sensitive topics FROM THE ASHES ☾✩ badger attack return

nightbird's paws moved quickly despite the added weight, the ache of her jaw. guilt had nagged at her for not helping to drive the badger out. she knew blizzard fang was more than capable, and with the added aid of shiningsun hopefully the two would make quick work of the bicolored intruder. however, that did not stop her racing mind.

the lead warrior dragged dovepaw by his scruff, over limb and through undergrowth. the wind was certainly working against her. the ride for the apprentice would be anything but smooth, far from comfortable. she wasn't too fussed about that, he needed to stay awake anyways.

soon, the familiar outline of camp met her gaze. despite her lungs that screamed for a break, she pushed forward, made quick work of the gorse tunnel. pushing through to the other side, she burst into camp, grey gaze wildly searching for a mottled pelt. her tail twitched behind her, but she set down dovepaw's bloodied form momentarily, catching her breath and stretching her jaw. for the most part she ignored the concerned glances around her, only turning to whatever cat was closest to her to issue a command. "get wrenflutter."

nightbird once again grabbed the white-spotted apprentice. this time she pulled him towards berryheart's den, praying that the medicine cat was tucked away inside rather than out roaming the territory.

//carrying @DOVEPAW , and looking for @BERRYHEART
directly follows this thread!
( ) Even with the strong winds, the smell of blood was too hard to miss. Each time it hit her nose, it made her stomach sick. Blood could mean many things...a simple injury, a fairly bad wound...or worse, death. Before she even saw Dovepaw's crimson stained body, the coppery smell sent a chill throughout her body, causing her belly to twist in fear. It was too strong for a piece of prey...somebody was hurt.

She was on her paws in an instant, hurrying towards the camp's entrance. Seconds passed, and Nightbird emerged through the tunnel, dragging Dovepaw with her. Flamewhisker's eyes widened momentarily, and before she even heard Nightbird's orders, she was already racing to get the apprentice's mother.

How many times am I going to have to tell a mother her kit is dead? I've already told Little Wolf twice...even if Howlpaw wasn't actually dead it still counts... If she ever had to hear the words herself, she couldn't imagine how she would react. It made her feel weak just imagining it. As she neared the nursery, she barged into the den, searching for the queen. "Wrenflutter, come's Dovepaw."

/ @wrenflutter

Luck was fickle, but kind on this day; for thankfully, Berryheart did sit within his den. Dull eyes of green fixed upon the approaching lead warrior as soon as he heard the commotion outside, and- the stench of blood snaked its way toward him lethargically. He hesitated at the coppery scent, feeling a familiar faint, nauseous feeling- one that rooted his paws to the ground for a moment. It was little more than that, though- a moment- for soon he parted his crooked jaw to speak.

"Bring him in here," he instructed clearly, rushing inside to prepare a nest. It was soon placed, and in Berryheart's jaws he held a clump of marigold, cobwebs and moss stored nearby. He felt for the apprentice, truly... this would not be a pleasant experience, even in healing. He knew very well the sting that poultice brought to fresh wounds... perhaps some chamomile may be wise, to act as something calming.

He would not hesitate to work as soon as the apprentice was placed.
The sight of a battered body dragged home is a sight he’s forced to see too soon. Immediately, his hackles rise, fur bristling. The blood scent causes his nostrils to flare. It’s Nightbird, the scruff of a mutilated black and white apprentice clamped between her teeth. “A boar?” He demands of her, even as Flamewhisker darts away at Nightbird’s request.

But, no. The turgid scent ground into his brother’s blood-stained fur is not here. It’s the familiar stench of badger. Raccoonstripe grits his teeth. Dovepaw’s eye is matted with crimson—Raccoonstripe cannot tell if it’s still functioning or if it’s even still there. The ear is all but gone. Wrenflutter’s kit, the one who’d been held back—he shakes his head with pity. Berryheart is there with his poultices, pressing web and herb into stinging wounds.

His dark eyes meet Nightbird’s silver. “Is he the only one hurt?” Dovepaw had been on a hunting patrol, he remembers. Had he been the only one maimed?

Should Wrenflutter appear, Raccoonstripe will back away from her son, his voice low. “He lives, and Berryheart will do what he can,” he mutters. She should be grateful for that, at least.


relief flooded her as berryheart sat in his den. it was a few moments before he spoke to give her instruction. she obeyed, strides shortened so that she could place him in the nest being readied. her neck jerked roughly so that dovepaw’s form could be lifted high enough to be placed down, releasing him and stepping back, turning over her shoulder to leave the den so that the healer may work.

nightbird steps out and directly into raccoonstripe’s questioning. her ears twitched at the reminder of the two warriors who had been wrangling the creature. she could almost still taste the badger’s scent despite the blood that flooded her senses. “blizzard fang and shiningsun were fighting it when i left, they should return soon.” she hadn’t stuck around to see the badger actually retreating, did not know how the others were faring. hopefully they would return a little less mangled.

however, she did not leave to see for herself. tired, burning from the journey back. the lead warrior sat, stony faced and calm sentry outside of the medicine cat’s den. dovepaw had a large family, the last thing berryheart needed was for them to crowd the young apprentice with worry as he tried to work. wrenflutter could be granted access if she pleased, but she was ready to send all of her siblings and spawn away as necessary.
Nosy, nosy, nosy. Chickadeepaw craned her neck to peer over the gathering cats, flicking her ear against the onslaught of whispers and low tones. he the only one hurt.... sounds like a badger..... Blizzard Fang and Shiningsun..... The fluffy little she-cat's ear flushed, envy worming its way into her brain. She wanted to be out in the forest again, taking on predators like foxes and badgers. She wanted to prove to her dumb mentor that she was ready to be a warrior! She was gonna... she was gonna....

Cats moved for her as she approached Berryheart's den, Nightbird's small visage suddenly seeming so large against its entrance. Nosy, nosy, nosy, Chickadeepaw sniffed at the air to target the medicine cat's secret patient. Blizzard Fang? Shiningsun? Was it -

Golden eyes opened wide as her brother's scent became recognizable. Dovepaw's sweet, familiar, oak-leaf scent mixed with the harsh tang of copper and dirt and musk. No, no, no, no, NO! Dovepaw got hurt? How hurt? How bad? Why was Nightbird blocking the way? "I want to see my brother!" She tries to puff out her chest, she tries to be demanding and imperious, but the demand comes out a whimper and the itchy tell-tale of tears pricks at the corners of her eyes. "I want my brother!" She wails at Nightbird again, even more pitiful than before.
WE'RE GETTING LOST! Vain attempts to find something to bring home between her teeth had kept Killdeercry out of camp that day. Sleekpaw and Barleypaw, as diligent and focused they were, might not have appreciated the greater challenge that the rolling gales had brought. The ruddy she-cats ears battered backwards as she faced against the wind, trying to detect anything coming from its direction.

The only scent it carried made her heart jump from her chest. Overwhelmed with what she hoped was wrong; blood, her nephew, and the lead warrior.

Killdeercry urged her apprentices to quickly follow after her, bounding after the scent and following Nightbird behind as she entered the sandy clearing.

Her courageous resolve faltered at the sight of Dovepaw, beaten and wounded. "Stars, how could you." Her voice is tight in a hoarse whisper as she took a few steps forward, but not wanting to crowd. "He's still just a baby..." Her's, her sister's, their little family's. Killdeercry looked to Chickadeepaw sadly, raising a paw to comfort her niece. "I know you want to see him, and you will, Berryheart just needs to make sure he's okay."

-- app tags @barleypaw. @Sleekpaw. — tags
He had not been out with her. There's immediate guilt at such a thought– he hadn't been there, he hadn't helped. What good could he have done, one apprentice against whatever it was that caused such wounds? He saw them come in, eyes round as the blood moon as he gazed upon the injuries. He'd followed her, a few strides behind, disbelief and guilt and shame roiling in his gut. At the time, Duskpaw had not said a single word. But as others come upon them, begging to see him, to know that he would be okay. His tail curls around his body as if to fend off nausea. Still, he walks a little closer. Treads on soft, hesitant paws until he can join Nightbird and Chickadeepaw. Though he could not claim closeness to the other apprentice, he leans against her anyway, seeking to comfort her before the tears welled over.

"It's gonna be okay," he promises softly. "Berryheart's really good at this. He just needs to be– to have the space for it." He glances to his mentor for assurance that he had said the right thing, though his gaze does not linger long enough to truly see her assurance or her redirection. "Why don't we go put make his nest extra soft? For when he can come back to it?"

  • ooc:
  • ──── duskpaw. apprentice of thunderclan. he / they.
    ──── blazestar x little wolf, older littermate of skykit.
    ──── does not know of his father / skyclan heritage.

    ──── an undefined kitten with long, dark brown fur that fades just slightly near the chest, throat, and ears, while the tip of their tail burns with the bright orange tabby flame. eyes are a deep, rich amber-brown, seeming red.
  • "speech"