francesca | willowroot

The air is chilly as Robinpaw and Willowroot pad towards the beech copse, their breath clouding in idle conversation during the short walk. Many times they’ve visited the copse to battle train and hunt. However this would be one of the final times they enter the beech copse as mentor and apprentice.

It is crazy to think that Robinpaw was nearly a warrior. There are times she still feels like the sickly kit left behind in the nursery while her siblings were named apprentices; times she still feels like the young apprentice seated beside Blazestar at the border as Cicadastar passes judgement on her. Yet there are times where she feels the pride and strength of helping RiverClan survive the rogue attack; times she feels capable under Willowroot’s training and guidance. Robinpaw knows her mentor will not go easy on her today and funny enough she looks forward to proving herself to the smoke feline.

“We’re here,” The multicolored molly states as the duo enter the clearing, sunlight glowing off the open frosty ground. “What will we be starting with today, Willowroot?” She asks with a slight tilt of her head, citrine eyes softened by a slight smile tugging at her maw. The smile is friendly but also saddened - Robinpaw will miss these moments with Willowroot once she is made a warrior.
