camp friendly fire & sunlight ✘ morning

The willow den had never felt so large before, so chilling. He remembers the day he moved into it, it had been a slow and natural thing to simply stop sleeping in the warrior's den and join Cicadastar in his. There was no discussion, no moving of nests or noisy affair of it, he'd just changed his sleeping arrangement and said nothing further on it. The clan noticed, of course, but they kept their mouths closed even after seeing his old nest abandoned and eventually removed. He'd always felt strangely out of place in the warrior's den, his prickly nature and tendency to be restless in his sleep did not earn him much closeness so he had kept himself to his one corner and out of the way to the best of his abilities; with Cicadastar he felt as if he fit finally into the puzzle that was RiverClan, from the day of the clans first formation he set his star-ladden gaze upon their leader and knew his place was at his side. That it eventually developed into more than just loyalty was a surprise to him, but not an unwelcome one. Loyalty, love, sometimes they overlapped and it was hard to find the line but eventually he did and he followed it with the eagerness of a kitten chasing string.
Now he felt tangled in it, lost and unsure. It was like he was new to the clan once again despite now leading it. There was a hollow feeling in his chest that never quite closed after leaving highstones for that first time, a pain more deep than any wound he'd endured under WindClan claws. He was lonely.
It was not a sensation he was used to feeling, he'd been fine alone before and when he adapted to clan life and found his place the feeling was never given a chance to surface. He always had someone, Cicadastar, Willowroot, Houndstride, Beesong...eventually the list grew, more and more cats added onto it; an entire clan of them. Some he didn't get along with as easily, some he outright despised, but they were there and they were all together. Unity, the comfort of conformity. Now he felt displaced once more. He was not the same cat dutifully doing his work and rolling his eyes when anyone brought so much as a drop of good cheer in his vicinity. He felt older than he was, ragged from age that had not passed. When he slept it was either fitfully or so deeply he was stone; tucked tight into a ball and cold. He didn't know if the lack of warmth was the actual chill in the air or the sensation of no longer having a partner in his nest. He hated it either way.

When Smokestar awakens that morning from his groggy haze it is from a heavy sleep, his body stiff and his single eye blinking to adjust to the light in mild confusion; a weight falls upon him and he stretches a paw to hear a clatter of a sound. Pebbles, shells, smooth stones and other bits and baubles surround him or lay atop him in a messy arrangement. His yawn is stifled with a choked sound of surprise, what was all of this? He stands slowly, feathers and dead leaves falling from his pelt like snow, he shakes to dislodge the few remaining and looks around his feet at the collection. To have slept so deeply he could be covered in what he assumed was some prank was a warning he was more exhausted lately than he initially thought.
With a tired sigh he sets about cleaning it all up, moving in and out of his den to arrange it all in a pile just outside.

  • OOC - This is one of my prompts! Your cat can be one of the ones to have done this for any reason, whether it be a prank or a gift etc...up to you! It can have been a collective effort or just cats adding onto it.

    Actual Prompt - Heading to his nest early on a particularly cold night, he wakes up to find himself surrounded by various objects. What does he do?

  • 57913530_r2t3y4lghl4FDra.png
    —⊰⋅ Leader of RiverClan
    —⊰⋅ He/Him
    —⊰⋅ Black tom w/vitiligo & one orange eye.


it had started with a rock. it was a neat one — a shining charcoal, dappled with flecks of alabaster that caught the sun in a way that beckoned her enticingly. in a small divot behind the leader’s den, where a private patch of shore crusts with ice. it was neat, and pretty, and shellkit was already beginning to pile up hazecloud’s nest enough that some of her and her siblings precious findings were beginning to go coincidentally missing. she’d brought it to her brothers. who’s idea it had been to gift this white - speckled stone to smokestar was lost on her now ; whoever’s it was, it had quickly become all of theirs. smokestar had been asleep when she’d peeked silently in, moving her reed - thin limbs to place the rock precariously upon a thick, twitching paw. that stone had quickly turned to two, turned to three, turned to a line of grey - silver - black that studded the leader’s gently rasping side.

it had become a game, now. she emerges just so from the willow to see if riverkit had returned from the nearby shoreline with another rock, another feather, another shell to tuck onto smokestar’s slumbering form when the sound of a small, clobbering clink - clink - clink of stone against the hard ground resonates too loud in the willow den. uh oh.

the lilac child whirls around on the ball of her paws, fur puffing out wide and spiky like a thicket of snow - dusted holly. her mouth opens, closes, opens again ; alarmed amber eyes flicking backward to see the dark - coated leader had shaken off most of the trinkets and flint from his fur. she could run, but she was close enough that it would have been no use, ” um — “ she starts, wisely, half - lidded eyes stretched uncharacteristically wide. her tail juts upward in a straight, bushy line, lifting a paw to gensture widely towards the mess that now studded the ground, towards the pile that he now accumulated at the maw of his den ( much to her tempered chagrin ), ” all for you. “ the child tries to finish in a bashful breath, because that seemed to work on lichentail, ” did you know, um.. that you are sixteen stones long? “ it was a fun fact, and she bets smokestar had always wondered how many stones long he was. she wondered how many she would be when she grew up, but the riverclan kit doubted anyone would return the favor as she and riverkit had.


  • shol.png

    delicate lilac - striped molly with sugarplum eyes.
    she is pallid ; platinum splotched with ribbons of shell - touched cream, wisped ends like memories of a distant shore. feather breath and elderdown fur conceals a body worn fragile by tumultuous youth, too thin in some places and round with baby fat in others. her face is short - muzzled, framed half mast by eyes coined warm, sugared amber ---------- ° ❀ ⋆
    currently exhibiting symptoms of whitecough. this includes a running nose, wheezing, sluggishness, and labored breathing. please keep contagion in mind.

Pranks were not so much of a common occurrence for Otterpaw so much as being a general nuisance was. The chimera needn't to place molded leaves or old fish scales in nests and restful fur when his attitude was grating and agitating enough. Not that it was purposeful, often the tom was in his own contagion of a sour mood and needed to inflict it upon everyone else.

When the moment arrived that his denmates sought him for help with a prank, much like Brookpaw had or merely witnessing one commence as he did now with Shellkit and Riverkit he was happy to be an accomplice or bystander. While Shellkit ambled around with her brother. Otterpaw was much too old and too proud to indulge himself in kit activities, as it was he hardly acknowledged the nursery regardless if he failed to return with any prey. The moment he had outgrown the sedge walls he never looked back for a moment, now with his eyes set on the warriors den.

Eventually the pair got caught. Given they were the leaders kin he doubted they would find themselves in much trouble, and Shellkit had a talent for making herself look innocent in any circumstance. How curious.

"Guess you can't blame me this time." Otterpaw flicked a piece of dead moss from his claws with an amused huff. ​
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"This time," she asks in a question that isn't there, putting emphasis on 'this' as Otterpaw was usually a source of trouble. A swirl of fog-dense stripes appear just as quietly as the morning haze does, flecked in age-earned flurries alike snow as river-deep eyes flick between beloathed boy and the two kittens that stand as testament to the unavoidable difficulties of parenting. She could barely raise a thorn-edged voice to any of the trio that she hurried after this morning, struggling to keep up with their antics while Hazecloud rested; lethargic, her mate had insisted it worth consulting a medicine cat for but was swatted away with a loving hiss of rejection. "Don't bother Ravensong, I'm just tired."

Craning her head past the decaying willow branches to get a peek at the bird-boned kit that breathed a soft, phlegm-bubbled assurance. It wasn't a foul-natured prank like Otterpaw supposed (or would've been responsible for).. a gift of child-like wonder from a doting niece and nephew. Her torn ear flicks nervously that the time-consuming art of picking the litter from his den might agitate an already exhausted snow-smog tom, she cannot deny that her own frustration for Shellkit's antics dies with the fledgling whispered words.

Sixteen huh?

"That's very sweet of you, Shellkit," the deputy supplies, bending down to peer at Smokestar from her eye-level. Imposing in silhouette alone, she is certain that with innocent awe he looks no different from a giant pile of downy feathers to sleep on. A light-crested angel that plucked them from ice-encrusted shores...

Teeth flash in a sincere smile for the doting children that fawn after their uncle like a trophy of their clan before sweeping to glance at him with a half-thought apology... it is a waste of his time, regardless... even if well-intentioned. "Did you, Pebblekit and Riverkit do this," she asks with a teasing accusatory glower, "Sneaking away from Hazecloud again, are we? Or maybe this was a suggestion of Ferngill's?"


I need you more than ever -

There was an innocence to children. They played games, and their endless curiosity was to be adored. They asked the 'whys' 'hows' and 'when' that made everything almost captivating. Well, this was all her opinion, wishing so badly that she had a herd of children herself. But she didnt have her hopes too high, too nervous to actually reach out to do something like that, to even ask someone out. But who was there to ask when one didnt yet have many friends.

Her attention moved from her mouse to Smokestar gathering rocks and shells from his den and bringing it out into a pile outside. Shellkit was the first to greet him, offering the information that he was sixteen stones long. Now, that really was intriguing- and she missed her own curiosity of being a child with endless time and large amounts of creativity.

Otterpaw surprisingly outed out himself on many other pranks, and the lilac warrior couldnt help but let out a quiet snicker. "Ah, but i am sure we all were c-curious on how long Smokestar was. Th-thank you for the valuable information, Shellkit." she purred, moving a bit closer with her mouse to the group. "These are all very pretty gifts."