Duskpaw has been a reclusive sight within ThunderClan's camp. Between training and resting, and training some more, most clanmates would only see a flashing of orange, a bright flaming tail tip, trotting after Nightbird. It's not the most healthy of lives to live, but what other option was to be found when the entirety of your life was called to question? Berryheart didn't really know it, not definitively, but he'd changed the course of Duskpaw's life. What a monumental burden to place upon a medicine cat, already in charge of all those lives. At least this was a good change. A pleasant, healthy one– well, hopefully. Standing in the midst of camp with the sun stretching high above the forested horizon, clanmates bustling about, it just as suddenly feels like a terrible mistake. Duskpaw has yet to call any attention and already butterflies assail the lining of their stomach. Throwing up seems a realistic option.

Bravery was a lesson learnt quickly in ThunderClan. The battle at Sunningrocks, the dogs before it. Even the very foundation of their clan, built upon land that others warred over. They were meant to be brave. They were strong and steadfast. So as much as the apprentice wants to be cowed, to huddle away in silent fear...a deep breath fills their chest like a balloon, and Duskpaw exhales with a voice far louder than ever intended: "I don't think I'm a girl." Deep amber eyes skirt around the camp in a panic, searching for dissent. Berryheart had said it wasn't that big of a deal. So it shouldn't be. Right?

  • ooc:
  • ──── duskpaw. apprentice of thunderclan. she - her.
    ──── blazestar x little wolf, older littermate of skykit.
    ──── does not know of her father / skyclan heritage.

    ──── an undefined kitten with long, dark brown fur that fades just slightly near the chest, throat, and ears, while the tip of her tail burns with the bright orange tabby flame. eyes are a deep, rich amber-brown, seeming red.
  • "speech"
Duskpaw is standing in the midst of camp as if she was being forced to do so, but at the same time, its like she has some sorta purpose. She doesn't cower, doesn't stutter.

Somethin' like that is somethin' you think about for a long while, Wolfwind thinks. So she's been told, anyways. Duskpaw looks around like they're goin' to be taken out for sayin' such a gosh - darned thing. Wolfwind is quick to come up and bump her cousin with a friendly paw, offering them a light-hearted smile. " Kay, " she says. " What are ya, then? "
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Reactions: revelations
AND I DON'T NEED TO BE HUMBLE, ✧°.☀ ————————————
Lilypad would look up from the bird she had been eating, a few feathers stuck to her snout as she tilted her head in curiosity. Doesn't feel like a girl? What did that mean? Lily tried to think about the apprentices' words, puzzling over the statement as Wolfwind trotted up and asked the apprentice what they were then if not a girl.

Her whiskers would twitch as she wiped the feathers off with her paw and then bounded forward as well, the smile on her maw kind and excited as she chirped, "Yea! What do you want us to call you then?"

[penned by zaeya - ]
WE HAVE YET TO CRASH ✧°.☀ —————————————————————————————
The voice was loud enough to turn many heads, Lightpaw's among them. With a blink he gazed at Duskpaw wordlessly. Not a girl anymore. The others in the clearing were already speaking up, asking for elaboration, on what the cat in question would prefer.

He rose to his paws, carrying himself over with a nod. There was no need to be nervous. He could name like, at least three cats that had felt the same way at some point or another. "Sure," was all he said. There was no point in asking what had already been asked. Confirmation that he had heard, agreement to the new change, whatever it would be.

[penned by its_oliverr - ]
.you want a battle ———


——— i'll give you war.
———————— ————————
DOVEPAW GLANCED UP AT THE ANNOUNCEMENT, TUFFED EARS TWITCHING in curiosity, helm cocked. Eh? Dove blinked several times, glancing at the others before offering Duskpaw a warm-hearted grin. “A, Alright!” He chirped.

The freckled tom shuffled his paws. The question that lay on his tongue remained there, knowing the others had spoken, ears twitching upon his darkened helm. “W, Whatever it … it is—” He began. “Y, You're still Duskpaw!”

thoughts speech

nightbird was a little concerned at the sight of duskpaw standing in the center of camp looking like they had seen a ghost. stood there for a while, a break in all the movement around camp. she had almost returned to whatever task she was doing prior when the apprentice erupts with a declaration. she almost thought it came from someone else, blindsided by the strong and loud tone. grey eyes blink at the suddenness of the announcement as others asked what they were to now be referred as. she sat nearby to listen, and although mostly unphased there was a hint of pride in her gaze. she assumed it took much bravery to do this in front of everyone, for that she commended young duskpaw with a soft dip of her head.
And despite all of their worrying, all the thudding of their heart, Wolfwind jostles them and their anxiety fractures away to a grin. The butterflies escape in laughter, still tinged with the energy of fear but warming oh-so-quickly. "Yeah." A deep, slow breath, fears whisking away. "I'm still Duskpaw." Seeing their mentor some distance off nearly brings back the bout of fear, but as quickly as the shock runs its course, softness is replacing it. She looks okay. Proud, almost. The dip of her head makes that battered-fearful heart begin to soar. Duskpaw takes a deep breath and rolls thickly furred shoulders; everything is better now. A weight lifted off. "I'm a boy," he says, chest puffing out and full from the inside. "Or– I'm close to it, anyway. Does that make sense?"

Amber eyes flit about, taking in the sights in some remnant of fear searching for the same dissent, as if perhaps that was the line that would be drawn today. It doesn't come. "I just want to be...him. They, sometimes? I don't know. Just...not really a girl."

  • ooc:
  • ──── duskpaw. apprentice of thunderclan. she - her.
    ──── blazestar x little wolf, older littermate of skykit.
    ──── does not know of her father / skyclan heritage.

    ──── an undefined kitten with long, dark brown fur that fades just slightly near the chest, throat, and ears, while the tip of her tail burns with the bright orange tabby flame. eyes are a deep, rich amber-brown, seeming red.
  • "speech"
WE HAVE YET TO CRASH ✧°.☀ —————————————————————————————
Once the crowding cats stopped speaking long enough to let Duskpaw actually reply, he listened in for the answer they were all waiting for. Still the Duskpaw they all knew well. Not a girl. Not quite a boy, but somewhere around there for the most part? At least, that's what he thought the younger feline said.

Him, or a them. The final decree. Sure, Lightpaw thought, he could switch to that. Duskpaw looked as if he was going to be snapped at for daring to speak up about his feelings, and it brought a frown to his face. Lightly nudging his way through the crowd until he reached his side, he draped a paw across his shoulders and dragged him into a quick but tight squeeze, jostling him in a friendly manner before letting go.

"Lighten up!" he spoke up once his eyes were on him. "Why do you look so scared? Nobody's mad at you. Be what you want, it's not up to us to tell you otherwise. Welcome to the club." Then, a mischievous grin slid across his maw, and he leaned in for a half-whisper. "But between you and me, toms are cooler anyway." A joke, all in good fun, and purposefully loud enough for any nearby she-cats to hear.

[penned by its_oliverr - ]
  • Haha
Reactions: revelations

Seeing his younger siblings around was never not going to be weird. He wants to believe that they are only his half-siblings, like some of his other brothers and sisters seemed to believe- that his mother had well and truly moved on. He had been grateful when neither of them came out looking like him, they both had dark pelts like him, like his mother, spotted with orange. He had, honestly, tried not to get too close to them. It was too weird, too strange, too foreign, any excuse to not have to be around them. But then he had remembered how awful he had felt when he had thought Howlpaw had died, had remembered watching the two play together outside of the nursery and how it had made him feel. How it had made him remember that he used to have two other sisters and a brother and how he had lost them.

It is a curious sight, to see Duskpaw walk into the middle of camp and announce something. He moves closer to hear, his shadowy pelt brushing against clanmates as he makes his way through the crowd to hear the announcement. "a tom eh?" he asks, one eyebrow raising. "I've always wanted a younger brother, that's cool" Perhaps later he could show Duskpaw the worm he had found outside of camp? Perhaps Lightpaw could come too, they could make it like a whole thing!

Berryheart was struck with a memory of himself, oddly; the sight was not dissimilar to a recollection, telling his own family something similar. He and Kindles looked rather similar, didn't they? Despite the fact that the kitten was not blood related to him, on account of his own adoption... his familial kinship to his nephew had never faltered, even with that knowledge. Nothing would stop him from being present for his family; his pride carved itself articulate upon his crooked features, dull eyes glowing almost verdant with warmth.

He was glad his assurance to Kindles had not rung hollow; it was not an odd thing to be faced with, and cats would be happy for him. The experience being mutually warm was enough to bring out Berryheart's shambolic fangs in a grin. In his nephew's sightline, he blinked warmly and dipped his head, a wordless acceptance- if Kindles even needed it from him. It would be ridiculous for him to react badly, after all... but he knew better than most the nerves that came with announcing your truest self, even under the most stoic skin.
  • Love
Reactions: DUSKBIRD