pafp friend of a friend ⸝⸝₊・rookfang


Eveningkit is on a mission, and she had thought that'd make her unstoppable, but within the shades of tall blades of grass, she cannot be so certain anymore.

The calm streams that encircle RiverClan's camp is the perfect place. She thinks it's probably not one for concern, because even if she fell in, it'd just give her a good bath. And anyway, who cares about the dangers when there's stuff to obtain here? Narrow-leaved herbage sprout from the wet bank, chipped at the edges... all thanks to Eveningkit's sharp teeth. It seems to be impossible to pluck from the base even if she puts all her might into it.

"Rookfang!" she calls out, clumsy tongue making it sound more like Lookfang. The scarred form of the tom is not one that'd be difficult to put a name to. "You're strong, right? Can you help me? Pretty please?" Eveningkit puts her best angelic face forward, one with an usage that would only grow in time. She tips her head to the side and widens her eyes, staring up at the warrior, unflinching.

  • 3rauDdy.jpeg
    DAUGHTER TO Lichentail x Hazecloud
    SISTER TO Horizonkit & Twinklekit & Snowflakekit

    ✦ Pale grey point she-cat with yellow eyes.
    ✦ Penned by ˏ 𝙠𝙖𝙧𝙢𝙚𝙣 ´
THE HERMIT ─── If there was one thing that Rookfang cherished deeply in this cruel and cynical world was the innocent youth. He found their shining eyes and everlasting energy the best medicine, greater than what any medicine cat could provide. It brought a lulling warmth to swell in his chest when he would observe them from afar, the ghostly trail of a smile twitching the corners of his muzzle. The relief to see that not every child would come from a shattered home and past was refreshing; like the spring waters that now coursed through their territory. The warrior could see the dying traces of leaf-bare shying away from the rampaging growth that began to bloom, his heavy form easily slipping through the reeds as if they weren't there, his dark velvet nose twitching at the scent of Eveningkit before her high call of his name reached his ears. Without question or hesitance, the chocolate brown warrior strode over, long heavy tail rising slightly from the ground it was dragging itself pitifully over.

He was tired. Drained as always, more than usual. The recent battle had been bittersweet, like the wound that now had scarred itself onto his physical appearance, tracing the corner of his jaw and reminding Rookfang that he would probably die with more scars than anyone could count. If it meant it landed on his skin more than the one of his clanmates, he would solemnly accept it. He was already damaged, it would be better for the world to land its blows on him. The tom went to a halt in front of the child, his jagged shadow engulfing her but his expected deadpan expression that graced his sharp features was now melted away, mismatched blue-gold eyes widening with kindness and eagerness to help. He knew some kits found his appearance quite frightful, the boogeyman that the queens could make up tall tales about but Rookfang enjoyed the obliviously bold kits that would try to stalk up to him or climb him. It felt like he was a big brother again to the siblings he had lost, his heart healing little by little ever since he had been able to find Valepaw.

"Yeah, I am a little strong....but of course, I'd love to help. Thank you for saying please, Eveningkit." He hummed softly, an echo of a purr rumbling at the end of his sentence as he aimed to lightly nudge Eveningkit to the side to sink his jaws on one of the unharmed sprouts of greenery, once locked, he tugged up without much resistance. He had been prepared to hear the snap of the plant being picked off by its home but instead, he heard the earthy groan of the ground beneath him and glanced down with a wave of embarrassment, realizing he had fully uprooted it with the dirt and roots swaying in the air. "Ah...I must have pulled a little too hard. Let me try again." Spitting out the failed attempt, he went to a slouched sitting position, hoping to regain his legacy but the second attempt found him with the same vegetation ripped fully out, exposed roots swinging with irritation. He wasn't very good at this, was he?

Snakeblink is not literally banned from the nursery on threat of bodily harm, of course, it’s just been — strongly implied by every queen within, and he found it wise to follow their demands in that regard. It means he gets little contact with young kits: unlike apprentices, who he sees on patrol and sometimes assist in the training of, kittens are rarely allowed out without their mother’s supervision. It’s particularly true of Lichentail and Hazecloud’s litter: for all that the deputy is, he thinks, his friend, he has the nagging thought that their mate cannot stand him at all, and her being an affectionate and present queen means he has almost never interacted with her brood. He fears her too much to risk getting too close.

That’s not to say he dislikes kits, and when he sees Eveningkit out and about he finds his whiskers quirking up in a slight smile, tempered only by his usual background anxiety that has his eyes glancing around in search of any unseen threat. But even the sky is clear and devoid of predatory birds, so he allows himself to watch her antics for a moment while finishing his meal.

The kit is picking up a fight against some weeds and losing, it seems. Her attention quickly zeroes in on a bigger cat, and Snakeblink turns away from his fish to focus more keenly on the scene when he hears her ask Rookfang for help. He already knew the scruffy tom is fond of younger cats — has seen him interact with kits before, and his sibling of course — but it still sparks his interest to see Rookfang stop in front of the tiny kit. His face does something that Snakeblink has never noticed before, especially not during the time they spend together — it softens, going gentle and open, some kind of ever-present weight lifted by the simple request of assistance. Even his voice is softer, purring faintly in pleasure though the exact words are lost to Snakeblink.

He feels slightly queasy witnessing it. He glances down at his mostly-eaten fish, frowning: it looked fresh, but it doesn’t seem to agree with him.

When he looks back up, Rookfang is looking a little put-out with a clump of weeds in his mouth, roots and leaves covering half his face and speckling his dark fur with damp dirt. With a slight smile, Snakeblink abandons the remnants of his meal to approach the pair.

”Eveningkit putting you hard at work, Rookfang?” He asks the warrior, tilting his head towards the uprooted plants. ”The ground is soft this close to the water. You might have better luck gnawing the plants off—unless this is all part of some plan to remodel camp?” This latter part he directs at the kit. His question even has an edge of sincerity to it: what she means to do with the plants is a mystery to him, but the joke seems as likely as anything else.

——————————————————————————————————— so god damn lonely

  • 2h3Dnip.png

    Snakeblink • he / him. 50 ☾, riverclan warrior
    — a sleek, skinny tabby with long ears and a scar over his right eye.
    — gay, not actually evil, penned by @Kangoo


Oftentimes, Eveningkit finds herself jealous of her more taller Clanmates. If she tries to think logically, she knows it's only natural for her to be so small when she still has many moons to go before even becoming an apprentice, let alone a warrior, but it's still a sore spot. She squints as she is forced to tip her head back when Rookfang all but looms over her. There is zero fear or regret in those eyes of hers though; she meets his gaze bravely, excitement even glimmering in the yellows, tail erect like she is about to command a brave warrior into battle.

Eveningkit can't help a giggle as Rookfang praises. She likes to think she knows all the tricks by now through trial and error. When to soften her facial features and look cute and irresistible, so that she can get whatever she wants. It's not as easy with Lichentail or Hazecloud though... they are a tough bunch.

"Woah!" she exclaims as Rookfang shows her his handiwork. That was... unexpected. Little bits of earth dot her flank - courtesy of not standing far enough back like Rookfang had instructed just moments prior. "You said only a little strong. That's plenty strong!"

She examines the uprooted plants, sniffing curiously while Rookfang gets back to work. "Maybe I can still use it." Her paws are quick to swat at the darkened ends, trying to weave through the thin roots and get rid of the excess dirt, but it seems too much of a snug fit. That, or... Eveningkit is not one to get dirty fast, even if she likes to play rough sometimes - her usually pink pawpads are not looking very pretty right now.

Little ears turn first and then her head second. Eveningkit blinks owlishly at Snakeblink before her face erupts into an usual smile of hers, almost like a sunflower opening up towards the rays of the sun. The warrior is not one she knows much about, but she remembers seeing his sleek form at the front of Clan meetings when Lichentail dishes out orders.

"Yeah! It's, uh, like training. That's what all the good warriors do." she hums confidently as she goes to check out Rookfang's next set of greenery. Snakeblink's observation about the ground here being too soft sounds logical enough, and Eveningkit nods along to it despite not really getting the correlation.

"It's for momma!" Perceptive onlookers might know the kits only ever call Hazecloud momma, while Lichentail remains simply mom.
"I wanna make her nest more comfo- comfrt- comfy."

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  • OOC -
    DAUGHTER TO Lichentail x Hazecloud
    SISTER TO Horizonkit & Twinklekit & Snowflakekit

    ✦ Pale grey point she-cat with yellow eyes.
    ✦ Penned by ˏ 𝙠𝙖𝙧𝙢𝙚𝙣 ´

Had she been present the entire ordeal Hazecloud may have waved off both the toms before the even breathed in the direction of her own. There were few cats, a number she could count on one paw, that she did not like around her kittens without her. The queen trusted her Clan of course, loved them for the way they loved her during leafbares trials and her struggles with Kindling's litter and her own.

It's an unfortunate truth that Hazecloud did not love some of their ranks, however. While she is busy with Eveningkits littermates while Rookfang is swept into saving her by plucking up some weeds. She can hardly even hear her daughters call over the chaos she's soothing, trusting her daughter enough not to get into any trouble. A sad example Shellkit had made to deter them of why.

The queen finally took a step backwards, leaving the nursery once again to see not only Rookfang beside her daughter but Snakeblink as well. That's about half of the Clanmates she didn't trust! Her head swung around to see if any of her other kits are around before, with forcefully flattened fur, she approached them.

"Is Rookfang helping you nicely?" Eveningkit doesn't appear unhappy but quite the opposite, and for that she is willing to consider forgiving this moment. In fact, a more mischievous shine met her eyes. "Ah, you're training him. Good to break them in before you even step a paw in the warriors den." The misty-coated queen sat beside Eveningkit and waved for the two toms to continue whatever direction her daughter may have given.

"Gifts for her momma, chop chop. Make sure to pick out any thorns." She assumed Eveningkit meant Lichentail for this, right?
  • Crying
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