f2u codes free 2 use templates

Nov 15, 2022
sometimes I make stuff, and wanna make them available for others too if they think they're also cool!

completely free to use in any way, tear them apart, etc, what have you

I first made this for my Heathkit app. This is an example of how it looked. Essentially you get some basics up front, can add a line underneath the name for alt names you're considering, two lines of lyrics, add in a headshot or art and then the description goes alongside it. You don't need to have the art there—idk how it would look, but probably not too bad. You'll have to adjust the size of it thought.

You can change the colors (they are all in white so you can just edit those) and the titles of the tabs. I typically used the first as an attention grabber for the application, the second as diving more into character (comes w/ DnD stats), the third for plots, and then the fourth for whatever! art, fun facts, etc. For Heathkit, it was her references for portraying her congenital deafness.

Let me know if anything terrible happens and I can try to fix!

This was made for adoptions in mind, but you could probably mess around with it and make it a tags temp!

(alt names: palekit, ashkit, heathkit, snowykit, harekit)



masking red tabby, masking black, carrying dilute

an almost picturesque imitation of her father, she lies with tangled pristine white fur. her eyes do not change from their kitten-blue as she grows older. she is thin and slight, her fur giving her a larger appearance that what she really is. her nose falls down in a gentle, well-formed slope, her facial features invoke an almost eternal youthful look to her face. she walks purposefully and cautiously, placing each paw pad firmly to the ground, when she runs, however, she runs as if she were truly free. her scent is determined primarily where she resides—for now, she smells of nursery milk and kitten fluff.

  • she does not respond like the other kits. she is slower to heed her parents calls and she does not spook from sudden yowls or commotions outside the nursery. before long, after confirmation with windclan's medicine cat, she is found to have lost hearing in both ears.

    because the onset of her inner ears' degradation happened in mere days of her birth, she struggles with verbal communication and is near mute as a kit. she can communicate through gestures, make noises and cry—occasionally these noises have been noted by other cats to be louder than average, though they admit it can vary. she will need familial dedication to her needs and will learn to communicate entirely based on how they decide to raise her.

    CON ●●○○○○○○○○
    DEX ●●●●●●●●○○
    INT ●●●●●○○○○○
    WIS ●●●●●●●●●○
    CHA ●●●●●○○○○○

    the world she lives in is vibrant and colorful—she feels comfort in her mother's cheery disposition and her alignment with windclan morals will depend entirely upon how they approach her. her imagination is full of colors and shapes as she thinks primarily in images rather than strings of words. she has a love of touch and enjoys feeling any sort of texture and wondering why it came to be so.

    she is deeply sensitive and self-centered. and for at least the better part of her youth, she focuses primarily on her wants and needs though she is not quite ambitious in a political sense. she forms deep attachments to those she cares about and breaking her trust or forcing her to make a tough decision between something and loyalty will cause her deep frustration. her family is her heart and she is picky about who she lets in. she will be easily offended by someone who is not patient with her or does not indicate that they particularly like her, and is remarkably expressive when she makes something that she does not like known to others.

  • PRODUCT OF HER ENVIRONMENT: I love having role-play influence my character. For WHITEKIT, this is all the more important. this application, especially the info found in the FOUNDATION tab serves more as the pure core and jumping-off point for her character. I hope for her to navigate her way of handling life through the guidance and lessons that her Clan teaches her—both in communication and how she is raised alongside WindClan's trademark ferocity!

    TUNNELING: We'll have to see how this goes ICly but I can imagine tunneling may be a path she would be put on, both for her size and for her natural inclination to her senses of touch and vibration. She is determined to find a way to help serve her Clan in a way that keeps her safe. She has no interest in retiring early or becoming a medicine cat.

    WHAT'S IN A NAME: I'm really torn on her name—I'd like it to be somewhat ICly influenced! So I am down to discussing with the parents about those options. Alternatively, I have a potential idea where Bright and Heavy give her a very abstract name at birth (like whitekit or heathkit, or any of the happy names) that she later struggles to understand without hearing, or a name that is not applicable for the season (for example, I think "snow" or "snowy" would be a good idea for this since it was originally meant to be a homage to her father, but because it has not snowed while she was a kit she has no grounding of what it means). It creates a frustration for her because she cannot understand what her name is and there could potentially be a decision to change her name to something she can understand and have a tangible relationship with (for example, harekit or something else akin to that!). Not sure if this is something the Clans would do, but I think it might be a cool plot! I'm definitely not tied down completely to this idea, so if it isn't feasible I do not mind it being passed over!

    FAKE SIBLINGS: She treats the PollenHya kits as her full-blooded siblings. She has no reason to treat them otherwise. Her view of them if the truth is ever outed is primarily dependent on her development up to that point and what exactly is told to her, but if her bonds with those kits are very close (which to me currently is the most likely scenario), she will defend them from any verbal discrimination and turn bitterly against her exiled kin.

  • WHITE CAT DEAFNESS—I used this to figure out how her white fur gene connects to her deafness and when it would have occurred
    Heid, S; Hartmann, R; Klinke, R (January 1998). "A model for prelingual deafness, the congenitally deaf white cat—population statistics and degenerative changes". Hearing Research. 115 (1–2): 101–12. doi:10.1016/S0378-5955(97)00182-2. PMID 9472739. S2CID 38262220.

    Fitzpatrick E. "Neurocognitive development in congenitally deaf children". Handb Clin Neurol. 2015;129:335-56. doi: 10.1016/B978-0-444-62630-1.00019-6. PMID: 25726278.

    Meier, Richard P. "Language Acquisition by Deaf Children." American Scientist, vol. 79, no. 1, 1991, pp. 60–70. JSTOR, http://www.jstor.org/stable/29774278.

    Svirsky, M A et al. "Language development in profoundly deaf children with cochlear implants." Psychological science vol. 11,2 (2000): 153-8. doi:10.1111/1467-9280.00231

    Signed With Heart is a great YouTube channel I've been following to gain more first-person insight into the life and experiences of someone born deaf!

    Other Resources I have bookmarked for her!

[box=60%][justify][B][I][COLOR=rgb(255, 255, 255)][SIZE=6]NAME[/SIZE][/COLOR][/I][COLOR=rgb(255, 255, 255)][SIZE=6]KIT[/SIZE][/COLOR][/B]
[I](alt names: if wished)[/I]

[RIGHT][B][I][COLOR=rgb(255, 255, 255)]LYRIC LINE HERE

[B][COLOR=rgb(255, 255, 255)]CLAN[/COLOR][/B] | PARENT [B]x[/B] PARENT
[B][I][COLOR=rgb(255, 255, 255)]PRO/NOUNS[/COLOR][/I][/B] | AGAB

[fleft][IMG width="200px"]IMAGE HERE[/IMG][/fleft][B][COLOR=rgb(255, 255, 255)]A LONG/SHORTHAIRED COLOR MOLLY/TOM WITH COLOR EYES[/COLOR][/B]
[I]masking ect, carrying etc, can also add other mutations here[/I]

use this to describe appearance in more depth. if you need help, you can follow my mental description map: pelt color -> eye color -> body shape -> facial features -> how they talk -> typical walking/running gait -> scent. make sure this is longer than your picture, otherwise it may mess up the tabs!

[tabs][tab=PART I — discovery]I use this as the attention-grabbing paragraph to draw readers into your application! should be short and wholistic, easy to grab at-a-glance what sort of character you are making.[/tab]

[tab=PART II — foundation][fleft][B] [COLOR=rgb(255, 255, 255)]+ POS TRAIT + POS TRAIT[/COLOR][/B]
[COLOR=rgb(255, 255, 255)][B]- NEG TRAIT - NEG TRAIT

STR[/B] ●○○○○○○○○○
[B]CON[/B] ●●○○○○○○○○
[B]DEX[/B] ●●●●●●●●○○
[B]INT[/B] ●●●●●○○○○○
[B]WIS[/B] ●●●●●●●●●○
[B]CHA[/B] ●●●●●○○○○○[/COLOR]
[/fleft]use this to expand on the deeper character of your application! adjust the circles as necessary to show off the DnD style stats of your character! (Can also be changed).


[/tab][tab=PART III — future][B][COLOR=rgb(255, 255, 255)]PLOT TITLE:[/COLOR][/B][COLOR=rgb(255, 255, 255)][/COLOR] Insert fun plot here

[B][COLOR=rgb(255, 255, 255)]PLOT TITLE:[/COLOR] [/B] Insert fun plot here

[B][COLOR=rgb(255, 255, 255)PLOT TITLE:[/COLOR][/B] Insert fun plot here

[B][COLOR=rgb(255, 255, 255)]PLOT TITLE:[/COLOR][/B] Insert fun plot here

[/tab][tab=REFERENCES][B][COLOR=rgb(255, 255, 255)]TITLE



