It was tense. Well, calling the meeting with Lichenstar and the council tense was an understatement. However, he failed to come up with any words to describe it. He was punished for breaking the code. Some cats like Iciclefang, Ferngill, and... Petalnose were unhappy with him remaining in the clan, but they didn't have the final say. The final verdict was that Snakeblink, his friend would be in charge of him. He would have all eyes on him until Lichenstar said otherwise. As for gatherings? Safe to say he was banned from them. However, he couldn't say he was bummed about it. After all, these punishments were given to him in order to ensure the safety of his daughter. Lichenstar had promised she would be unharmed and remain in Riverclan, even though Iciclefang spoke out against her, demanding for the former Shadowclan apprentice to return whence she came. It was going to be difficult for the two of them, yet a tiny part of him is happy to see her. After all, he's never seen his kits. He's only ever heard of stories, vague descriptions, and names. I don't know which one arrived. Lichenstar whisked me away before I could figure it out.

Finding his daughter wouldn't be too arduous of a task given she would be the only apprentice he wouldn't know from their roster for one, and he had a vague description of his kits to get a sense of who arrived. Bonepaw, his son was a definite no. And so the silver tom watched the apprentices until he saw her.

"Snowykit, she's all black, with white flecks on her cheeks like snow..."

Oh, how unprepared he was to see his daughter in the flesh. Ferndance, you're so cruel. I knew she was beautiful, but you never told me like this. Silver paws press forward until they halt in front of her, leaving a tail length's worth of distance away. For the first time, he's finally able to see her. His little Snowypaw. The tears that have pooled spill down his cheek. Pikesplash knows nothing of what their mother, his mate told them. Told his daughter. In the future he would wonder what she thought when gazing upon him for the first time. However, he is simply overjoyed to be with her. "She's all black with white flecks on her cheek like snow."

The distance between them closes as he places a paw on her cheek, "It's y-you. I'm so happy I can see you. All I ever heard were stories. About all four of you."

// the promised meeting thread between father and daughter! @splashpaw
Snowypaw - now known to the Clan as Splashpaw instead - follows orders dutifully. It's by StarClan's grace that Lichenstar has allowed her to remain at all, despite her existence breaking their laws so brutishly. Every Clan can stand to gain extra paws, though she loathes to think of the help she's stolen from ShadowClan in her disappearance. They'll be fine without her, she hopes. Aside from the recent boom with frogs, she's never been more than a wallflower in their camp. Her family must be hurting but... alas, it's too late for regrets. She came here to be with Pikesplash, though she detests that she's yet to meet the tom properly.

She knows little about him, in truth - comparable to what he knows of her. She knows his name, knows that his fur looks like river rocks and shadows, and knows that he is capable of the warmest hugs there are to be. Splashpaw, after a night and a day, only wishes that he stood out more. Many cats here fit descriptions like that, although none of the many seem all too keen to know her. And given her brief assessments to test what she is capable of, she hasn't the time to assess every silver-and-black tom cat and presume him to be her sire.

Her limbs ache from swimming for the first time, and she lounges in the sun to dry off. A few apprentices chat with her, cordially, before being dragged away for patrols. Splashpaw takes the time to groom herself, attention focused on making sure her fur does not mat or knot. She does not hear Pikesplash when he first approaches, a tail-length away. But he presses forward, and an ink-lined paw holds to her cheek and brings their eyes together. She looks bewildered at first, however before long the dots connect and she grins.

"You!" Splashpaw squeals, her feathered tail lashing as she pushes herself to her paws. She stretches to press her cheek to his, ignorant of how damp her fur still is. "You're him - you're..!" The she-cat struggles to put words together, her excitement evident in her tone. River blue eyes focus on his as she leans back again, "I'm - agh! Sorry -" she apologizes, quickly, for being so feverishly scatterbrained. "I've been... renamed, sort of. I know that F- Mom, I figure she must've told you the name that N- Mama... what she gave me, but Lichenstar gifted me something new, to start in RiverClan fresh. I'm Splashpaw, now," she tries to explain, but she still speaks in hurried tones, as if they'll be torn apart too quickly.

"You're... You're him, wow," she slows down, only slightly. "Pikesplash. I've only heard of you... Mom didn't tell me that you had scars like that," she chirps, still more than eager to get to know her father.​
A shiver runs down his spine as her wet cheek rubs against his dry cheek, but small discomfort was worth the happiness. He meets her with vigor, rubbing his cheek against hers, purrs rumbling from his throat, his long tail swishing behind him. The way she apologies to him reminds him of himself and at that he can't help but shake his head with a smile. "It's okay." Green eyes refuse to look at anything else, only widening at the news of being renamed. What is your name now? Snowypaw? Tells him about the origins of her former name which is acknowledged with a nod, the silver tom more than aware that it was Needledrift who named their daughter. He isn't given a chance to respond as she quickly changes conversation. And thus...

The warrior can't help but chuff from her excitement. He understands why she speaks to him as if he was moments from vanishing from her grasp, after all they were never supposed to meet under normal circumstances. She would continue to know him, his mate wouldn't hide him from them. However, he would carry the presence of a ghost more than actual breathing being. Shadowclan and Riverclan didn't share any borders after all. What surprises him is the lack of description Ferndance has provided for their daughter. I'm happy you told our daughter my name, but what else did you share? His mind drifts to her bizarre words, words that didn't drive him away. He loved her, even if she wanted to tear his heart out of his chest. It's not like he could tell her what to share with their children, but then again she may have not accounted for their kits to want to live with him in the river.

Oh... That's right. Sorrow begins to overtake his features, a small frown curling from his lips. A silver paw makes it's way to her head. "How much did she tell you about me?" She must be answering his question or perhaps not, as his focus is concentrated on his daughters fur underneath his paws. It's damp from what he assumes is swimming lessons to acclimate to Riverclan life, but her fur is silky and smooth. It reminds him of his own fur. Ferndance had told him their kits didn't look much like him, and yet while true the more he looked at his daughter... He was able to pinpoint what traits of his and her mothers that she stole for her own. "Your mother said you didn't look anything like me, but your fur... It's just as soft as mine. And you have white fur on your chin like I have black fur on my chin. I... I always knew the four of you would be beautiful. "

Even if he could never meet his children, he knew. He knew that without seeing them, they would all be spectacular. It still pained him to this day that he couldn't be there when they arrived in this world. Some may argue that he could've left Riverclan for Shadowclan, but he couldn't do that to his mate. Both of them had poor standings with their respective leaders. Who was to say that Ferndance wouldn't be kicked out from Shadowclan. Sure, he would never leave her and do his best to provide for her and their kits, but she would be forced to part ways with her other love Needledrift. He couldn't bear to do that to her. "Splashpaw." Lichenstar did you name her after me? Was this done out of mercy? Or was it punishment? Perhaps both, as the relationship he had with Splashpaw would be treaturous. He had the choice of pretending they weren't father and daughter to protect her, or be close to her. Take on all the whispers from their clanmates about his closeness with her. I want to be a good father.

"That's a lovely name. Lichenstar gave you a wonderful name." He owes her. For giving her a chance when she could've easily tossed him out. He would make well on his promise and prove himself to his friend. Well... If she still considered him a friend. And if not, then he would try. Try and show her he was still someone she could trust despite his flaws. However, the silver paw on atop her head trails down to her cheek. Hmmm... I know! Oh, if only you were here to see this my love.

Riverclan cats were known for being glossy. It was something the other clans envied. They didn't know how the riverclanners shone like the stars, but he was going to teach her. Consuming fish made their fur glossier that much was true, but rolling around in scales did the trick too. That's how his fur was so glossy after all.
"I may not look like it, but I'm a great swimmer. If you need help, I'm always happy to teach you Splashpaw. You'll become a great Riverclanner in time, but would you like to be as glossy as me? I can show you how we're so glossy! It's not much I know, but... I'd thought, you'd like to do something with your father?" I can't just go anywhere I want.