border FREMDE πŸŽͺ joiner




Kurt's life was not one that lacked. For food, for water, and certainly not for entertainment - growing up with and being trained among the humans' circus, he knew a great deal of entertainment, and what it took to get a smile on a face and a laugh out of lungs.

He was used to traveling, to seeing the sights of whichever city his housefolk went to alongside their circus, and this place was no different; or so he'd assumed.

Wild cats were not ones that Kurt typically found himself associating with, but he talked with the nearby pet or stray on occasion during the times when the circus would stop to perform, and that was where he had heard of this area's wild cats - cats that had organized themselves into groups, and one, in particular, that was friendly to cats kept by housefolk.

It was the night after the second show that Kurt resolved to go and investigate these friendly wild cats. At best, he'd learn a little more of their society and take those stories with him to regale future listeners; at worst, well, at least he'd taken the chance.

With a skip in his step and an amiable grin plastered across his face, Kurt stepped out of the boundary that the locals seemed to consider the bridge between society and wild. He kneaded his paws against the soil and breathed in the air of adventure, a small, triumphant laugh leaving his maw.

β€œAh, the great outdoors,” he mused, starting forward. There was definitely the scent of wild cats out here now that he focused, but it was a myriad of smells that blended together into one congruous thing.

As he continued on the scent grew denser, harder to ignore, and Kurt may have been adventurous but he wasn't stupid; he knew a boundary marker when he smelled one, and he came to a stop just at the invisible line.

β€œHallo?” He called, tail waving behind him as he straightened up, minding his surroundings. β€œIs anyone out there?”
  • !
  • NIGHTCRAWLER ✩ warrior of skyclan, twenty-eight moons
    speaks with a German accent
    β†’ peaceful and healing powerplay permitted.
    β†’ penned by Archivist β†’ .archivist on discord.

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Owlheart had agreed to go on patrol tonight because she had wanted to see if she could spot any of the nocturnal birds of prey in the trees. Trying to watch her namesake by herself was a foolish notion so she sought for the safety within numbers. It seemed pretty routine all things considered, that was until a strange mixture of scents could be picked up near the border. It had the trademark of twolegs and the twolegplace but a mixture of other things that Owlheart had not been exposed to. Perhaps it was the curiosity that drew her towards the scent line that marked their border, she would deny that of course. There was caution in her movements, she motioned to her clan-mates that she was patrolling with where she was going. It was getting dangerous out here after all, she wasn’t going to be foolish enough to be the only one to approach the border.

The red tabby peered her head around the corner of the tree that she had been glancing up at before, disappointingly it had been an empty tree. Golden eyes stare at the stranger as she cautiously approaches the border, staying a clear distance from the edge of it in the case that this was someone intending harm. Though, she reasoned that if this was someone who intended to be hostile from the start would they really wait by the border? β€œHello” she greets simply at first, a polite smile given, doing her best to be as friendly as she could be as she disliked being outwardly hostile unless the situation called for it. That being said it was clear that she was watching him for the slightest hint of hostility. Still not entirely sure what his intentions could be.

β€œIt's late, what brings you to SkyClan's border at this hour?” She questions with a tilt to her head, her tone welcoming and soft. She already had a dozen or so questions, like why did he smell like he did, but she realised that may be seen as rude. Asking about why he was out here seemed like a fair enough question as an alternative, it was later then when most hopeful joiners or general curious cats would decide to come around.

Wandering has grown in appeal to the lumbersome tom, but the presence of solitude is not any more familiar since the first time he set paw in SkyClan, and the disquiet towards the silence that the treetops provided is far too oppressive, so when he catches wind of a fellow clanmate, he's trying to get down with as quickly, with as little noise as possible, which is largely a failed endeavor. He finds himself uncomfortable sitting with his own misery.

It also hasn't taken long for the lack on maintenance on his pelt has been obvious. There's a distinct lack of grime that can only be picked up in alleyways and paths choked with the foul stench of monsters, rather dirt and leaves making homes for themselves. Gaze sharp and mournful, Bear approaches to stand nearby Owlheart.

The stranger has seemingly spiked Owlheart's curiosity, but he's tense, his head closer to his shoulders than not. Once it had been him in the same position, sitting by the border he reminds himself. He only unhinges his jaws to offer to him a rusty: "And your name?"


And so it was that Kurt was made aware of the wild cats that he'd been told of. Mouth falling into a small 'oh' as the two strangers approached him, he nodded in greeting to each in turn before addressing their questions - he had plenty of his own, of course, but it was only polite to answer theirs first since he was at the border of their land. Who knows? It might even get him answers before he asked any questions.

"Ah, hello! My name is Kurt." He introduced with a small bow, yellow winking at both of the two cats as yellow eyes creased in a smile. He'd heard that these wild cats had strange names, but again, he refrained from questions at the moment. "SkyClan, eh? An apt name for those living amidst the trees. But! I am here because I have heard stories of your kind. You might forgive a man for his curiosity. As for the hour, well, you'll understand I just finished a show."


Figfeather slips forward to stand at the side of the cinnamon tabby, quietly beckoning @Daisypaw behind her with the curl of her tail. A loner presents himself at their border, strange words such as 'man' and 'show' slipping from his tongue. Silver whiskers twitch in visible confusion, she glances at her clan-mates wondering if they had any clue what he was saying.

"...No. We don't understand." She meows, her voice not unfriendly but it lacks any sign of welcome. "We don't have time to entertain your curiosities. You've seen us, now you should go." It was late and the entire patrol was likely tired. They all wanted to finish up and return home to cuddle up in their nests. The stranger who called himself 'Kurt' would only delay their slumber.
  • Β» Figfeather
    Β» SkyClan Lead Warrior
    Β» She/her . AMAB
    Β» Sire to Sangriapaw & Coffeepaw
    Β» Mentoring Daisypaw
    Β» A red tabby she-cat with a mangled leg.
    Β» ”Speech”  thoughts β€€ attack
  • Β» A foe in battle whose ability to strategize can shift tides.
    Β» Excels in strategizing and pre-planning her battles.
    Β» Fights defensively and to aid her clan to victory.
    Β» May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing

Other than training and working on skills that were important for a warrior to know it felt, to Daisypaw, like being an apprentice could be boring. The first couple times he went through the territory alongside Figfeather he'd been excited - learning and seeing new things would cause any young cat to be so - but after a while going to the same borders over and over again could be boring. You didn't see new things other than the cats that would show up at times and even then he wasn't sure if he fully trusted them. So far the joiners had been nice, the daylight warriors were nice as well, but the idea of going to the border and meeting a cat that wasn't nice flickered within his mind.

Needless to say he was glad that Figfeather stood in front of him, between this stranger and himself.

No words would be shared from the apprentice, his eyes wide as he looked upon this cat with his strange words, trying his best to keep down a yawn that threatened to erupt from tired jaws. He still wasn't used to being up this late, especially after so much walking and learning.
  • 77846082_BNFJiMhnYwpfeBr.png
    β™‘ SH blue w/low white & blue eyes
    β™‘ cannot properly control emotions
    β™‘ born november 8, 2023. ages realistically
    β™‘ sexuality unknown ; interested in no one
    β™‘ adopted by Butterflytuft and Dandelionwish
    β™‘ brother to Weedpaw and Fluffypaw
    β™‘ easy to befriend ; easy to upset
    β™‘ "speech", thoughts, attacking
    β™‘ peaceful powerplay allowed

Ah, so that's how it was - that was perfectly fine. Kurt watched as more cats approached him and insisted he be on his way, and he couldn't say he blamed them - it was rather late, and even wild cats needed rest. There was a younger cat among them, and something about that captured Kurt's eye - maybe it was the idea that beyond just being wild, these cats had young, had families, were more than just a local legend or a story to scare kittypets.

"Ah, before I go, frΓ€ulein," he spoke up once more, addressing the she-cat that seemed to hold an air of authority, before the cats could turn and take their leave. Kurt had never before thought of leaving the circus, for it was something that he greatly enjoyed doing, but just as strong was the pull to live the life of these cats for some time. It was just a matter of whether or not they would accept him into their ranks or see him off as they were now. "Would it be possible for I to speak with whoever is in charge?"

"That would be me: my name is Orangestar. Speak your piece."

The words in charge are caught by a sensitive ear as the leader peers down from newleaf-laden boughs. The white-and-ginger molly sends bark scattering as she descends, @Springpaw hopefully in tow, and hobbles over to stand by Owlheart with a flick of her tail over her daughter's long pelt. She's visibly on edge, throat and leg both sore (an unkind reminder of the hour and the end of a long day), but her eyes are sharp and thoughtful as she regards the stranger before her. An attack is unlikely; she parts her jaws, but her attempt at scenting the air is futile on the border with so many Clanmates present. With a twitch of her whiskers Orangestar beckons him to speak once more. He had asked for the leader, and now she is here.

Kurt takes a step back when a cat descends from on high, though he quickly recovers his bearings and dips his head in greeting to this 'Orangestar' - and what a strange name that is to Kurt's ears.

"Well met, Orangestar," he greets. "I am Kurt. I have heard tales of your SkyClan, of the life you live out here in the forest, and I am interested in your... I believe it is called, 'daylight warrior'? This, I am interested in hearing more about." The words sound right in his mouth, so he says it as confidently as one can. "It is a part-time type of thing, no?" His gaze sweeps over the gathered cats, watching for their reactions to his words. A part-time gig wouldn't be a bad idea, in Kurt's mind; spend time with these wild cats during the day and return to the circus for night performances; hardly a bad deal.