————— —————

Starlightpaw is not an idle cat, and in the times that they are not with their mentor, their paws are rarely still. The only time their incessant movement is halted is in their watching of the river and its inhabitants. In observation, watching with eyes swimming with ideas. It has not been long since their apprenticeship, and being in camp would make her antsy were it not for a very interesting occurrence. Her river-watching has yielding something worth the idleness.

It's a stone, frosty surface like an ice that Starlightpaw has never known. Rounded and smooth, a soft and uneartly blue. He places it gently upon the ground, carried far enough that the river won't sweep it away. "I have found something special," Starlightpaw declares to whomever may be listening. He doesn't much care who it is, merely speaking out loud. "It's, hm, it looks like a rock, right? But it's not a normal rock." She grins, flashing small and sharp teeth. "Look at it, it's so pretty. The river brought it to me, just to me, ah, and it's all sky-colored and water-colored... A very special rock, I think."

She ticks her head to the side, circling the thing. Star-dappled eyes are fixed on the thing, a strange color like he's never seen in earth. It's not of earth, then. A river-thing, color pulled straight from the water itself. "River stone, river stone... Look, it's so blue. A little bit of the river, just for me."

"A gift. Yes, a gift for me, it must be, for my apprenticeship. The river likes me." There must be a reason that she of all cats found it. A treasure meant for her, an act celebration from the very river which her fathers rule over. Starlightpaw's eyes glitter with satisfaction.
————— —————

  • // the rock is riverglass :]
  • STARLIGHTPAW named for faith and for the star-like mark on her forehead.
    — he/him, she/her, they/them. 3 moons.
    — riverclan apprentice, mentored by petalnose
    — proud and strange, with boundless curiosity.

    penned by saturnid.​
  • "SPEECH"
  • 68224970_22aRU29gri8jjcf.png
₊· ͟͟͞͞➳˚ Beepaw much like Starlightpaw hardly ever took a moment to sit down, she was more intrigued in learning and keeping busy especially since the journeying cats had left needing every paw that they could get. The smoke molly had dropped one of her small catches onto the fresh kill pile, she wished that she had caught more but she was still learning and her chest was still a little wet from her unsuccessful swipe that had lead to her splashing herself. If it had been any other time then she would've giggled but instead Beepaw felt the smallest tinge of frustration towards herself yet this subsides when the voice of Starlightpaw is enough to make her bicolored gaze turn in their littermate's direction. She was talking about being given some gift from the river? Beepaw approaches him with large ears perked forward, she's about to ask them what gift until her eyes land on it first.

"Wow... It's really pretty," Are the first words to tumble out of her maw, it reminds her when the skull of some unknown creature had drifted into the reach of Cicadapaw and she begins to wonder if she would obtain a gift from the river. Although, she would not mind if she didn't end up receiving anything considering that she already had a few gifts from her clanmates that alone was enough for her. They're precious and dear to her, they might not be a skull or river or sky colored rock but these belongings were safely tucked into her nest where she could cherish them and not fear in losing them. Beepaw holds back a snort continuing to listen and watch Starlightpaw circle this now called river stone, her own head tilting to the side.

"Are you going to start a collection?" The eldest asks recalling that Fernpaw had a collection of sorts that belonged to him, she can't help but miss the tabby tom and simply rolls her shoulders to try and focus back onto her littermate.

  • beekit_chibi.png
    ❥ 3 moons old
    ❥ riverclan apprentice
    ❥ sexuality unknown; single
    ❥ daughter of smokethroat & cicadastar
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    ❥ peaceful powerplay allowed
    ❥ penned by bosstaurus
Brookpaw isn't one to care for little knickknacks and collections. They're decent in concept, sure, but she doesn't think she'll ever get one of her own. They just seem to create unnecessary clutter at the end of the day. Her amusement is admittedly at an all time low when she hears that the star-blessed kitten of her superiors has found something 'just for him.' His sister asks if he'll gather more and Brookpaw has to hold in a sigh.

She glances up from her busy work, creating a patch for one of the dens, and offers a disinterested but not false statement of, "It is pretty." Brookpaw supposes that can be the extent of her involvement for the younger apprentices, but after a moment of thought she can't hell but add, "If the river brought you that one... how can you be certain it'll bring you more?" She feels it's a valid question. Either Starlightpaw is as special as her name entails, or there are a thousand of those brightly colored stones and one happened to wash up by her paws.​
Carppaw was beside Brookpaw, body wiggling from the unconscious energy she needed to spend. She had been tasked to assist weaving a patch in. Well, maybe it was more Brookpaw doing the work and Carppaw bringing the materials, but that was okay! A distraction provided time for Carppaw to split herself off, looking over towards the water and where the two siblings stood. Her ears perked curiously.

"Yeah, what if there is more? Oh, I could go swimming and look! Then maybe we'd all have a pretty river stone." Carppaw chirped. True to her name, she had been proving a strong swimmer. Maybe it was her genes that gave it to her, or maybe it was just skill, who knew? She padded to the river's edge, peering out into the water like she could just spot it from the surface.


——————————————————————————————— sinkin' in your ocean
"You should see my collection," he can't help but chuckle as he interrupts the apprentices conversation. The warrior would approach them with a friendly flick of his tail. With how things are lately he hasn't much time to add to his collection or find some pretty shells. After all, not only did warriors have to teach apprentices (the ones that had apprentices), they also needed to provide food for the clan. Which, would not be difficult in normal circumstances. Usually. Sometimes we do have a bad day or two hunting. He had missed a good bit of the conversation, only listening at the tail end of Brookpaw's words and hearing the entirety of Carppaw's words. From what he gathers. Let's see. They're all talking about the shiny stones. Hmmm.. I don't see why they have to stop at shiny stones, shells are pretty too. Especially the insides of some! A memory of going seashell collecting with Crappiepatch makes its way to his mind. Crappiepatch was an avid collector as well, which they bonded over.

It is reassuring to know that despite it all, there were some things that wouldn't change. There's no real harm in helping them. It's not work, but they're still apprentices. Let them have their fun. It's a lot harder to have fun when you're a warrior. Unfortunately. "There are more," he answers while looking at Carppaw. "We actually have a lot of pretty stones! The fun part of shiny stone hunting is that none of them are the same and every day it's different. It's always a mystery what you'll find, but I think that makes it more special." It's true! Even if the others found the same color of stone that Starlightpaw had, it wouldn't be the same shape. Therefore, it was a different rock. Wait! Actually! Hehehe, that would be nice! I think!

He draws his attention away from Carppaw and instead gives his attention to the entire group with a smile. "Hmmm, how about this? Course, you don't have to do it. But why not all of you find a shiny rock that speaks to you and regroup? You're all apprentices, so maybe the shiny rocks can be prove of your friendship! Or... U-uhm. It can just be a promise to become the best warriors you can together?" Wow. Where did all that confidence go? Sighs, he would get better at it eventually.