twolegplace from the beating of your heart | doompaw


May 3, 2023

The last few days have been strange but not entirely unpleasant. He recalled the twoleg driving off the raccoon attacking him just before his world fell into darkness. At some point, he'd woken up in a metal box with a thick blanket underneath him. The woman cooed and whispered, though he understood none of it he felt relatively safe in the presence of his rescuer. Carefully she'd placed him into the belly of her monster and he lay there as it roared to life and transported them elsewhere. A place crawling with the white coats he remembered from his youth. They took him into a sterile room, poking and prodding at him with their fingers and instruments all while ignoring his questions. The evaluation of his injuries caused a frown to form on their lips. Not long after one of them grabbed a silver needle and he was asleep once more.

Now, he was lying across the twoleg's couch, moping. A dreaded soft cone decorated his neck, blocking him from nipping at the infernal itching located where his bite wounds were. No matter how hard he twisted, he couldn't seem to reach the surgical site. At least the pain seemed to be gone for now. The jingle of keys made his ears perk as he rose his head from his paws. The twoleg was moving again with a sweet trill exiting her lips. Drawing close she extended a hand to gently stroke the uninjured side of his face before walking out the door and locking it behind her. It felt, nice. He'd almost forgotten how soothing a twoleg's touch could be.

Plaguepaw stared at the door for several heartbeats before standing to his paws and leaping from the couch to a nearby windowsill. From here he watched her hop into her monster and back out of the driveway. Unlike Momowhisker's house, there was no magical door that would open for him. He was completely sealed in with no way to get out. As he thought of the daylight warrior he noticed the silhouette of a feline waltzing past and nearly mistook it for the prim and proper tom. But, upon closer inspection, he witnessed a ghost of his past. "D-Doompaw?!" The gangly apprentice squawked, placing dark forepaws upon the windowpane. However, he refrained from keeping it there long as his shoulder began to scream in protest.

His muzzle twisted in agony, drawing the limb close to his side before rapping the glass with his other paw. "H-hey amigo, over here! It's me, Plaguepaw!" He called again, desperately trying to gain the tom's attention. With any luck, his voice would be heard from the partially open window he perched upon. (@DOOMPAW)
-ˋˏ✄┈┈┈┈ skyclan apprentice / thirteen moons old / he/him ┈┈┈┈