twolegplace FROM ASHES // injured cats


Like A Hurricane
Sep 20, 2022

//Follows after this thread

"Why... why did you have to drag me away? I almost had him..."
"I saw the wounds that you inflicted on that other cat, I reckon he's had it. And you would have joined him if I hadn't pulled you away. As it stands our little ragtag group doesn't need you dead, so I suggest you focus on living. You got whatever pitiful revenge you were seeking, now move on." Sharpeye growled with a shake of his head as he limped through the stretch of forest that led back to twolegplace. Regret and guilt gnawed at him as he reflected back on what had gone down, and he honestly wished that he hadn't played any part in the murder. It had been a medicine cat, one belonging to WindClan, yes, but still a cat picked through StarClan's blessing. The whole affair sat somewhat awkwardly on the ageing tom's shoulders.

Gale simmered down somewhat, though in truth it was primarily due to his level of exhaustion. Not to mention the toll dealt by his own injuries. There were no medicine cats out in the loner lands, no one who could tend to his injuries and ward away infections. The most he could look forward to was that of his friends cleaning his wounds each day and the loose application of cobwebs. With luck it would be enough to see him through.

They were near the outskirts of twolegplace when Gale found himself begging for a break. After settling himself down at the base of a tree he finally took the time to collect himself. "Do you want me to run ahead to fetch help?" Sharpeye queried as he looked down at the wounded tom, though he was given a shake of the head in response. "Thank you Sharpeye, but no. I just need a minute or two. We can set off again soon." Or so he hoped anyway. "Just... just sit with me for a little while."
Yewberry felt like an empty husk most days. Hyacinthbreath returning to him made him feel a reason to keep going, but still..... Most days he contemplated giving up.

He pushed these feelings aside of course, they were nothing but more misery on his shoulders. He couldn't give up, he still had reasons to live, albeit few.

The smell of blood wafted his way, and he could smell Galeforce's scent as well as Sharpeye. He felt a heavy pit in his stomach... What happened?? He forced his paws to rush to the source of the scent.

"G-gale....What happened!?" His voice cracked, eyes widened in fear. He looked to his two battered friends for an explanation.

If he lost them..... He might go insane.​

Gale strained his head up as he heard Yew's voice and he mustered up the strength to offer a brief grin, though it was short lived as the pain and exhaustion crept up on him once more. "Hey Yew, I... er... might have done something stupid." It was more than a mere understatement, that much was for certain. Soon enough WindClan would come seeking his head, if history was anything to go by. "I ambushed Vulturemask, I killed him."

"Yew, could you fetch some cobwebs and wettened moss? We should treat his wounds quickly before they become infected." Sharpeye realised that it was perhaps a lot to take in all at once. Though as he looked Yew up and down he realised horribly that none of them had been doing well in recent times. Were they doomed to crumble? He truly hoped not.
He couldn't widen his eyes any more than they were, so to show further shock, his jaw dropped. Vulturemask.... He felt a pang of grief. Vulturemask, who had been through so much, becoming a medicine cat on the spot, only to die many moons later. He wasn't sure how to feel. He had no ill will towards him, never really spoke to him either so the grief wasn't as strong as it could have been.

"You... Killed him...." He says. "I see...." He looked to Sharpeye as he spoke and nodded. "I'll be right back."

Any sadness he felt faded during his search for the requested reagents. He couldn't let his friends die from infected wounds. When he returned, he returned with as much moss and cobwebs as he could carry in his mouth, the cobwebs spun around a stick like a spool. He sets them down and gets to work, trying to gently clean Gale's wounds with the moss.

"So, what brought about wanting to kill Vulturemask?"
He asked, genuinely curious.​

Gale pulled a series of faces as his wounds were tended to, though he endured the discomfort for the time being. It needed to be done one way or another. Then came Yew's question and he knew that it was time to explain himself. "Vulturemask was my oldest rival, we never got along. He was a filthy Sootstar loyalist too, and I've been furious ever since he was made into the new medicine cat. I mean, of course he was, Sootstar always keeps her... nrgh!... lowly hounds close to her side." Another hiss was squeezed past his clenched teeth as a particularly sore scratch was tended to. "I still intend to keep my promise of ending Sootstar, and if killing those in her higher ups lures her straight to me then so be it. WindClan can't begin its recovery until she is gone, along with her most loyal of allies."
He listens as he continues to carefully dab the moss on Gale's wounds. He thinks he remembers their rivalry, but it's been a bit and so much has happened that it's all fuzzy now.

"I think I remember, yeah... He was an odd choice for a medicine cat anyways. " He says through the moss. He wasn't the first cat Yew would have picked, that's for sure. "But you're right. She surrounds herself with her most loyal so she has little opposition to her decisions."

He knows Gale wants to tear Sootstar down and so does he... But he can't put his heart into it. Echolight and the kits... He can't hurt them. He's made enough trouble for them.

"You're right... I just hope they don't come looking for you. I wouldn't put it past them to send a raid party out here." He continues. "And they'll likely be on high alert now, so maybe you should lay low for a bit." He suggested. The last thing he wanted was for Gale to be ambushed.​

"They will come, they've always been a hungry bunch for revenge. We'll need to retreat back into twolegplace in order to evade their claws. So... I'm afraid no more hunting out in the forest for a little while, not until the heat dies down." Now was the time for playing things on the safe side, at least until he was healed once more. Only then would WindClan hunting season truly begin. He craved the chance to enact his plans, but he would have to be patient.

With his energy slightly recovered he finally adjusted himself into a more upright position despite the protest from his wounds. "We should go. Vulturemask's guard lived and witnessed the attack, no doubt he has reached the rest of WindClan by now and informed them of what has occurred." Time was running out for them and he knew that they still had a travel ahead of them. He would need their help making it back to the alleyway.