pafp fortune teller 𓆩 ♕ 𓆪 new queen

Mar 3, 2024

𓆩 ♕ 𓆪 Once Honeysplash has settled into a nest in the nursery, Hollykit is quick to march over. Such a fearsome warrior, her pelt scar-ridden, who's fought WindClan and survived... She's bound to have the coolest kits. "Honeysplash, Honeysplash! You'll have your own kits soon, right?" He questions, getting a little bit ahead of himself. "Oh and uh, welcome! Welcome to the nursery," he adds, because that's the polite and noble thing do.

He straightens up regally, gives a quick dip of his head. "Your kits - I, Hollykit, want to know them! What's their names? What do they look like?" There's soooo many possibilities. Will they look like Honeysplash or Chrysaliswing or neither? Will they see the leaves of the nursery and turn green? That's what happened to Hollykit's eyes. Will her kits' eyes change color too?

Ah, he's started asking questions in just his head. He's been in the nursery so long, it's been moons since his eyes changed. A shocking reminder - he's almost an apprentice, and her kits are almost born. Hollykit startles back into motion. "I can still play with them even when I'm an apprentice, right? If they're nice. Will they be nice?" It's not a guarantee. He knows who their father is, and he knows that Bobbie doesn't like him - which means Hollykit doesn't either. "Or mean like their dad?" he continues, leaning in conspiratorially. "He won't be coming here, right?" She quick glance to the nursery's entrance to make sure Chrysaliswing isn't listening. Usually it's just queens in the nursery, but sometimes the other parents come to visit... Maybe it's a good thing she's almost an apprentice.

  • @Honeysplash
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  • HOLLYKIT ⚔︎ she / him, kit of skyclan, five moons.
    a small, fluffy kit with mottled fur and deep green eyes.
    bobbie x blazestar; littermate to lionkit & candorkit, kin to many.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by SATURNID ↛ saturnids on discord, feel free to dm for plots.
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Reactions: Honeysplash
The nursery was- large. It felt too large really. Like it took up the entirely of camp in one fell swoop and there was nothing left outside of it. Though that might be dramatic anxious thinking on their part. Still, the young warrior had made her nest a few hours ago and was laying in it feeling rather- sad? Sad didnt feel like it quite described it but they couldnt think of another word that could cover it. Honeysplash had been hoping this would be a joyous occasion and it wasnt. It was painful and sad. Though the warrior couldnt sit long in their own mind as the patter of paws approached them.

Hollykit babbled their name loudly, before diving right into questions. The young molly lifted her head up from her nest and looked at the kit, and couldnt help the slight upward turn of her lips. He was too cute really- and full of questions. Honeysplash didnt mind questions really but she wasnt entirely sure on how to interact with a kit. Better learn now than later They thought to themselves and nodded a little at Hollykit, “Firefly says it should be another four ish weeks before they arrive- but yes very soon” They answered the first array of the questions. Hollykit even welcomed them to the nursery and it warmed their heart a little, and their smile softened, “Thank you Hollykit, I appreciate that

Then the little kit launched into another array of words and questions. Stating he wanted to know them, what their names where and what they looked like. Honeysplash gave a light chuckle in response, well that she didnt know! She didn’t think any queen would know what their kits looked like and what they were going to be called. Wasnt that saved for when the kits were born?

I dont know what theyre gonna look like, we’ll have to wait till they arrive” She mused to the kit with a swish of her cream tabby tail and then gave a small gesture with her front paw, “And for names- i was thinking of maybe Cloverkit, or maybe something neat like Cloudkit for one of them- but i wont know for certain until theyre here” She smiled at the kit in amusement and shifted in her spot on in the nest.

Hollykit went on with round eyes about if they can still play with the kits when they’re an apprentice. Thats right- they were going to be grown soon and out there in the world. So would it just be them and Butterflytuft then? They couldnt rightly remember who was in the den at the moment and pushed the thought away, “Sure you can play with them when you’re an apprentice if they want to play with you. I hope theyre all nice- im sure with someone as kind as you around Hollykit they’ll be the sweetest

Honeysplash too feared that her kits might end up like Chrysaliswing. They didnt want to have their children hate them like he did, to be outcasted by the clan he had had been- surely they had a better luck streak than he did right? She hoped so- she hoped she could raise them to be kind and loyal cats.

Oh- no i dont think he’s coming in here” She assured the kit- at least it wouldn’t be any time soon. Probably wont be until theyre nearly in the warriors den themselves and he had to face them, but that was just her cynical thoughts taking over, “What do you think of names i should give them?” They prompted the kit, “What do you think they’ll look like?


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𓆩 ♕ 𓆪 Hollykit's eyes widen at Honeysplash's instruction to wait, interest only piqued. "Ah - ! A mystery!" Four more weeks, and the nursery would be filled with new kits again - to make up for the ones graduating, he thinks.

"Clover and cloud... Mhm, good names! A lucky kit and a soft kit..." Luckykit and Softkit would make good names too, he thinks. But the ones she's picked out are nice enough; he especially likes Cloverkit. Another kit with a plant-y name like his own would be welcomed with bright enthusiasm.

She puts aside the thought; she will welcome them brightly no matter their names. Such is the duty of a true hero! Honeysplash's words enlighten her - she is not merely allowed to play with the kits, she has a far greater purpose than that. I'm sure with someone as kind as you around, Hollykit, they’ll be the sweetest. He can't help the grin that overtakes him at the praise. "Of course!" She dips into a little bow. "I will keep them sweet! Show them kindness! A noble task," he declares, delighted in the prospect of it. He's not used to being anyone's elder, but now he bears a responsibility. Evil threatens to overtake Honeysplash's kits, but Hollykit will do all that she can to keep their hearts pure.

She straightens back up after a moment. "Good," the kit adds quickly at the promise that Chrysaliswing would not be staying in the nursery. The evil shall be kept at bay, then. But ah - here is her first task! Predictions, advice. Their eyes go wide. "Oh!" he chirps, before stilling. His mind whirs, a million words and images flitting through. What would be suitable for the kits of this revered warrior?

"Names - something good," she says, before scrunching her nose up. No, she needs more than that. Nice names, to keep the evil at bay. "Like Sweetkit! 'Cause - like honey is sweet." That's a good one. She beams, satisfied with herself. But... They need more than just that! "And Smilekit, to always have a smile!" She's on a roll now. But she needs a third, because three is the best number for kits. Luckily, Honeysplash has already provided. "Oh! And Cloverkit. I like Cloverkit." Better than Cloudkit, but she's not going to say that. She nods, satisfied with the choices.

"Maybe... Sweetkit will look kinda like their dad, but be wayyyyy nicer. A nice Chrysaliswing. And Smilekit will look like you, 'cause yellow's a happy color. And Cloverkit..." Maybe a little bit like both parents? No, that's boring. "Cloverkit can be green!" She's never seen a green cat before, but she finds herself imagining one now. So pretty. And no doubt special - fitting for the luckiest cat in the clans.

  • 78595156_PHu3ouPV70uRxD0.png

  • HOLLYKIT ⚔︎ she / him, kit of skyclan, five moons.
    a small, fluffy kit with mottled fur and deep green eyes.
    bobbie x blazestar; littermate to lionkit & candorkit, kin to many.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by SATURNID ↛ saturnids on discord, feel free to dm for plots.
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Reactions: Honeysplash
"A green kit," they ask, pressing past the shroud of the nursery's entrance with a cheerful grin on their face, "I think Greeneyes may get jealous!"

The corners of their eyes crinkle in a silent show of friendliness towards the noble Hollykit, who is ever the mirror of Candorkit's honor-bound identity. Honeysplash seems to be doing well enough... though they can't say they envy the nasty situation she's gotten herself into picking Chrysaliswing of all cats to be a father. It's evident in her meek response that he won't be entering the nursery that he isn't keen on that role either... How disappointing... and entirely predictable.

"If you're going with the family theme... could always have a Berrykit," they suggest, "Or maybe Seedkit!" It might encourage the idea of growth.. which is something Edenberry thought was a lacking personality trait in this clan... Looking between the two conversationalists, they blanch, aware suddenly that they'd intruded. "Oh- sorry, I was coming in to ask if you'd all eaten yet and got excited to talk about kitten names."

That and... they just opted to spend time in the nursery anytime they were feeling a little down and out. It was hard to stay in a bad mood when babies were about (and always so eager to play).

  • -- edenberry / skyclan daylight warrior / any pronouns / 13 moons
    -- mostly white with black pinstripe and green eyes / scarred face and back / filling out where previously skinny
    -- color #728c69​
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He was near the nursery today, loitering around the holly bush entrance. The feathered calico was here to congratulate Honeysplash on the joyous occasion, even though it really wasn't. A pity really. He liked the warrior, she was nice to him when they made separate horrible-shaped nests together. It was a nice time.

Oddgleam flicked an ear towards the babbling of Hollykit, asking a thousand questions to Honeysplash. He let a small laugh escape his maw, as he listened to the conversation going on and on. A smile curves upon his maw. The pale-patched tom was quite amused at the antics of Hollykit. "Ah, Sorry for the intrusion. But– Ooo, Clover and Cloud? They are very good names. And, Hello Honeysplash! Just here for a very late congratulations." He speaks, as he peers in the nursery then dips his head in greeting to the cream and white tabby with a friendly smile. Honeysplash seems to be doing well enough. Though, he can’t say that Honeysplash has gotten into quite a… nasty situation. Why pick Chrysaliswing out of all cats? He scrunches his nose at the thought of the warrior, it's disappointing really.

The young warrior swivels an ear, towards Edenberry. "Edenberry." He greets the feline with a hum, as he turns his attention on Honeysplash, with a slow tail flick. The calico listens as his fellow warrior lists off some potential kitten names. Berrykit? Seedkit? Sounds cute. Skyclan is lacking... a little bit of personality. "Might as well, try a paw at kit names. Hmm, Maybe Peachkit? and Melonkit?" He settles onto his haunches, as he lists off the names he thought of. Thinking of kitten names are fun.

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  • ( bad attitude, actin real goofy ) ˖⁺‧₊˚♡˚₊‧⁺˖ ODDGLEAM. ╱ skyclan warrior.
    non-binary ; HE / THEY, fine with gendered terms. ; 13 MOONS & AGES EVERY 7TH.
    bi-pan / polyamorous / padding after crowsight & owlheart
    pretty, long-legged medium furred sliver-cream calico with copper eyes.
    battle notesthoughts ; "Speech, ac7d88" ; attacks only
    may powerplay minor harm ╱ peaceful and healing powerplay permitted
    smells like caramel frappe & chilled stone
    — all opinions are ic

    biography / @ on discord for plots
    — penned by calzone
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Reactions: Honeysplash