Forlorn Spirits [Loner]


- LOST -
Nov 14, 2022

Wicked were the weeks that followed brutal loss. Through rain and dust and bloodshed, the tom had fled into nothing, where only the wind served as his faithful companion. Where whispers lurked, danger followed, and distrust blossomed like stained rose petals. Ripper's life had been far from easy, and all that he had done was perhaps irredeemable to most. But, in the end, he had made a choice. Perhaps the first real choice he had ever made. The rogue gang he had followed had devolved into senseless killing, and the blood that stained Ripper's claws would forever breathe within his mind. The choice he had made to leave that life behind had come far too late for the victims.

Still, he wandered, without purpose, but with the smallest sliver of hope. Ripper found himself upon unfamiliar grass, striding through trees that he did not recognize. The smell of other cats was distinct enough that he knew he was not alone. Still, the tom pressed on. What else could he do? The tom had no other purpose but to walk onward.

Rogues were becoming a plague to Sky Clan, something running rampant that needed to be curbed before it could spread. They had taken one child from them and the way Redstorm sees it that was already too much. He would not allow them to take again, not if he could help it.

When he sees the scarred brown tom among the pines he freezes, uses his life-long training to move slowly to the nearest tree, and climbs expertly up its trunk. He follows the cat from the canopy, because who would think to look up for their pursuer if they weren't a sky clan cat? When the tom stops is when he says something. "I'm giving you one chance, leave or you'll find out how sharp my claws are" he growls as he looks down on the other cat, tail flicking back and forth and claws digging into the branch below him. It is what his father would have done, give the cat a chance to leave peacefully before starting a needless fight.

( ) A half-lidded gaze of aqua would blink slowly as she came across Redstorm confronting a pretty mangled looking tom. The deputy was also up in the trees, having been hunting for squirrels and birds when she heard the hiss of the red and cream lead warrior.

She had hurried towards the hiss, worry forming in her gut that it was perhaps another rogue come to snatch away another of their young cats. She stopped on a branch across from Redstorm, looking down at the loner who had so boldly walked into a clearly marked territory and she meowed in her usual coo, "You've got a lot of guts walking into a clan territory, Muscle Man." She would tilt her head though her expression would not change from its usual whimsical state.

"If you wanted to make a good first impression, I'm sorry to say you failed, brotha'." Deersong would jump down carefully so she could stand beside Redstorm and she continues, "So which will it be?"


Ripper was no stranger to aggression, but a part of him had hoped that the locals would be a bit more decent than his former folk. He supposed that, perhaps, decent cats might have been an extinct breed at that point. Had evil truly carved so deep into the earth? But he knows he shouldn't judge too quickly. These cats, these clan cats, whatever a clan was, seemed to be protective of their land. Perhaps with the cold season, times were too difficult to suffer fools within their narrow boundaries. Ripper peers up at the cats, lurking like sentinels in the trees, and though their initial words had caused his fur to bristle with surprise, the dusty tom shows no real sign of hostility in return.

"Sorry." A simple enough response, though spoken politely. "I ain't really sure what a clan is, but I don't mean to cause no trouble." But the two had given him an ultimatum, leave or be attacked. Ripper wonders what they'd do to him if he simply didn't bother to fight back. Kill him, perhaps? He can't say he'd mind it very much. These clan cats were unlikely to take kindly to such a solemn attitude, he thinks. They seemed awfully spiteful toward outsiders. Was this clan akin to his former gang, then? Killers who cared nothing for life? If that was the case, then Ripper was more than happy to move on. He wouldn't linger among such cats again, not after he had made a choice to leave that life behind. Still... he is curious. And if there is a sliver of hope that these were decent folk...

Well, he'd be a fool to think such things, but at the very least, he doesn't turn around.

"I- uh. Well. I've been travelin' for a long time. I'm new to these parts and, I guess I'm wondering... what is a clan? Are there more of you?" He's testing his luck, but he supposed that if they decided to kill him then and there, then so be it.
Redstorm sails the pine nettle sea above, stealthily in pursuit. Thistleback had been slinking on the soft grass below when he watched the lead warrior’s demeanor change. His lips press into a hard line of practical urgency, and his crown tips down as he crouches and follows much slower and quietly until he can spot the cream coat of his mate as she stands with Redstorm- interrogating from the sky this, horridly disfigured cat.

Withered like old stone, by no less than claws and teeth one could assume. Thistleback’s shoulder blades roll under thorned black fur like serpents, head lowered as he bleeds from the shadows, disturbing the light ferns with the smack of hard knuckled toes.

" warriors of the forest. " he begins off an eloquent tongue. " above you stands two of the highest ranked " he carries on and stops two tail-lengths from the longer. " We are many " he figures himself an answerer of all this man’s questions.

He’d stand like a statue, eyes lifting to his beloved and then Redstorm. A neutral expression tugging at a smirk of curious proportion.

  • — Thistleback | thirty-two moons | cis-male
    — daylight warrior of Skyclan | leaves rarely
    — bisexual | fallen for Deersong 9.29.22
    — mentoring Coyotepaw
    — very muscular piebald black and white tom with spiky fur and cold silver-grey eyes. Wears a purple collar with brass clasp.
  • bVBPWus.png

( ) A thoughtful sound would come from the deputys' throat, her head moving to tilt in the opposite direction as she shared a look with Redstorm and then spotting her mate entering the scene next.

She would smile softly, before waving her tail for Redstorm to follow now that number was on their side she lept from the branch and landed on the ground with a barely audible thump, just beside Thistleback, "You'll have to excuse our aggression, brotha'." Her voice would coo softly as she moved to step closer, "One of our young was taken by rogues recently, which is why we came on so strong. Can't be too careful about who comes into our home, now can we?" She would sigh softly before continuing, "A clan is like a family, a group who take care of each other and are rather protective of each other."

She looks the disfigured tom over for a moment, nose twitching softly before she takes a seat and smiles in her ethereal way, "My name is Deersong, Deputy of Skyclan and this is Redstorm one of our lead warriors and Thistleback." She would use her tail to point to each clanmate in turn before continuing, "As Thistleback said, there are many more clans, each different yet similar in some ways."

The cream and mocha molly would tilt her head once more, her eyes slowly blinking as she spoke and her demeanor was as if she was more than at ease with the toms' presence. "So. Now you know us. Mind telling us more about you? I'm afraid if you're just looking to pass through, then we can not welcome you and we will escort you back to neutral territory."

Through the many moons that Grizzlyridge had followed Rain's pawsteps, had chased the traditions of welcome kindness in a world that often offered none, he had never accustomed himself to the dichotomy of many warriors. The bristling of their fur that would bleed to a gentle tone, the threats that they masked with quiet faces. He was not a deceptive soul– what was felt was expressed, what was expressed was acted upon. Today there is no malice on the broad tom's face. Thick fur catches on twigs as he makes a quick descent down, his previously silent presence now made amply clear with strong shoulders and piercing eyes. They are cautious, and so he asks– "What was it that had you traveling so far that you did not know of us?" Blame would not be necessary, and he himself is hardly suspicious.

If anything, it is Deersong's dislike of his passing that bothers him some. Had they grown so far from the group that had called this place home, that they would defend it against innocents? He is old, and from older times, and this place is still not SkyClan to him. One day, perhaps. But he bites his tongue, and thinks of the battle that had defined these lives, and does not challenge anything that she has said.

  • floabie_by_tausune_dffvyqj_1.png
  • GRIZZLYRIDGE. world-weary warrior of skyclan.
    ──── uses he - him - his, may accept they - them - theirs.
    ──── about four years old.  a former pine group member.
    ──── homoromantic homosexual, but this may develop.

    a large, broad-shouldered highlander cat with lightly tufted curled ears and large paws made larger by extra toes. a solid seal point with only a small white marking on his muzzle and deep blue eyes.
  • "speech"

It seems he has wandered in what appears to be a tense situation. One that has to deal with a loner ending up in the wrong place and in times like these he is sure things have been less than enthusiastic. A frown pulls at his muzzle as makes his way over to the scene, eyes of soft bluebells watching the loner and offering a soft and gentle smile. His eyes shift over the crowd and he takes a spot near Grizzlyridge, shifting slightly. Truth be told he has no issue with loners, but normally one can not tell the difference between loners and rogues. So he can understand the vaution. His thick tail wraps around himself as he settles doen and he lifts a paw, carefully flexing his claws. He can feel his knuckle bones pop and he sighs.

But at least his slightly sleepy and welcoming face never changes. He can't be angry at someoje he doesn't know and who has done no harm. That is reserved for the one that took one of their own away. A life cut down too quickly and much too young. "I hope those travels have not been rough on you, monsieur. Although it does appear that life has been hard on you. I hope things go better."
╭── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──╮

Blazestar is not the cat he'd been when he'd stumbled blindly into the pine forest, paw sprained, into a patrol of friendly faces. Nor is this forest the same as it had been. Five Clans prowl now, and rogues outside their borders who seethe with rage for territories claimed and defended. Blaise the kittypet might have stumbled over his enormous paws to welcome this scarred rogue, eager to befriend another cat.

Blazestar, the SkyClan leader, only watches passively as Deersong and Redstorm react with hostility. He does not stop them, though he can see Foxgekker and Grizzlyridge in particular wear disturbed expressions.

Rogues are murdering their children. Rogues are stealing prey from their kits' mouths.

Blazestar stares at the half-faced tomcat, and although he does not raise his voice nor raise his hackles, his silence speaks volumes. He's thinking, and there is a war being waged inside him, his head versus his heart. This tom does not spit at them, hiss, unsheathe his claws. He asks questions. He apologizes for intruding.

But he wears the bitter and blood-muddled scent of a rogue, and Blazestar's prejudices begin to rise like bile in his throat.

"I am Blazestar, leader of SkyClan. My deputy speaks the truth. Rogues are not welcome in SkyClan." His eyes burn, both with his indecision and his cold, stale anger -- not at this tabby, but at an unknown force who preys upon his Clan. "They've answered you. We fight to defend our territory from the other five Clans and from any outsiders. We work hard to ensure every mouth within our borders is fed. We sleep alongside each other, battle alongside one another. We are one." He sweeps his tail across the forest floor. Pine needles and cool dust scatter. "What is it, then, you're looking for? As Deersong says, we cannot allow you to pass through. We have cats to protect."

- ,,

The next cat to approach is a rather striking figure, an imposing tom, though very little was intimidating to Ripper anymore. Still, he could respect the ripple of muscle, the signature of power within the other's motions. He speaks of warriors, many, and motions that those he had spoken to before were two of the highest ranking in this so called clan. It seemed that for every moment that ticked by, Ripper learned something new. He's still not sure how he feels about these cats or their group, but he listens nonetheless.

When the she-cat apologizes for the initial aggression, Ripper dips his head, his one-eyed vision glowing with understanding. It seemed the clan was having problems with bloodthirsty rogues, of that Ripper can relate to. He hides the wash of guilt that slithers like a snake through his mind, for those feelings would not help him here. No, if he admitted to his past, they'd likely kill him for it, and the brute wouldn't bother to blame them.

"It's interestin' to meet you all." The tom dips his head toward those introduced. "I'm Ripper. My eye got... well. Ripped out, you see. But it's not a good story worth tellin'." And, it was a lie. Ripper had been named for his crimes, not for his scars, but he was not one to admit past wrongdoings to a bunch of strangers, especially those who were losing family to rogues. "I'm sorry about what happened, there ain't no helpin' some folk. Some rogues just... hurt cats for no reason." Ripper explains with a solemn dip of his chin. This poor clan. It seemed evil had no boundaries. It was everywhere, even in distant lands.

When Grizzlyridge speaks, Ripper turns to peer at him with a gentle and curious eye, thinking on his response to the other cat's question.

"Well, it seems rogues are everywhere now. You mentioned one killing one of your folk? Well... rogues overtook my homeland. So I fled, because there wasn't much else I could do. They were violent there. I guess they're just as violent here too. Maybe it don't matter how far I travel, there will always be bad cats causin' trouble." A tragic existence, to live at the mercy of killers.

As for the ginger and white tom, Ripper dips his head with a polite, "Thank you."

The next to approach addresses himself as Blazestar, the leader of this so called SkyClan. He states clearly that rogues are unwelcome in the clan, and Ripper understands. He considered himself more of a loner, but he doubted his past ties to rogue groups would be welcome, should they ever come out. Could he really risk making a home here, asking to join this so called group, only for his past to come out for all to hear? They'd hate him for that, and Ripper didn't want to put this clan through any more stress. They seemed like they had been through enough already.

Still... it was worth some thought. Not here, he needed solitude and quiet air to think to himself.

"I suppose I'm lookin' for a new home, but... I'm not so sure about all this clan stuff just yet. And I don't wish to bring any trouble upon you and your clan, you folk seem decent." Ripper points out with a small smile. "I'll turn around an... find a different way across this land. I know what a clan is now so... you folk don't have to worry about me hunting here or anything, I'll stay well out of ya'lls way now. But I do hope you are all safe." The tom flicks his tail, polite vocals fading as he turns back toward the way he had come. He does hesitate though, looking expectantly toward the SkyClan cats. No doubt they'd want to escort him out, right?
( ) A thoughtful noise would emanate from the deputys' throat as Ripper spoke, the molly taking an easy back seat once Blazestar appeared. Deersong would blink slowly at the half-faced tom as he stated that while he was looking for a new home, he wasn't sure the clan was what he was looking for and when he looked back expectedly, she would rise to her paws and flick her tail for Grizzlyridge to come with her.

"We will escort you to neutral territory, brotha'. The other clans are as kind to loners as we are." She would offer the loner an easy smile as she looked back at Blazestar and nodded in respect before moving to lead the way.