pafp foxes and squirrels; game

Aug 14, 2022

Things had been tense to say the least. The past couple of sunrises all seemed to blur together for Hollow Tree. Emberstar’s death, Howling Wind becoming leader, the dogs threatening her home, and the fear that now Shadowclan may become a problem. It was a lot. She wanted nothing more than her clanmates to band together and drive away the dogs. But she knew some would be injured in such a fight. Or worse. She spaced out for a bit in her own thoughts before another warrior shook her from them.

Goldendawn and Hollow Tree got to talking and came to an agreement that a game might help everyone relax. Plus, it was a game that could also be seen as practice. It would work on everyone's reflexes and running speed. The game could even be a piece of fun before the oncoming storm caught up. The two warriors moved towards the center of camp. “Anyone care for a game of foxes and squirrels? Goldendawn and I will start as the foxes.”
[ you fall through the trees . tags ]

// takes place before the big dog fight + cat version of sharks and minnows <3
plz wait for @GOLDENDAWN

The concept of games themselves confused Goldendawn more than anything, for nothing of the sort was ever encouraged within the Diviners, especially in the face of the overwhelming shadow of a looming tragedy-to-happen. Distraction was but folly, and indolence was the enemy of excellence. At least, that was what her parents parrotted to her. Though the warrioress supposed it was more of a team-building exercise than a frivolous matter, a manner of boosting morale, as though Thunderclan's hopes had been dashed into the dirt by the impossibly-tall obstacles that stood in the path of tranquility. Golden had never been without a concrete purpose, and thus, had never allowed her spirits to be broken. Besides, she had noticed that the blood-kin of the clans always spent what little minute they had in languid leisure, as if their work had finished, and they had no other motive but to simply live for the moment. Goldendawn was much of the opposite, for the future hung upon pursued silence and strident thought, though she had done well to quell the maelstrom of her past. It would surely incriminate her.

"Yes, uh... I will be a fox." Ascribing oneself to a snarling bile-kin was not entirely unheard of, for the greatest heroes were often likened to the lithe leopard or the tempestuous tiger, like their deeds could not possibly be described by the tongue of mortality. Olive eyes rested on Hollow True as if watching for slight cues as to what she should do, tensed string with a claw impending just above it, a soldier waiting for the starting note of a barked-out command. Ever since she came to Thunderclan, she had been careful not to cross the stringed boundary between social faux pas and acceptability. It was much different here than what she was used to.
The fear of the dogs attacking first was always at the back of her mind. If they found the camp, she would fight until her last breath to protect her kits, but she hoped dearly that it wouldn't come to that. She wished to be able to help chase them out, but staying here making sure her children did not get into too much trouble was her main priority right now. Despite her fears, she did her best to put on a happy face, not wanting Falconkit and Stormkit to be worried. They were still young, they did not need to worry about dogs potentially bursting into the camp at any minute.

She watches them play, wishing she could share in their childish innocence, not knowing a thing about the real dangers in life. A smile formed on her maw, and her tail lightly thumped the ground, temping them to chase it. A call for a game came from the center of the camp, and Flamewhisker stood up eagerly. Foxes and squirrels...she wasn't familiar with the game, but it sounded like a good opportunity to stretch her legs. Sooner or later she would return to warrior duties, she needed to get back into shape.

Rising to her paws, she would use her chin to motion towards Hollow Tree and Goldendawn. "Would you guys like to play? We can see if they could explain the rules." Beyond moss ball and truth or dare, her game knowledge was pretty limited.


Foxes and squirrels? It sounded familiar but she can’t quite place a paw on it. Did she play this game as a kitten? Maybe… or maybe she is confusing it for another. Regardless she has nothing better to do (well, maybe chores), and wants to play.

With heavy paw-steps she comes forward, ”Me” simply she tells Hollow Tree, a grin on her face.


( secondary character / "speech" / ic opinions )

· RAGWORTPAW, female — she / her
╰ ‣ named for her health & strength at birth .
╰ ‣ 6 moons . ages on the first
╰ ‣ thunderclan apprentice . loner born . believes in starclan

· DOMESTIC FELINE, oak and maple trees , status — 100%
╰ ‣ blue furred . long-hared . a very furry head, chest, and tail

· ESTJ-A ❝​
EXECTUTIVE ❞ , Hufflepuff, Lawful Good
╰ ‣ Kind-hearted . Honest . Loud .Justice-seeking . People-pleaser . Gullible . Empty-headed . Humorous
╰ ‣ Though she is all brawn and no brain, Ragwort tries her best and carries a bleeding heart to all whom surround her. She takes the role of "big sister" with her siblings and friends, never failing to have their backs, take care of them, and defend them when needed (sometimes even jumping the gun). While she doesn't offer the best emotional support (not due to a lack of trying) she gives the best hugs and is great at giving cats distractions with her shenanigans.
╰ ‣ finds minimal difficulty relating to others . wears a bleeding heart

· GRIME x CINDERFROST, sister to toadpaw, prowlingpaw, hollypaw
╰ ‣ unknown sexuality.
╰ ‣ poor fighter . poor hunter .
╰ ‣ will start fights . unlikely to flee .
╰ ‣ attack in underline . penned by user @ava.
She had never heard of such a game. Stormkit's eyes lit up at her mother's offer. "Yes!" She squeaked, batting playfully at Falconkit before tottering over to brush against her mother's legs. The torbico kitten looked out into the camp, noticing Hollow Tree and Goldendawn.

"Let's go!" She whined, beckoning her mother and brother with her tail. She loved to run—! Not as much as a WindClan cat, because she was ThunderClan, but she was good at running, so she believed.


When his mother speaks up and asks them if they wanted to come on out and play a game the tom perks up. But he is a little slow to do so. His eyes are wide as he shuffles his way after his excited sister and he quickly catches up with a bright smile on his muzzle. "I wanna play too!" He squeaks up as he bounds over and looks up at Hollow Tree and then to Golden. His tail is flicking widly as he shuffles his paws back and forth against the ground. Looking back to his sister he makes his way over to Storm before sitting down and trying not to wiggle this way and that.

Hollow Tree nodded as she looked over the cats that had come over to play. Maybe some more would join as the game got started. “The rules are simple. Foxes will stand over here.” The warrior moved to one side of the camp, waiting for Goldendawn to follow her. “Squirrels will start on the other side. When foxes call out, squirrely squirrels come out and play, the squirrels will slowly walk towards the foxes. Then, at any point, the foxes can yell, foxes attack, and foxes will chase the squirrels back to their side. If squirrels make it there, then they are safe, but whoever is caught joins the foxes side.” She explains, hoping each cat understood.

Once she clears any questions, she waits for everyone to get to their spots. Glancing at her fellow ‘fox’ before giving a nod to them. Hoping they would call out at the same time, “Squirrely squirrels come out and play!”
[ you fall through the trees . tags ]
With her kits bounding behind her, the red tabby trotted over to join the two warriors. She would nod her head in greeting to Ragwortpaw, and then quickly lean down to lick the top of Falconkit's head. After this game, he and his sister were in dire need of a good grooming...they looked like a couple of porcupines!

As Hollow Tree explained the rules, she would nod her head along. It seemed simple enough, so when the foxes yelled, they needed to run. A fun way to exercise, and it would help teach her kits some reflexes. "Sounds fun!" the she-cat would chirp. "You guys ready?" her gaze flicked from her kits to Ragwortpaw. Once there were no more questions, she would round everybody up and bring them to their spots.

Squirrely squirrels come out and play

Dropping into a hunters crouch, she would slowly creep forward. She looked over to her kits, grinning excitedly. It was obviously just a game, but she wondered if her kits would try to copy her movements. I'll make hunters of them yet!
Stormkit nodded to show her enthusiasm and understanding. The game was simple enough. She felt a buzzing throughout her toes as she stalked over to the opposite side of camp with her. mother and the rest of the "squirrels". She could not wait to run. She knew she had to win. She didn't want to be a fox. Who would want to be such a terrible creature?

As soon as the signal was given out, Stormkit copied her mother in a more kitten-like and clumsy crouch. Her feathery tail dragged across the ground, gathering dirt and mud. Blue eyes widened as she waited, muscles tensed, for any movement from the "foxes". Finally, she could not help but squeak a taunt.

"You won't get me, foxes!"


It seemed this 'foxes and squirrels' game was much more popular than Goldendawn thought, for the Thunderclanners wasted no time busying themselves with cloud-top reverie and indolent games, as though they truly did not have anything better to do. A month or two ago, Golden would have detested such hebetude. Now, perhaps there was a spark of admiration that could be found in the dullness. It was because they had fended off their enemies that their laziness was as good as earned. Time was borrowed, though, and she could never conceptualize any blood-kin who thought it flowed to them as water did to the sere lip. Ragwortpaw shambled up to her and Hollow Tree, and the Abyssinian-coated feline dipped her head in a show of respect - even the younger cats deserved it. Flamewhisker then arrived, with her kittens wobbling in tow like little ducklings, following their mother as though it were their solemn duty. She'd never really seen a sight like that, which made an involuntary, flitting chuckle escape her mouth.

She then silently moved at Hollow Tree's instruction, as if a ghost damned to oaken shadow, a quick sepia stain against the dancing shades of foliage and leaf-litter. As if a switch had been pulled in her, she immediately shifted to become a more disciplined statue of the warrioress she was. Immediately, Golden sprung into action after the lullaby-esque words from Hollow Tree - which she assumed was her cue to go. The smaller warrior aimed to slap at Flamewhisker with one extended paw, locked upon the area between her shoulder and her flank. The flank was always begging to burst with the crimson ambrosia of blood, but she couldn't draw it now. Sadly, but she would save her claws for necessary.