Days upon days drowned under steady rainfall. As a result, the scales have tilted slightly towards 'not terrible' for once. Mild flooding had beset the wetlands, sure, converting camp's floor into a sludgy soup. But that's part and parcel to the ShadowClan experience. A little mud on the paws never disturbed a true-blooded marsh cat. No, the good news is what the higher water level meant for prey—and the day's dawn patrol had delivered a promising revelation upon their return.

"All'a you cats old enough to hunt, gather in front of Clanrock!" Idle pacing back and forth brought a miry film to his coat already. Squelch, squelch, squelch. Swamp gunk clung to silver strands like burrs. "Nice to see you all, as always," Smogmaw drawled, tail lashing, as clanmates assembled before him. Thus far he's spoken in his typical, straightforwardly dry manner. No preamble, no fanfare—just straight to business. Now, though, his tone was tinged with a stoked edge. "Recent rains have caused the swamp's water levels to rise, as you're probably aware," he continues, flicking some mud from a forepaw as he goes on, "but besides how messy it's made camp, the biggest takeaway is the bounty it's provided for us out there. Already, we've had a pretty good season for hunting; and now, prey seems to be in higher numbers, and it's all practically swimming to us."

Smogmaw paused there, and his amber gaze swept across the cats before him, taking a quick roll call. Although he hadn't seen the alleged frog surplus firsthand, word from the patrol was convincing enough the way they'd described it. Frogs and toads by the dozen, leaping about in droves. Lizards and smaller creatures, too, skittering and scurrying from their flooded burrows to seek higher ground. Were he to theorise for a moment, the deputy would also guess that snipes (among other birds) would be migrating to this bustling food source as well. Which is all to say, ShadowClan would likely enjoy an especially lucrative few days ahead.

"The last time we've had a chance to feed the whole clan like this, I can't remember," he continues. "Can't even remember the last time I'd gone to sleep with a full 'n happy belly. So, there'll be double the usual amount of hunting patrols. Border patrols will remain the same, but they may as well bring home as much prey as they can while they're at it."

Smogmaw's pacing has ceased. Now, he stood facing his clanmates, front paws spread and tail lifted. "@FORESTSHADE, I'd like you to lead a hunting patrol. I've heard there are still a good few paw-paths that aren't underwater, the ones we frequent the most, so you shouldn't have any issues getting around. Joining you will be @scorchfrost, @Willowburn, @scalejaw, @Ripple~, @Sweetpaw, @ONYXPAW, and @poppypaw." So many names in rapid succession require a sharp intake of air shortly afterwards. "It's a large patrol, and so I'm expecting a large prey yield. But I know you won't disappoint."

"I'll also be leading a hunting patrol, one that'll delve into some of the more treacherous regions of the territory. They'll be flooded over, most likely, but I've good reason to believe it'll be teeming with prey, ripe for the picking. With me will be @Mourningbloom, @FERNDANCE @jaggedpath !, @HEMLOCKNOSE, @ASHENPAW, @snowypaw, and @Garlicpaw. So long as you listen carefully to me... Clay-coloured eyes hone in on the apprentices named. "'ll have nothing to fret about."

Speaking at length, at a higher volume, has left an indelible strain on his throat. Hence, the next two patrols, border patrols, are summarised with less ostentation. "@CHILLEDSTAR., lead a border patrol to ThunderClan, please and thank you. Take @Skunktail, @Duckshimmer, @Trufflefern, @APPLEPAW, and @Swanpaw along."

"Out WindClan ways, @Scorchedmoon shall lead a patrol, and @BATCHASER, @mapletail, @Nightwhisper., @Laurelpaw., @Swallowpaw., @Snowpaw., and @Bonepaw. will be in his company. Like I said earlier, those on border patrols would do well to hunt while they're out and about. But stay discreet about our little bout of good fortune; never know how jealous our neighbours may get."

All is said, and all is done. Smogmaw looked exceedingly satisfied. His expression is inscrutable, but his brisk nod and stiffly lashing tail give an aura of 'everything is right with the world.' "If you've any questions, hit me. Otherwise, let's turn that there pile into a mountain by sundown."

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"Aw, shucks, nice to see you too, Smogmaw," Forestshade offers back to the deputy, an amused grin on her face as she sits down to listen to patrol assignments. She, too, has heard all about the influx of prey this newleaf with all the rain. She's eager to get out there, and her whiskers twitch with pleasure to hear she's been given a rather large hunting patrol to lead. As soon as the tom has stopped talking, she gets to her paws and lifts her feathery tail high in the air as if to summon the cats going with her. "We're heading out right away!" The torbie hollers, already marching towards the camp entrance. "I'm not gonna let a moment of sunshine go to waste while the frogs will be out, and we're not coming back till our jaws can't hold anymore!"
———————————she/her | menacing ——————————
Scalejaw's head dipped as she entered the litter call-ring for their assigned tasks. She didn't speak a greeting, as Forestshade seemed to toss a sly and amused response to him. Glowing coals of eyes settled against his flank, silently grateful they both still had it in response to that badger. Ears twitched as Smogmaw began to call, and her head nodded gently in response to the call for her claws in some prey's flank. Vision shifted towards Forestshade. A grin finally settled on her muzzle and she pushed to her paws. "Lead the way, then." She chuckled.

[penned by dallas].