Herb-hunting remained a task tainted by the departed boar-herd. Though he had scoured the territory as diligently as he believed he could, Berryheart had not yet found a new patch of marigold- at least, not one as abundant and developed as the one that the creatures had ruined. Even with Freckles' help he had no chance of it- deep sighs fled from him at every sign of yellow petals, a shake of the head soon to follow. Before he had hardly noticed how common marigold's hue apparently was, in nature.

Goldenrod was what he had settled for, praying for no epidemic of broken legs.

Wounds were fine, healing well and truly; though infection was staved with other strategies. The overcast weather had already put Berryheart in a less-than-enthusiastic mood, unhopeful- for it simply seemed illogical to suddenly find a patch. One that had hidden from view for this long- that neither he nor his apprentice had sighted. But even improbable events were, technically, possible. His neutral expression shifted into a hardly-there smile; for before him lay a bounty. The yellow hue smiled at him like sunshine- marigold, found again at last.

"Old friend," he greeted, glancing backward to those he had enlisted on this round or collection. "Look."

\ @LICHENPAW apprentice tag; no need to wait though!
Recently, Chickadeepaw had learned a new word from the older apprentices: serendipity. It meant something like 'something happening totally randomly but in a super good way' (maybe Chickadeepaw was paraphrasing a little there, but it super applied!) Not too long ago, she had been on a patrol just like this one, just find smashed petals and disappointment. Now, there it was! That flower! There, right there!

The fluffy apprentice leaned into her friend, her paws firmly against Lichenpaw's shoulder as she shook. "We gots the goods again!" She practically yells into his ear, her trademark intensity very much intact versus their last outing. "We gotta get all of it now, right? Because it's super-duper important?"
" Ooooh, " pretty golden blooms easily catch the eye. The sun even reflects 'em, as if StarClan themselves sent them down to let Berryheart have a good day. Chickadeepaw seems almost as happy as he is, immediately delivering a personal attack on Lichenpaw's poor ears. Wolfwind is released that she's standing closer to her uncle, who she doesn't think is even capable of doing such a thing if he wanted to.

" These what you were lookin' for before? Look a lot prettier when they aren't walked all over! " Distantly, Wolfwind thinnks it would be the ultimate punchline if she decided to walk all over them right after saying that, but its also probably borderin' on cruel. A smile from her uncle is somethin' that should be like... treasured or whatever. Plus this probably had some important magic medicine use. That was also a thing.

"They sort of match your eyes, Wolfwind." Moonpaw comments, leaning into her cousin's side with a smile. Chickadeepaw was mostly ignored, a bit to loud and obnoxious for her tastes to be honest, she could only hope when she was able to be a mentor she got a much more subdued apprentice for herself. Honestly, she wondered how the girl's mentor was even managing; if Raccoonstripe had mentored her he probably would've 'lost' her somewhere.
Her blue gaze takes in the flowers, pretty as they were they had some kind of medicinal use so they weren't for picking and preening with. She wondered vaguely what her life might be like right now if she had accepted Berryheart's offer, if she had turned away from her warrior training and instead followed the path of a healer like Lichenpaw was now. A small part of her regretted her refusual, but another much louder one insisted she was doing what best suited her now; soon to be a warrior of ThunderClan.
Shaking her head she turned to her tortie uncle and smiled, "Do you need help carrying these back? I have a moment. And Wolfwind's mouth is big enough to store loads of them." It was said with humor, lovingly teased.
( ) Large stark tipped ears would rotate forward and briefly flick upon hearing Chickadeepaw's yelling, the snowy warrior approaching the small group with an attentive gaze before noticing what everyone was gathered around. Marigold. Hailstorm couldn't help but snort in amusement at Moonpaw's teasing towards Wolfwind, he tilted his head to the side offering a small smile that crossed his maw "I can help as well," He offers, he thinks the more the merrier and they could carry a lot more back not that he didn't think Wolfwind couldn't that is.

"They're quite vibrant... I like em." He chirps a little more quietly, if he remembers right... Marigold was for infections. Although, he isn't completely certain and wonders what it could've been like to have a role as important as Berryheart. He imagines it to be stressful and potentially rewarding when things turn out well.
Leopardtongue knew little of the plants and herbs that were needed, but she knew somewhat what marigold looked like due to the explanation she had been given from Berryheart when the patrol had found out the boors had stomped on the previous patch. She had looked around for the yellow plant when she went out on patrols but hadn't seen any patches, but it appears that was just due to the patrols not going in the right places. She considered herself lucky to be here today when they had found it again at last, and Leopardtongue made a mental note of where they were - never knew when something could happen and Berryheart would need more of the plant as quickly as possible, and since this was the one plant the warrior knew for sure what it looked like, she was going to make sure she was able to quickly get to it.

"Do you think there could be more in the territory?" She'd ask between others offering to gather the plants for the medicine cat. If they hadn't seen this until now after they had thought they had already looked everywhere, the warrior wondered if there was a possibility of finding other things in they territory they didn't even know existed.

  • "speaking" // thinking // action
    Leopardtongue - 32 moons - she/her - ThunderClan - warrior
    MEDIUM physically // MEDIUM mentally