tall and puffed out her chest to emphasize the point, seemingly blind to the scars littering her body. A confident nod punctuated the look. "See? Healthy and fit as ever."

"A-are you sure? I....I talked with Howling Wind. She told me everything that happened and..... " He trailed off.

"Some wounds aren't visible. Some are inside, in the heart and mind." He started again. "And you have so much responsibility on your shoulders.... Have you really had time to heal?"

It was a little invasive, but it was genuine. His voice dripped with worry and understanding.
Emberstar blinked again, tilting her head. Her bravado faded into confusion. Wounds that aren't visible? Rabbitnose was talking in riddles.

"You're being silly." She told him simply, with a little laugh. "I'm fine! Even if I was like, sick or whatever, I'm practically immortal!" Practically. How much sharper that word felt on her tongue since Briarstar's death. For a moment, she had actually thought that she might never die now. Or at least, that her death was so far away that she needn't worry about it. That wasn't true though, was it?

Still, she reassured her clanmate. "You don't need to worry about me." She told him softly, touching her tail to his side. "What happened with Cinderfrost is in the past. I can't change what she did and neither can you. So we should focus on the things we can change. We should keep moving." Emberstar nodded firmly at her own words. It was what she had always beleived, what her mother had taught her. Keep moving, even when times are hard, especially then, keep moving. It was how she had survived on her own.

Never, ever, look back.

"Besides," she added with a laugh, "It's supposed to be my job to worry about all of you, not the other way around!"