pafp frappe tornado l "mud bath"


Sep 11, 2022

Jaypaw had been tripping over the hole outside of the queens den all morning and already he's had to grab kits by the scruff and pull them out of it more time than he cares too. It doesn't help that the leaves cover it up like a booby trap and his brain has nightmare scenarios that a queen might trip on it and somehow be drastically injured by a tiny slip into some leaves. So the orange splotched tom decides that the most useful thing would be to patch it up and he sets up into the nearby woodland to gather some natural plaster. He'd have to make another hole in camp to get enough dirt but if he just gets some mud from a puddle and lets it dry then that'd be perfect. It doesn't take long to find a puddle just big enough to recover some from but it's only then that he realizes that carrying it back is another matter. The goop slips through his paws and in a moment of annoyance, he even tries to grab it in his mouth. "BLEH-" That was stupid. That was so stupid. Why did he do that.

Grimacing through the gritty dirt, eventually Jaypaw's mind returns to him and he finds a nice wide red oak leaf that fell off the tree still a bit green. The apprentice piles mud on top of it then starts dragging it back toward camp. Maybe it would have been smarter to wash his paws off in the water before starting his trek because soon, there's an abundance of leaves grabbing onto his muddy toes. So close to home, he decides it's too late to turn back now and heads toward the lowest incline he can. Right at the lip of the sandy ravine, just as camp comes into view, disaster strikes and Jaypaw slips in a firework of colorful leaves as he and his big leaf mud pie go tumbling down onto the unfortunate soul below.

@Tybalt [Stagstrike]
  • Haha
Reactions: Floppie
Tybalt had been basking in a patch of sun with his eyes closed, blissfully unaware of Jaypaw coming in from above plastered in leaves and mud. So when the wet monstrosity of mud, and then Jaypaw came splattering down on top of him, he wasn't exactly prepared. The brown tom gave a startled yelp as he leapt to his paws. "What the fuck!?" he blurted, eyes darting around in search of whoever it was who had decided to douse him in filth.

His gaze found the orange and white tabby, and Tybalt narrowed his eyes suspiciously at the apprentice. "What was that?" he asked, shaking the mud from his fur. The idea that Jaypaw had done it on purpose seemed out of character for him, but you could never be too sure.
Wolfwind's not really paying attention when it happens. One moment, Stagstrike is mud-free, and the next, he's mud-covered It's like some awesome magic trick, she would've asked how he pulled it off if not for the screech the rips from his lungs, implying that, this in fact, was not intended. So naturally, she goes from awe-filled to sickering real quick. "Hey, it's not so bad! You can barely tell it apart from your usual looks! " she tells him, and while it is meant to annoy him, it's not even a lie.

Her gaze flickers to Jaypaw. "S' this a new battle move you're working on?! I'm sure Sk-er..." aren't they supposed to be buds with Skyclan or something? Lame. Riverclan is the second clan that comes to mind, but they're supposed to be buddies too, or something. Damn. And she's sure Wind or Shadow wouldn't care since they live in filth already. She stares blankly ahead, her train of thought effectively halted in it's tracks. Erm... She gives up with a shrug. "Okay, I guess pranks are it's only ah-applica-tion. Let's get Flycatcher next!"

Flycatcher had been busy grooming himself nearby, uninvolved in the conversation for the most part. His ears pricked only when he heard Stagstrike cry out, and turned his head to see the tom covered in mud where moments earlier he had been mud free. The lead warrior chuckles slightly at the situation unfolding nearby but perks up again when his name is mentioned. He lifts his head and looks at the trio, eyes watching Wolfwind in particular as she had been the one to use his name. "Huh?" He blinks, unaware he was potentially about to be greeted with a muddy surprise.
  • Haha
Reactions: Floppie

The molly is coming back into camp after some lone attempt at hunting that has not gone well. It leaves her a little dejected especially with everyone talking about the cold season coming and how food might be scarce. Especially when she is taking up space and food and not able to put it back. With a small frown on her muzzle she reframes from going to the fresh kill pile and instead is about to take a breather when the sounds of shenanigans suddenly lifts up in the camp. Her head turns and she hears Tybalt suddenly snap and her nose twitches. The smell of mud envades her nostrils and she makes her way over. The words of Wolfwind make her frown just a bit. Battle tatics? What ever for?

She doesn't think about those things and she shakes herself a little before she tilts her head. "Are you okay, Jaypaw? You took quite the tumble." Despite all the mud it might not have been a comfotable fall. Then she turns to eye Tybalt, narrowing her gaze as she tries to see. Lifting a paw she tried to bat some of the mud off hum. "Guess someone needs a bath." The ivory princess' words are said with humor as she tries to help.

the sound of jaypaw landing on the ground and then the disgruntled exclamation fron stagstrike quickly garnered the attention of the young warrior. silver eyes widened as the molly tried to stifle a laugh. how did this even happen? was dousing you clanmates in mud the new big thing? she sure hoped not. the small smoke had enough trouble keeping her fur free of hitchhiking debris, if mud was added to the mix she would surely lose her mind. an amused grin was on her maw as she approached to hear wolfwind's inquiry about battle tactics, and another chuckle escaped.

"sure's an interesting fashion choice," nightbird piped up, sitting near the group. "on the bright side, it truly does compliment your eyes," she added with a brisk lick to her paw and an uncharacteristically sweet smile.

Jay is shaking his head free of dizziness when he realizes his mistake and he can't help how his fur stands on end at Tybalt's tone. Oh no, is he going to be beat up for this? No, Tybalt isn't that sort of cat, but he can't help how anxious he feels when all of these eyes are set on him and especially the clay tom's annoyed ones. His lips fumble for a reply but that's when he hears Wolfwind interject and he pauses. Pranks? He could... say it was a prank. Yeah. Then he'd be lying but... "Yeah, it was just a joke!" His tone isn't very convincing but in his panic, he thinks that it's better than everyone knowing what a clutz he is or how silly his plan was. Still, hearing Ghost and Night's teasing comments going Tybalt's way makes him feel a bit bad and he smiles lightly with a soft tone, "Haha, sorry Tybalt..."

Though he didn't come out unscathed of mud either, the appentice nods his head Ghostpaw's way. "Yeah, I'm okay!" Yet then his eyes fall on Fly, as if Wolf's words summoned him and well... he's got to sell it. It's a sneak attack, a stab in the back from the most unlikely source, as he raises up his paws when Fly is looking to Wolfwind. "But Flycatcher isn't!" The apprentice giggles and since he's covered in mud too anyways, the young tom aims to launch his muddy paws right into Flycatcher's forehead with a gross splat. It feels sort of exhilarating really. It's just a little mud after all, maybe he was just overthinking it like he always does.


/so sorry for the late reply!

When no-one immediately responds to him, Flycatcher merely shrugs and returns to his grooming but is soon dragged back into the conversation when Jaypaw calls his name. He barely has a chance to turn his head before a muddy paw hit him with a splat. The tom recoils sharply and pulls away, shaking his head to rid himself of some of the mud. "Oh Jaypaw that was quite the mistake you made there," Flycatcher says. It sounds like a warning but his tone is light and he has a playful grin on his lips. "I won't get you now but you better keep watch, you never know when I might get my revenge."