free my soul. [ recovery / leaving medicine cat den ]


smile, sweetheart. it'll be alright.
Aug 12, 2022
there were a lot of thoughts going on through bumble's head, but namely, right now, the one that consumed him the most was hunger. gently, he rubbed his only eye, claws slowly kneading the next he laid in, as he looked around... he wanted to share a rabbit with his siblings and his mama. but where were they? squinting, bumble slowly stood from his nest, tail gently swaying behind him as he tried to balance for a moment before he walked carefully out of the medicine cat den, slightly recoiling at the brightness of the sun, before he just presses forward. his stomach growled and snapped at him... and he only flinched at the suddenness from the sound. he supposed it made sense, but it didn't make him any less jumpy.

"hey... uh... excuse me..? can you help me get a good rabbit to share? i don't think i can eat the entire thing and i dont want it to go to w-waste."

he winced at the raspy sound of his own voice... is that what he really sounded like now? gently his paw touched his now scarred neck, before he just sighed, flattening his ears. positive thoughts, bumble... mama would want you to be positive.

he tells himself. he takes in a deep breath before offering the fellow felidae a partial smile.

// feel free to be the cat he's talking to! but this is open for everyone <3 this is supposed to be more on the positive side!
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Kits were... hard to interact with.
Molepaw didn't know why that was, he had been a child at one point, everyone had! So why were they difficult to interact with? Maybe it's because you had to lighten your words, be cautious of what you said, and the fawn and chocolate tom was not good at thinking words out before speaking. He's made an idiot of himself over it several times just in the past day.

Yet Bumblekit had approached him, why... him? Why did odds place a child at his paws? Why couldn't it have been someone else?

"Um. Sure-" He gets onto his paws and waltzed over to the fresh-kill pile abruptly, not much for prompting was needed. His brain went on drone mode, looking to accomplish the task at hand as quickly as possible so he could go back to his day. He paws through the fresh-kill pile for a few seconds before pulling out a small-sized rabbit. Turning, he sets it as Bumble's paws.

"Uhm, yeah so, just eat what you want and uh- I'll eat whatever you don't." He wasn't that hungry but was positive he could pawn left overs off onto someone.



Stormgaze didn’t hate the medicine cat den but she didn’t want to visit it anytime soon. She had spent a good amount of time there after the big fight. The same fight that took her father. Then her mother left. The young warrior was having a rough time to say the least. But she was getting back on her paws and slowly becoming herself again. Getting back to jokes and talking off the ears of any cat near her.

She spots Bumble, a kit she hadn’t seen in some time since she left the medicine cat den before they had been hurt. It was good to see them out and eating with an apprentice. Stormgaze’s long legs carried her over swiftly. Unaware that Molepaw may be uncomfortable interacting with a kit. The young warrior never had a problem hanging out with the kits. “Hello Molepaw and Bumble! Sharing a rabbit on this fine day? Rabbits are quite delicious, though, a little stringy sometimes.” she sits beside the pair, inserting herself into their conversation.
✦ ★ ✦

The familiar form of Stormgaze is in the distance, the sullen molly usually seen looking lonely. She was used to passing by Stormgaze while she remained quiet in the presence of others, but it seemed she had chosen to greet Bumblekit as he was brought out of the medicine cat's den. Hyacinth makes her way over, facial expression neutral as she looks at Bumblekit.

....His face was shredded. He looked a mess. She swallowed the lump in her throat, looking around for Honeytwist instinctively.

"Rabbit can never be as good as snakes are. Ever had a bite of snake, kiddos?"

Golden eyes light up at the sight of his brother taking steps out of the medicine den.

Though his brother looks different - sounds a bit different, even - Bumblekit is still his brother, all the same. And Lemonpaw is glad to see him making progress.

The small tom makes his way over to his older brother, to Molepaw who joined them. A rabbit is shared between them, and the sight of Bumblekit eating makes him happy too. Progress.

"Bumblekit! You're out of the medicine den!" He hopes the gray tom will be able to stay out of the medicine den, but knows it's not quite time, that his wounds are still healing, that their mother will be careful in watching him. Stormgaze and Hyacinthbreath also seem to notice Bumblekit's departure from his mother's den, as they arrive to greet him too. But, Hyacinthbreath mentions eating snakes instead of rabbits, and that sounds absurd.

"Snakes?" he echoes, frowning at the thought, "Gross!"
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