private FRIENDSHIP UPDATE \ circe

The soft snowfall had put Twitchbolt in a good mood. Flurry swirled through the air, and he had leapt to a higher branch to observe it- maybe it wasn't professional, wasn't proper for the deputy to search for downtime... but he took this small joy and held it close to his chest, enjoying the marvels of nature that had so long captivated him, before...

There was a crunching of paws, nearby- the brown and white tom startled, peering through the stammering gaps of the pine-needles to see who too was walking on their lonesome. In his fright, he'd rattled the branch; it seemed the Clanmate below him has noticed him, too, because she was staring up at him. "Oh, it's just you, Circe," Twitchbolt muttered breathlessly, voice a little ragged- but there wasn't any hostility about him. Though he didn't know her too well, she'd always been a kinder presence- which was why it surprised him that she was out here without a patrol. "Are you- alright?" Was that intrusive? His brow furrowed in concern. "I mean- I mean, you're out here- alone, 's probably not... um, you want to join me, up here? View's nice..."

And being deputy did not give you magical social skills, evidently.

\ @Circe !!
penned by pin ✧
𓆝 . ° ✦ Snow crunched under her paw, painting the edges of her paw pads with water.
She had been having problems sleeping since… well first it was the rouges that chased Sky clan from their territory, now it was Blazestar. The uncertainty of Star clan… the suddenness of his death… they chased her in her sleep. Sometimes the stars came to welcome her. Other nights, they came to strangle her, dragging her under waves of stary water.
She found out during new leaf it was easier to tire herself out then it was to pray for relief. This was the first time she walked so far out alone, though, and honestly she should’ve been more awake but sleep pulled at her eye lids.
At Twitchblots voice, she let out a screech. The flutter of nearby birds taking flight muffled her deputies next words, so she ended up giving him a somewhat uneasy smile. She’d seen him a few times, and remembered having a conversation or two during the clans brief time in Shadow Clan, but she hadn’t talked to him beyond then. His invitation was clear though, and with little thought she smiled.
“I am a sucker for a view.” She mewed, climbing up with technique an apprentice could critique but quicker then expected.
Her eyes skirted over the horizon, studying the leaves and thief private dances, then the stars and the snow. Her breath billowed in front of her.
“Ya know, my folks used to have this..” her sleep aided mind struggled to describe the large black square that allowed them to see odd things. She shook her head, “this uh, had something that could show a view like this, but the birds would talk sometimes and they looked… smoother.”
 ° .  . ° 
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    Once a rather pretty brown smoked molly, Circe is unnaturally lithe and is missing large chunks of her fur. She has an oddly muscular and feminie build and small paws. — physically easy && mentally easy — Attempting to learn Sky Clan's ways — NPC x NPC : Sibling to Duskpool, Shadowfire and Smokefang

Her jumpiness was contagious- he startled at her screech, but there was no more yelping beyond that. When Circe joined him on the branch, Twitchbolt visibly relaxed. Right- yes, it was good to be on friendly terms with all his Clanmates- he was supposed to be approachable and fierce, as Daisyflight had always been, as- as Orangestar had always been. Every now and then his heart strained toward the stars, wishing so desperately to ask Daisyflight what it had been that had turned her away from the mantle he now bore.

His ears swivelled to the sound- fire-flecked eyes widened in fascination and uneasiness, balled into one, as she spoke. "What?" His voice cracked with disbelief, and a tiny shred of humour. It sounded so outlandish, but- that wasn't to say he didn't buy it. "I swear, I- I hear about some new Twoleg contraption every week..." Twitchbolt shook his head, tail flicking with humour. "They're- they're weird creatures, aren't they?" His voice didn't hold insult within it- just a sense of ever-there bewilderment. No matter how much he thought he knew...
penned by pin ✧