sensitive topics framings in the dark . limping home

-- please note this takes place following [this] thread, a few days after the battle at the windclan bridge --
-- minor content warning for depictions of blood and injury just in case! --​

Victory tasted so sweet at the tips of every tongue that had sunk their teeth in and pulled with all their strength. The toes that had sunk into the grime, the dirt, the splintered wood of their place of battle had earned the right to tingle in that glory. Each raw scratch and rough bruise served as reminders of that intensity, the fervor to fight and fight and dig and push and pull and win.

It felt colder and lonelier to be on the other side- a bird flapping wildly in the wind as feathers fell from tattered wings across the forest floor. Nothing more than prey to be pursued. Though they could flutter far as their blood ran icy cold, every beat of broken wings felt like asking the stars themselves for each breath. The eyes that peered between trees, through the reeds, had they always been there? The shadows themselves danced with the threat of the unknown and for a moment, those words rang so loud in her ears she couldn't hear anything else.

It had been a promise, a kiss of teeth in her neck to seal it.

While the rage of being caught so off guard had fueled her far enough to get away, it could not stay a fire lit in her belly as the adrenaline died and the earth became splattered in a trail of her mistakes. Ichor the color of the reddest carnations had bloomed along her shoulders again, tears into tender flesh that had already been rent asunder in a skirmish that had ended with such a sweet taste despite the pain. More unbearable was the steady, sticky drip that came from the gray cat's ear-

Where it had been.

The closer she felt to home the more she felt her body protest, the more the way her shoulders became warm and stiff and agonizing-- it proved to be hard to push through. Perhaps it was stubborn perseverance but every agonizing step continued into the threshold of her only safe haven, forelegs limping to carry her forward; her ear burned... she had hardly noticed its loss until the wretched trek home when loose twigs of the underbrush had smacked against her cheeks, tearing little scratches in a horror-stricken face, whipping where her ear still remained... but not the other...

Practically dragging her feet into the camp, the heavy sigh of relief the pointed cat expelled seemed to take every last ounce of energy with it. Crumpling like a battered dove into a small heap of tangled fur and matted blood, Lichentail could feel how shaky her own legs were now... how heavy she felt in that moment to exist and breathe and live.

Was this really what StarClan had always intended for RiverClan?

To be dead birds that didn't know they were dead yet?​
( tags ) The scent of blood was becoming all too familiar, and he despised it. The last thing he wanted to see right now was another one of his friends return injured. When he takes her form in it becomes clear that she got into some sort of scuffle. She's returned with less ear than usual and with some scratches on her face. He's no medicine cat but he knows Lichentail is exhausted from whatever she faced. When he pads up to her, she seems to have a faraway look. Not good! It's then that he takes in the scent of Windclan. As far as he knows, there were no other patrols sent for another battle with the moor runners.

"Shit." The curse isn't necessarily for whoever did this, but towards the new injuries Lichentail sustained. "C'mon, Lichen," his voice trembles. His friend just collapsed and didn't seem like she would be getting up anytime soon. Fearful that Lichentail is going to pass any moment now, he lays down in front of her and gently touches her scratch littered face with his paws. "Y-you can't go to... Sleep right now. You can't. Just look at me." He is aware he can't force her to stay up and he also knows that he may look pathetic for showing weakness like this. A warrior is supposed to be strong and here he is freaking out over his friend.

In a panic he turns his head to anyone who can hear, "HELP! FETCH RAVENPAW!" The paws that held Lichen's face were trembling. Cicadastar won't be happy about this. First it was Thunderclan and now it's Windclan. I wouldn't be surprised if Shadowclan was next. Not too sure about Skyclan, but I sure hope we don't have to battle another clan. He turns his head to face his battered friend. She would probably be embarassed about this and reprimand him later for this and when the time came he would apologize. For now, he was going to start rubbing his paws in a circular motion on her face not only to calm himself but attempt to soothe her as well.

Fear is not a stranger to Hazecloud. As familiar as her own fur, as the soil that greeted her paws every morning. It crept in like a hunter, crawling beneath her skin. In all her familiarity with it, she could always anticipate it's next move from there. From beneath her pelt it wrapped cold tendrils around her neck, tightened into a knot at the back of her throat. Holding in whatever words, cries or outbursts from within. Locking her into a silent suffering. Her heart turned to a stone that sank in her chest with a heavy 'thud', hearing it's repetition in her pulse.

The sight of Lichentail's damaged form sent her paws still in place, shocked by the scene. Pikesplash was quicker to react. Hazecloud's fear stirred with the conflict of what to do. Her heart hurt to see the warrior so battered, so defeated. In another time she would have rushed the moment she caught suspicion of what had happened. Would had joined their side and comforted them. Licking the blood away from the wounds until help arrived, reassuring their bravery would reward them safety.

Hazecloud didn't get to have that anymore. She shouldn't feel so broken about it now, after all, Hazecloud had done that to herself. Had taken herself away from Lichentail's side.

"I-I've got it." Her voice broke through, trembling from pushing through what felt like sand in her mouth. She tried to shake the fear that sunk itself into her paws and turned around to race inside the clearing.

Admittedly, it is difficult to adjust to the change of the calls that are sent out for healing. Ravenpaw jolted up from his place in the medicine den, fixing up another poultice. He looked over his shoulder expectantly for Beesong, only for his heart to crush in on itself again. Before he could be completely consumed by the feeling of loneliness, he looked up blearily to see Hazecloud had come up to fetch him.

"H-Hazecloud." He panted, but shook his head and forced himself to get a grip on himself. "Take some of those cobwebs—not too much. I assume it's a bleeding, yes?"

He trusted the older cat enough that she would not mess with anything else. Without further notice, he darted out of his solitary confinement, shocked to see Lichentail collapsed on the ground. He picked the pace, cursing himself for being so slow.

"Right," He murmured. "You have gotten home well enough, but I will need you to get to the den." His ears twitched gravely. No use in having Lichentail stay out in the open if it was this bad. "Come on, Pikesplash, lend a paw, please."

( tags ) "Ah, y-yeah, yeah," he mewls as he moves his paws away from Lichen's face. It is a bit strange to hear Ravenpaw's voice like this, but this is a bitter reminder that Beesong was no longer with them. Getting up it quickly becomes clear that he's never actually carried or brought an injured cat back to camp. He's seen some wounded clanmates being carried on another's back, but he assumes you would need help for that? Unless there's some techinique? He looks over to Hazecloud, but she doesn't really offer him something to work on. Cough, he's asking for help. HAZECLOUD I DON'T KNOW WHAT I'M DOING! Figuring that Hazecloud did bring Ravenpaw, this would be his job. Whelp. The only thing he's carried are kits and freshkill, so he decides on this.

Possibly the most eye raising decision or at the very least Ravenpaw giving him the most confused look ever, he grabs onto Lichentail's scruff and begins to drag her. Is this the best mode of transportation? No, but she is... Moving. She'll also probably kill him for this later, BUT! ANYWAYS, he was going to keep dragging Lichen towards the medicine cat den if he was not stopped.
( ) the iron scent of blood wafts into her nose as the woman exits the warrior den. anxiety floods her stomach, bubbling up to her throat as she sees the newly appointed lead warrior collapse, shaking. she is covered in crimson, her own life source drying on her pale fur. willowroot gasps, hurrying over as ravenpaw, pikesplash, and hazecloud approach. "starclan help us," the smoke murmurs, sniffing at the scratched and bruised lichentail. windclan scent mingles with the tangy smell of blood and anger rises to coat her anxiety. "let me help, pike," she offers. squaring her shoulders, willow bends and hoists lichentail's back legs onto her back. balancing carefully, she'll attempt to take some of the weight from pikesplash. hopefully this will result in an easier experience.

when they reach the medicine den, willowroot will lower her half onto the ground. "pikesplash, hazecloud, aid ravenpaw with whatever he needs" she tells the others, knowing they will serve as best they can. a pang of grief strikes her chest as she allows herself to take in the scent of the medicine den. beesong's smell has not yet faded. ravenpaw deserves all the support he needs, willow decides. she stands up straight, gazing at the tom. "i will fetch cicadastar, he'll want to know about this." trusting her fellow warriors will aid the young medic, the former lead slips from the den and makes her way with haste towards the leaders' den. "cicadastar, lichentail was attacked. she's in the medicine den!" hoping the tomcat follows, she'll return to the tangy scent of herbs.



Another swipe of guilt lashes at her as she watched Ravenpaw rise. Hazecloud hadn't meant to disturb him so beastly, and she quickly lowered her head in a contrite bow. "Yes, from her ear, mostly." She reported, forcing her voice to steady. Ravenpaw, though thrown so suddenly from Beesong's passing, was still skilled. She trusted he could care for Lichentail.

Before ushering to the cobwebs she found a bed of moss, taking care to fluff it up into something more comfortable for the injured molly. Waking up with stiff joints was even less enjoyable when stuck in bed rest. When satisfied, she wrapped her paw around a small bit of webbing and joined Ravenpaw back out of the den with the others. Pikesplash was... attempting in good faith and effort to retrieve the Lead. There was some relief with Willowroot's help.

"On it." She reassured them with a confident nod. "I promise I'm a quick learner, I'll do my best for whatever you need." Hazecloud held up her paw expectantly, ready to dress up the wounds once clean.
Being a puddle felt nice... it was a lazy thing to do, to be a little body of water on the ground, moving mostly at the behest of any stubborn wind that pulled past the surface. It sent ripples that way... Ripples that rushed towards the shore and insisted on barraging the dirt and pebbles and sand the tall reeds or grasses that encroached there. Drawing a small breath through a dark colored nose, the air smelled of familiar bodies that they'd danced past a hundred times, "I'm fine," it wasn't a statement to their physical condition but rather a confirmation of comfort.

Warm, sweaty paw pads grabbed at her face stubbornly, and with a warbling voice like a frightened mouse, Pikesplash was lecturing her about taking a well-deserved rest. Did he know how far that border was? It was no small trek... and their paws hurt. Winking open heavy eyes to glare at his rough handling, the pointed figure gave a small noise of complaint.

It seemed that his insistence was not just his own small panic (she was fine... home was safe...), Ravenpaw offered a kind but firm demand she had to get back up, had to stop lounging around, had to go to the medicine cat's den... Her tail lashed at the ground, another deep and frustrated breath- "It's fine," they insisted to the shadowy shapes that poked and prodded for their ascension. Shoving an elbow out to sit them-self upright, the whole camp tilted awkwardly in their vision for a moment before settling.

The red-toned dirt where they'd laid their head was alarming... a reminder that it wasn't just the minor little scratches on their face- that was why their heart was so loud, wasn't it? A dull throbbing... They weren't given an opportunity to prove it was fine-- Pikesplash seized their scruff and started pulling with some great effort.

Giving a sharp hiss as the floor ground into her shoulder, they were going to lecture him to be patient and let her get up when Willowroot expertly interjected to save her. No longer a lead but still something of a savior regardless... or maybe that was just a motherly touch.

The dismount was mostly simple and it smelled of the delicate work of Hazecloud (both a comfort and a bitter torment really), setting her head back down in only the most basic compliance. "Sorry Ravenpaw," it felt like she owed him those words at least... If she'd paid a little more attention maybe this could've been a little less awful. Resting her eyes again, the world continuing to spin like a wild tornado around her... "Eugh..."