FORGOTTEN BOY // lost kit at border


The Broken Youth
Dec 30, 2022


Did I... do something wrong?

Silver blinked in disbelief as he sat shivering in the cardboard box at the side of the thunderpath where he had been abandoned. Why was he here? What had he done to deserve this? A soft whimper broke from him as he reflected back on the recent weeks at his new home. He and the other cat there hadn't exactly gotten along and there had been a number of scuffles but he had loved the twolegs all the same. He could tolerate the other cat, he would have made peace eventually... but he hadn't been given a chance.

The realisation that he couldn't stay sitting there forever dawned on him as the cold set in deeper and it urged him to leave the box. However, the crunch of snow under his paws wasn't the most pleasant of sensations. "Cold..." He murmured quietly as he soldiered onward into the wild unknown. Though he soon paused as he came across a clump of grass that carried a distinct scent; cats! More than one. Fear and uncertainty gripped the youth as he stayed where he was, now too afraid to encroach any further. A nearby noise caused his hackles to raise and he let slip a growl of warning. "Who's there?"
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Certainly, Badgermoon was no legendary fighter; he has his victories and losses like any warrior, his fair share of foolish blunders and clever manuvers. He flattered himself sometimes by admiring the strength in his broad shoulders and the sharpness of his claws, sure, but he was self-aware enough to recognize that he was, at most, on the better side of average. All of this being said, it didn't take a warrior of mythic ability to find the snarl of a kitten less than frightening, to say the least, and the black-and-white tom held back a laugh as he was spotted, not wishing to offend the bluish kittypet. "I am here, little one." he mrowed with as much seriousness as he could muster, stepping out from the clump of withered grass which had hidden him. The warrior peered down at Silver and let a small smile soften his stern expression. "My name is Badgermoon, and you are on WindClan territory. What are you doing here?" he inhaled the scent of the Thunderpath and of Twolegs and his brow creased. "Where are your Twolegs, small kittypet? Are you lost?"


Silver bristled and arched his back when the other cat made themselves known, his fear increasing alongside his desire to defend himself if attacked. Not that he would stand much of a chance against a feral cat. What surprised him was that the other tom was happy to introduce himself, not that it put the youth at ease. The cat had a strange name but he supposed he had heard twolegs call other cats stupider things. "What's WindClan? Is it your leader?" How confusing. "My twolegs? Gone. I don't think they wanted me... I think it's because I fought the other cat." He could only assume that was the reason for being abandoned like trash. "My name is Silver. So... what now? Are you going to kill me?" of those kittypets who knew next to nothing of Clan life, then. A prime subject for recruitment, said a cynical voice in his mind; someone to save, said the other voice. "WindClan is the name of this place. There are many cats who live on these moors." said Badgermoon, easing into a sitting position and hoping it would soothe the bristling kit. "We do have a leader. Her name is Sootstar." he paused and curled his dark tail around his body, listening closely as the boy spoke. Silver's story was nothing short of heartbreaking, really; Badgermoon had no love for the kittypet life, but he knew that those who were accustomed to it weren't likely to make it without their Twolegs or a hospitable Clan. The Twolegs must have known that something bad would likely happen to this young tom when they abandoned him. "It's nice to meet you, Silver." He'll be a -paw, by the looks of him. And he'd need a mentor, too...but he was getting ahead of himself. "No, I'm not going to kill you. No one here will hurt you, as long as you don't try to hurt any of us. We protect each other here." thrown out for fighting, eh? Perhaps that was a sign of a warrior's spirit, despite the housepet background. "Do you like to fight, Silver?"
rampaw had been trailing badgermoon, for no particular reason other than to be a slight nuisance. and mainly because he is worried about falling into another hole. he doesn't want straw or fire getting to him if it happens again, so he'd rather put his faith in badger. but of course, the apprentice lags behind to not make it seem too obvious about his following. yet when he hears the warrior talking to someone, he can't help but pick up the pace. only to stare at some scrawny thing, clearly not a loner and no clan cat by the looks of him. his nose scrunches and eyes narrow at the talk of a two-leg pet, but he's also abandoned, so does it still count? the younger's life was still much softer than ram's or badger's, so ram assumes that it does still count. he's still a little kittypet by all means. a snort leaves the tom, letting the other to be aware of his wonderful presence.

"well?" ram's drawl cuts through the air as he travels further from badger, invading silver's space. "d'ya?" ram was always one for a nice spar, it was a good way to get his frustration and energy out, and perhaps made his ego a bit too big at times. of course, good manners are lost on ram, as he still stares down the younger tom and waits for his answer. he'd be keeping an eye on this puffball.
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WindClan was the place, Sootstar the leader. Silver made a note of it for reference later, though he couldn't help but feel a chill run up his spine. "This Sootstar must be a powerful cat in order to rule over so many others", he thought whilst mustering up an image of a cat with vicious teeth and claws that could rend in his head. He... wanted to meet such a creature!

Do you like to fight, Silver?

The question rang out in his head and he was about to reply but then another made their presence known. A little too well at that. Silver recoiled slightly when Rampaw got right up in his face, and the young former kittypet heeded it as a challenge. He puffs up yet again and begins to raise his left paw, seemingly about to strike out. But it's nothing more than a feint to attract attention. It's then that he suddenly rears up and attempts to headbutt Rampaw right on the nose. "Does that answer your question?" He asks in an almost innocent sounding voice, a grin forming all the while. "I want to see this Sootstar cat."
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A child left to the cold for its strength in battle– he finds himself choking down a laugh from the first explanation. This was a serious matter, of course, and yet he can only think of how weak these twolegs must be, to fear a young warrior's defense. For all of their size, they could not be as fearsome as the clans had once thought. Not these ones, at least. And as he comes to Badgermoon's side, his mind comes to similar thoughts. Of recruitment, and training, and potential. While the others ask many things of him, the sun-burnished tom circles as a predator does its prey, or as a thief to their mark.

"You must have made a fearsome warrior, to have wounded an older cat's ego so sorely that they could do naught but toss you to the snow." He glances at the other warrior, a subtle lift to his brow, and an unspoken question with it. Do we keep him, then? Not without their esteemed leader's approval, of course, yet as the youth leaps to meet Rampaw's nose, a spark of gleeful admiration takes root within Sunstride's chest. He would do well as a warrior, should such things come to pass. Perhaps he would be a boon to this clan, even in the midst of this prey-starved season. "But be wary, little one. You may wish to see Sootstar– that does not mean she wishes to see you. You should hope to impress her with more than your heart." Though spoken with a tinge of amusement, there is truth to his words. There is determination to the child, yet determination alone did not make a WindClanner.

  • ooc:
  • SUNSTRIDE. named for his coloration and his bold chasing of fate.
    —— cis male, uses he - him. thirty-four moons old. warrior of windclan and former rogue.
    —— cautious of clan life, but an apt learner. encourages close bonds between clanmates.
    —— loyalty uncertain, cares for those surrounding him. undoubtedly closest to wolfsong.

    sunstride is broad and bold– a creature standing above most of windclan, though not a beast beyond its borders, with fur that flames red at its base and deepens to a burnt amber with every whorl and stripe. his eyes, in comparison, are a pale summer's blue, still as bold as the rest of him.
  • "speech"
Listen, he didn't mind fooling around with toms and mollies and cats- he really didn't. It was moreso the kids that came afterwards, those silly little things, that put him off. Everyone was always so gentle with them, so kind; meanwhile, Owltalon was in the back watching. Grimacing. Those disgusting little things could carry diseases, and break so easily; why did they bother with them, when they could take in full-grown warriors?

Badgermoon asks the thing if it likes to fight, and it goes right to try and headbutt Rampaw, bold little thing. "Ah, nope. Naw, baby. We can't have none of that." He squawks out, fur fluffing up at the sight of the little thing launching itself at the apprentice. He didn't like Rampaw, but he was already a clanmate- and at least he could hunt for himself. He wasn't no kittypet.

"We don't take no kittypets, baby. Sootstar's rule." He hums, a dizzying-jazz to his voice as he turns to wait for their Leader. No Lead Warriors in their ranks, leaving Sootstar to do her job all by her damn self. Pitiful woman, poor thing; incompetent Warriors being led by her. She deserved better. "One of you darlings should go fetch Her Majesty. I ain't wakin' her up from no beauty rest. Crazy, I tell you."
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Firepaw like any other sane cat looked down upon kittypets, soft and weak as they were they would never be suited to the life of a warrior especially a windclanner. She can recall her mother rhetoric about them, her scathing tongue berating those who didn't chose the path of the wilds who would lament all day within the laps of their twolegs as time withered away, to it was an abomination, Firepaw full heartedly agreed being dead was far more honorable then living such a pathetic existence. It's hard to ignore the scent as it travels through the cold bitter winds of the moorland, she follows it along with the pawsteps of her clanmates itching for a fight - itching for someway to further prove her abilities her inherent talent. Not that beating up a kittypet was much of a challenge worth celebrating but it'd still be a victory, she could still score some scars and gain some glory. She skids breaking her run as she comes closer to her clanmates. her glare fastens itself quickly to the pest on their territory paw risen up and head jutting forward at Rampaw. The context escapes her and even if she'd been there she'd still pounce forward to stand besides Rampaw a caterwaul of a hiss tearing from her throat as she comes to aid him claws unsheathing. ❝Watch it you pale little roach! You try anything else and i'll stain the snow red with your blood!❞ she warns, fur on her neck and back puffing up to look as big as she could. Regardless of what she says she doubts she'd be allowed to do more then chase this stinky young tom off their borders, but he didn't have to know that!

But her mind wandered as she stares him down and thinks, he had the audacity to attack. She believed kittypets weren't the type to fight back at all much less be the ones throwing their weight around. To her his bravery in the face of what to many kittypets would feel like certain death was stupidity and annoying, she didn't want him around much like Owltalon they didn't need an extra useless belly to feed not with prey so slim. It wouldn't be her choice regardless of what was to happen, Sootstar would call the shots and she'd have no say in the matter but she believed in her leader. She was the strongest of all windclanners she'd make the right choice. Part of her deliberates over running off herself to grab her but the last thing she wants to do is disturb her best let someone else do the grunt work unless she's ordered to do it for now she stays in place.

Her tail lashes and a growl still rumbles from her chest as she stares down Silver almost goadingly, her paws still set where she stands on guard close to Rampaw.
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More approach and it leaves Silver feeling increasingly ganged up on. However, he clings to his position and refuses to give ground. At this point he feels as though running would be a costly mistake on his part, even if the newest arrivals threaten to dampen his chances of somehow becoming part of the clan. One mentions something about a rule barring kittypets, but could he really be deemed as being one when the kittypet life had rejected him? "Sounds like a counter-productive rule..." He murmurs mainly to himself after a moment of thought.

His attention suddenly snaps towards that of Firepaw as he's met with aggression. He's not sure as to why considering that Rampaw had been asking for it. Ultimately he gives a flash of teeth back at her in warning but leaves it at that. Something tells him that she wasn't going to be nearly as fun as the other youth, as rude as he had been.

Eventually irritation begins to slither into his heart as he sweeps his gaze over the WindClanners around him. Not a single one seemed to be willing to get their leader. Silver gave an impatient twitch of his ear before exhaling sharply in a huff. "If none of you are brave enough to fetch your own leader then maybe I should just go to her myself before I freeze my paws off standing here."
What had been a private conversation had suddenly become quite a public affair, indeed, with two apprentices and two more warriors appearing as if by magic. At Silver's demonstration of his proclivity for violence, Badgermoon let out a little huff, half-amused, half-exasperated, as Firepaw, Owltalon, and Sunstride all spoke in turn: Firepaw defensive, Owltalon disapproving, Sunstride glancing at him with a face that asked a question in silence. Of course, though it wasn't up to either of them in the end, the bicolor tom nodded ever so slightly; he, personally, thought Silver presented the raw material to be refined into an excellent WindClanner. Besides...he was so young, it felt cruel to cast him out into the cold. He held up one paw and shrugged his broad shoulders. "You're not in a position to question our courage, ex-kittypet." he said in a voice that played at sternness, but with his yellow eyes twinkling in an unmistakably friendly way. "But why don't you come with us, back to our camp. We'll see what Sootstar makes of you, maybe give you a warm place to rest your little bones."

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”It’s fine,” Sootstar’s voice makes it to the crowd of cats as she descends from a hill. The snow is soft today, not a good thing, it made the she-cat sink as she walked, every couple of paw-steps now took the energy of several fox-lengths, or so it felt.

A young one is here, they are masked blue and carry stripes… but the scent is far too difficult to ignore, no matter how young the body is who carries it. Her lip curls, ”This is a kitty pet.” Sootstar states the already obvious. Presumably (And for the sake of ooc ease) somehow has now began to catch her up on the incident, inform her of all words spoken before she’s arrived. Still, she finds herself little impressed.

”We are hungry, sick, and on the wrong paw with most of the clans. Yet I am being asked to allow entry to a kitty pet?” She looks to her warriors now, surely they knew better…?

//just an ooc note this isn’t an outright denial of entry! Responses and if i feel they’d convince Sootstar will determine her final answer :)


( primary character / "speech" / ic opinions )

· SOOTSTAR, female — she / her
╰ ‣ 34 moons . pisces. ages on the first
╰ ‣ windclan leader . marsh-born . believes in starclan
╰ ‣ former soldier of the marsh group

· DOMESTIC FELINE, smells like heather and wet dirt , status — 100%
╰ ‣ blue smoke . scarred chest, difficult to see through fur . green eyes

· ESTJ-A ❝ EXECTUTIVE ❞ , Slytherin, Lawful Evil
╰ ‣ Cunning, brash, fierce, confident, self-reliant, envious & selfish
╰ ‣ finds great difficulty in relating to others . can be cruel, usually shows mercy to those she can find sympathy with
╰ ‣ sole key to her heart is loyalty, if you have her trust, she often shows a completely different side of herself. Aggression tends to manifest from her extreme paranoia
╰ ‣ Appreciates titles such as "miss, m'am" etc

· SOOT CLAW x PEBBLE BREEZE, sister to Pebblenose
╰ ‣ heterosexual. mate to Weaselclaw
╰ ‣ mother to Windpaw & Sootpaw
╰ ‣ mentor to Sootpaw & Coyotepaw
╰ ‣ average fighter . skilled hunter .
╰ ‣ will start fights . unlikely to flee .
╰ ‣ attack in underline . penned by user @ava.


Silver can feel nothing but frustration at that moment as he listens to Badgermoon, though at least it seemed as if he was about to get somewhere. That is until the infamous Sootstar herself makes an appearance. It's not what he expects to see, no towering monolith of a feline with teeth dripping with blood or claws large enough to butcher the mighty beasts of the wild. But he senses the air of authority and it proves to be enough to hold his attention.

Though her words rapidly begin to muster feelings of anger and... amusement? Hungry, sick, and at odds with other clans. Surely in such troublesome times it would be counter-productive to turn away help in all its forms, and judging from those who were present and of similar age to him it was evident that he was bigger thanks to his life of being well fed. The youth aimed to look Sootstar dead in the eye. "And what's wrong with my kittypet past? Can you even afford to turn away help during such unfortunate times? I need a home, you need someone healthy and strong... I'll prove myself here and now if I must."
"Ooh, baby! You betta' watch your tone with the lady! She ain't so kind as most of us when it comes to back-talk." Owltalon chokes back his own laughter; my, this one was stupid. How the hell was he going to get into this Clan with that attitude? "Mmmaaaaybe if you grovel at Her Majesty's paws, beg a little?" He teases sarcastically, tossing a glance over to Sootstar to see her reaction. Pretty as she was, that stoic face just wasn't budging, huh? "If it were up to me, I'd tell the kid to take his ass over to SkyClan where he belongs. Surely the King of Kittypets would have more use for 'em?"

If it were up to Owltalon, he'd decline to let the guy join anyways. Child or not, this little fucker could be pretty useless if he was lying about his skills. "How 'bout this, Madame." He turns to Sootstar, eyeing her curiously. "How 'bout he race one of our apprentices. Firepaw, maybe? If he wins, let 'em in for a trial period. And then have all of the apprentices keep an eye on 'em. They all loooo~ve to snitch, anyway." He glanced over to the apprentices present, smirking towards them. Yeah, I said it. Dipshits.
Firepaw can admit he had serious nerve the way he threw himself around and spat his words out, but mousebrained all the same her own impudence was bad enough but that of a kittypet who snapped at their leader like she was just another cat was different. He had a deathwish and she wanted nothing more then to chase him away and leave him with a lasting reminder Windclan wasn't some safe haven for every cocky kittypet who thought they could just slip in. They weren't Skyclan. Her tail lashes as she looks down the bridge of her muzzle at him, disgust evident in every curve and furrow on her face as if she was staring at a hunk of stinking crowfood. She didn't know what Badgermoon was thinking so quick to want to take him back to their camp like he was some squirming kitten who didn't know better one who still needed a queens milk, but she knew the deputy was soft in that regard, she didn't see what Sootstar saw in him. The kittypets words prickle the fur on her hackles even more so and finally she bites back eyes rolling ❝We dun' need help from some kitten tryna' act tough, we got plenty of deadweight already we dun' need some kit who has no training whatsoever mooching off our hard earned prey❞ she snaps decisively. ❝Get lost brat!❞ she follows with a hiss and if he knew what was good for him he'd get his sorry tail off their border but likely she knows he wouldn't budge.

Owltalon mocks him as well in turn but he brings up an idea that makes her growl, why should she help entertain the idea and a race hardly seemed appropriate there was no true skill involved not like there was with hunting or. ❝I'd rather fight. I'm dyin' to tear this mousebrain a new one❞ she snaps teeth clicking as she finishes. She'd look towards Sootstar as if asking for permission. ​


It seemed as though his chances were slipping away. How annoying, but he wasn't the sort to beg. He'd rather just show what he could do, to let himself tap into those inner instincts and set them loose at last. For now he remained silent and he fought back the stinging words that wanted to be unleashed. A race is suggested, but it seemed as though Firepaw was more inclined to fight. Bold claims are made and it sends a thrill through him. The youth locks his sights on Firepaw for the longest time as he slips into a readying posture before he glances at Sootstar, as if waiting for instruction to launch into the fight.


Sootstar likes Owltalon’s idea of a race, it’d be a good way to see if this kitty pet kitten potentially had what it takes to be WindClan. The blue smoke highly doubts it, Firepaw would most certainly be the child but maybe it’d be enough embarrassment for the kit to tuck tail and go home without further beginning. Firepaw seems to fancy a fight more… she’ll agree to the proposal.

”It has been decided then, you will fight Firepaw child with claws unsheathed. Pin him and you can join, fail to and you go back to where you came from.”

// sorry I lost this thread In my notifications! @SILVER WRETCH @Firepaw she is requesting they fight! This is pre-raid I believe so keep that in mind for any injuries sustained they are retro unless major enough to carry over to present time (one week later)


( primary character / "speech" / ic opinions )

· SOOTSTAR, female — she / her
╰ ‣ 34 moons . pisces. ages on the first
╰ ‣ windclan leader . marsh-born . believes in starclan
╰ ‣ former soldier of the marsh group

· DOMESTIC FELINE, smells like heather and wet dirt , status — 100%
╰ ‣ blue smoke . scarred chest, difficult to see through fur . green eyes

· ESTJ-A ❝ EXECTUTIVE ❞ , Slytherin, Lawful Evil
╰ ‣ Cunning, brash, fierce, confident, self-reliant, envious & selfish
╰ ‣ finds great difficulty in relating to others . can be cruel, usually shows mercy to those she can find sympathy with
╰ ‣ sole key to her heart is loyalty, if you have her trust, she often shows a completely different side of herself. Aggression tends to manifest from her extreme paranoia
╰ ‣ Appreciates titles such as "miss, m'am" etc

· SOOT CLAW x PEBBLE BREEZE, sister to Pebblenose
╰ ‣ heterosexual. mate to Weaselclaw
╰ ‣ mother to Windpaw & Sootpaw
╰ ‣ mentor to Smokepaw & Coyotepaw
╰ ‣ average fighter . skilled hunter .
╰ ‣ will start fights . unlikely to flee .
╰ ‣ attack in underline . penned by user @ava.


The decree is given and Silver knows that failure isn't an option. He would have to find a way to pin Firepaw fast, otherwise he would surely die out in the wilds. His violence would be his friend here and he intended to show it. Without further delay he sprang forward, unfortunately landing very short of his target, which was Firepaw in this case. His claws met only the ground, but that didn't deter him entirely. The heat of embarrassment only stoked his fury all the more. With a caterwaul, he then rears up and attempts to headbutt Firepaw right in the nose before aiming to tackle her to the ground.
Every cat had the instincts to know how to survive, to bite and claw and try to live another day but real fighting wasn't that it wasn't just a struggle but a trained skill one that required strategy alongside brute strength. She'd been training for moons, she was older then many of the other apprentices and knw her own prowess. She was certain of her victory, muscles would ripple under her lithe pelt as she crouched down, grin worn giddily on her face as she readied to rend kittypet flesh and stain the snow with his blood. ❝Give it your all pip-squeak, you better fight with your life on the line❞ Sootstar didn't say she couldn't hurt him real bad before sending him running. Her tongue darts out of her maw licking her glinting fangs as if her hunger for battle was a very palpable thing.

He doesn't waste his time on trading insults, what a shame really she always got annoyed when the other apprentices didn't care to give her some form of entertainment while she beat them into the ground at least this kit could've whimpered at least once. Never mind that, she doesn't attack first she waits and he doesn't waste time before rushing her she backs up but it's not enough to stop their skulls from bonking right into one another and he managed to slam the brunt of his force into her sensitive nose, hitting it just right allowing for a stream of blood to come dribbling out and for Firepaw's rage to truly come blazing forward. ❝You son of a hound! I'll knock your teeth out and make you eat em!❞ she yowls skidding to the side to escape his claws before she could be tackled. She'd lunge at him attempting to pounce on him from behind and if successful her claws would find purchase on either flank and she'd try to quickly tear down to his hips - it wouldn't be deep but enough to make him hurt.
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Fight like his life depended on it? It pretty much did so he'd be sure to heed her words.

His head throbbed from the successful impact but he took pleasure from knowing that he had hurt her. However, his attempt to tackle her was met with bitter failure and instead he was rewarded with having her claws tearing through his pelt and pricking the skin. It hurt! Not even the other house cat he had fought before had caused such misery! Then again, Silver had never given him the chance to.

Fury bubbled within him as he blinked back the tears, and with a screech he aimed to kick out at Firepaw with his hind legs, attempting to catch her in the chest in the hope of winding her. After that he swiftly spun around in order to face the WindClanner and he proceeded to launch at her once more in the hopes of tackling her to the ground. "I'll gut you! I'll wear your pelt like a trophy!"
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