- Dec 16, 2023
- 243
- 58
- 28
Was this a good idea?
Chickbloom had been wrestling with the question (along with others) for what felt like forever now. Whose business was it? Who needed to know? Who would care?
He cared.
The coward had already told Johnnyflame, but that was different. Driven by desperation, a desire to understand himself, the Scottish Fold had sought out his friend's advice and told the truth. Then, it mattered. This time, though? The simple act of knowing wouldn't change anything. By definition, it would affect no one (unless they had a crush on him, which the coward saw as…unlikely). Why not keep it secret?
Because he cared. Too much, certainly. Chickbloom cared about what cats thought of him. If life went on, what would others' image of the baby bird be? At best, a pitiable soul unlucky in love. At worst, an unlovable wretch; Unable to form a relationship, and therefore unable to assert his own value. If the coward could love no one, and no one could love him, what use was he?
At least if he told them, it would be an explanation; a way for the whelp to defend his worth. Of course, that brought its own worries. Chickbloom could practically hear the whispers now, reflecting his own doubts:
'Did you hear about Chickbloom? I think he's just making it up.'
"Yeah, It's a good excuse for someone like him to use. If no one wants you, you might as well pretend the feeling is mutual."
Egg-battered fur shook back and forth as the warrior cast the image from his mind, trying to stay positive. Johnnyflame had accepted him without question, after all. Maybe everyone else would be like that? Simply taking it at face value and going on with their day, or giving the Scottish Fold a small congratulations and a few kind words. If even one other cat reacted like the daylight warrior had, was that not a victory? In all Chickbloom's anxiety-tinged hypotheticals, he was viewed as a failure in love. At least this way, that number might not encompass the whole camp.
It wasn't the right reason to make an announcement like this, born from petrifying fear instead of pride in himself. On some level, even Chickbloom knew that, but simply being aware wasn't enough to stop the coward from caring far too much. He could tell himself a million times, but the boy would still be curled up at the end of each day, clutching his old collar and worrying himself silly. It was the same as his towlegs, he briefly noted. The former kittypet was so fixated on their approval, their affection, that it almost separated him from Skyclan forever. "I ran away, and it turned out to be the best choice I ever made." The spineless whelp steeled his resolve. If he did this, it meant it was his decision, at the very least.
"Um-" Chickbloom started from his seat near the prey pile, gaze fixed on the ground lest he be aware of how many eyes were on him. "I - I don't think-" no, he had to be more sure. "I - I d-don't-" The last word came out a smidge louder than the rest, but the stumbling speech was still somewhere between a whisper and a mumble. "I don't…I don't…l-like cats…romantically, o-or, y-yeah…" The boy could have left it there, but he needed to elaborate, to give his claim credibility, so cats wouldn't think he was making it up.
"I…I t-thought I did, y'know. I thought I w-wanted a - a mate, but after-" An anxious mind turned to Butterflytuft, wanting to keep her (awkward) involvement anonymous, for both their sakes. This was already hard enough, and the whelp wasn't in the mood to broadcast how he'd been rejected to the entire camp. The queen would know how she helped him, he hoped. "-after t-thinking about it, I r-realized the idea m-makes me really - um - uncomfortable, so…I…I hope that's okay with - with e-everyone."
Was Chickbloom brave for telling people how he felt, or cowardly for doing it to cull some imaginary social pressure? The Scottish Fold didn't know. Right now, he just hoped that people would accept him. Still, that nagging worry remained hooked to his brain: would he be able to accept himself?