camp from the burst of a star ↷ [ KITS INTRO ]

It felt as though the lot of them had come into existence only yesterday. Oh, how the time flies.

He stands in such a manner that his body is divided in two by the nursery's cocoon of brambles and thorns. Passerby might spot his black-crowned rump jutting out from the shrub in all its glory, angled towards the clouds above. His front half remained in the bounds of the small clearing, where scents of milk and innocence lingered, and upon every one of the weensy faces inside were looks of naive excitement or uncertainty. "I hope you're all ready," says the tom, whose head was bowed to be at eye-level with his children. "Today, you get to see what the camp looks like. You are allowed to wander as far as you'd like, as long as you can still see me or your mother."

In the nights since becoming a father, Smogmaw had learned to adopt a gentler tone of voice. The gravelly, profound intonation he'd use to command fear would soften, at least whenever he knew his kits could hear him. Having his words haunt their dreams was among the last of his priorities.

"Your clanmates will want to meet you," the tabby drawls on, coaxing a smirk of sorts. "With that said: Applekit, do not push anyone over." He imparts a loving glance at the eldest of his daughters, before shifting his gaze towards the youngest. "Valeriankit, don't let anyone push you over. Swankit, I'd like you to make a friend—and Garlickit, just please, please be good." The other two receive equally-as-tender looks from him, in defiance of the firm set of rules he'd posed in the prior moments.

Forcing himself up, then, until he stood at his maximum height, Smogmaw repositioned towards the side so that a small opening would form. Whatever sunlight broke through the clouds also broke into the nursery, beckoning the kits inside to explore the wider world. "Follow me," he explains, "so long as I'm nearby, there's nothing to be afraid of out here. Mom will join us in a few moments." He says that, yet, in the wake of all the recent trouble and strife she'd endured, it would be totally within her right to simply sleep until Greenleaf.

// @APPLEKIT @swankit @Garlickit @valeriankit @Halfshade
// wait until one of the above mentioned has replied, please!

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  • Love
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For a time, they were tucked safely away in the nursery, warm and filled with comforting smells. While Garlickit and Applekit were likely eager to explore the camp in the open, Valeriankit would honestly prefer to remain in the nest, to doze with her brother and mother. Yet, she couldn't deny the wishes of her beloved parents, to explore and see what world awaits them. In her admitted eagerness to do as wished of her, Valeriankit had somehow scrambled out into being the first of her littermates out into the marsh-toned light. Blinking her dual hues, the mirrored look of her mother's, the young kit took a moment to do a quick glimpse over before staring up at her father. "I dunno if Garlickit can stay out of trouble, papa." The girl nearly whispered as she flicked an ear, sitting by her father's paws as she waited for her siblings and beloved mother to emerge from the comfort of the nursery.
[sweet like honey]
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Swankit hesitates at the entrance to the nursery, even as Smogmaw beckons him out. He'd not been looking forward to this day, content to remain in the nursery, curled up beside his mother. It is with an air of betrayal that he watches his youngest sister emerge from the dark of the nursery; his ally in sleepiness, leaving him behind. Oh well. Swankit peeks his head from the nursery, but does not move to follow, paws remaining firmly in the dark.

A small voice comes from the nursery's entrance, quiet and lilting. "I have friends," Swankit says, peering out at his father skeptically, "I've got... um, Valeriankit and Applekit and Garlickit and mama..." who all stay in the nursery, at least until today. "...and you. That's enough friends," There's a decisive note to the last sentence. There's no reason to leave; he doesn't want adventures, he can dream up plenty already. He doesn't need excitement, he's already siblings with Garlickit. His sisters can go explore the camp and then tell him about it; he'll be going back to sleep, thank you very much.

  • //
  • SWANKIT named for his pale fur, after his maternal grandmother.
    — he/him. 2 moons.
    — shadowclan kit.
    — quiet and dreamy.

    penned by saturnid.​
  • "SPEECH"
  • Untitled147_20230502201550.png
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Reactions: smogstar

Today was the day!! She was going to see the world outside the nursery!! Finally, deemed worthy enough for freedom! The scruffy scrap of fur was raring to go, bouncing and racing around the nursery waiting for Smogmaw to let them know it was time.

"Don't worry, daddy!!! I'm always good!!!" She squeaked. She didn't know what he was talking about!

And so, after Valeriankit leaves the nursery, she bursts out into the camp and looks around at everything around her. So many new sights and smells and cats. She was not overwhelmed by it at all. To be overwhelmed meant she was weak. And she was not.

"WOW!!!!" She shouted, fur fluffed.

It was then that something caught her eye.... Something small and slow moving..... She bounced over to the strange new creature. Little shell and squishy looking body..... What a guy. Was this a clanmate?

"HI!!! What is your name!!!!" She asked the snail.
  • Sick
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"Oh shucks, someone's recognised big ol' slimey me. Well... my name is Big Tom Snail, please don't squish me!" Ferndance imitated the mollusc by talking out the corner of her mouth and speaking in her mother's drawl, innocuous and seemingly oblivious to the kittens at first. Her impudent smile grew and grew until she whipped her head around and pointed her nose towards the ground, emerald eyes wider than the Thunderpath as she assessed the little ones. Though she had a propensity for living under a rock, even she had heard of Smogmaw and Halfshade's kittens, though not a mother herself and likely banned from the birth due to running commentary, this was the first time she'd seen them. Almost all of them looked like their mother with that patchy fur of greys and creams, the only exception being the one the colour of sand. Mischief glinted in her face and she cast a look towards Smogmaw. "None of them look like you, you must be relieved." A tease with just an ounce of sincerity, Smogmaw was no spring chicken and that likely influenced his appearance, but he wasn't exactly the best-looking cat in the clan. Perhaps it was wrong to knock him for it. Smiles went a long way and their Deputy was allergic to them, she didn't doubt his face would crack if he ever tried.

"Hello," she mewed down to the kittens softly, her gaze scarcely on one for long at all before it found its way to another. There were so many of them, one for each paw on Halfshade's body. She wanted to be a mother, she thought, but it sure would be nice to be able to keep a paw for herself if that day ever came. "I'm Ferndance, I'm your father's best friend because I'm really cool," she lied, but about what part was up for the adults to know and the kittens to decide. Reclining on her haunches to prepare for a myriad of questions, the ticked tabby tilted her head to one side and raised a paw. "Oh, I'm also a Lead Warrior." It was easy to forget that about herself sometimes. The rank was one that meant she was to serve her clan with pride, but most of the time, she just used it to fulfill whimsical requests whilst out on patrol. She was still benefiting her clan, she believed - humility was just as good of a law enforcement skill as yelling.
  • Haha
Reactions: Shimmerkit
Applekit is always placid under the eye of her parents. Pale paws are neatly tucked in, a ruddy tail draped nearly over them in the way she has seen other cats do. The admirable ones – like Halfshade. Sometimes you needed to copy to know what to do, but you shouldn't do it recklessly, she thinks. If you copied anyone and everyone, you would make no sense yourself. Cats who make no sense are like Garlickit. And Garlickit needs to be told to be good. Applekit would never have to be told that.

She is not shy like some of her siblings are. Following Valeriankits scramble, she follows behind more slowly, but like she actually wants to, because she does. " I only push cats that need to be pushed! " she informs Smogmaw, a hint of a pout on her lip. With this, she would glance at Swankit, who tended to be sleepy and slow. He does not hinder her today, though. And he declares that he does not need friends. " We're your family, " Applekit reminds him. That was different. " You need friends, " if you want things. She thinks that's how it goes. She shifts a questioning glance to Smogmaw.

The world is not as bright as she'd thought it would be. It only takes a moment for her mismatched gaze to adjust. She can see cats coming and going. She wonders which of them are important, and which ones aren't. Garlickit is more concerned with...

She doesn't know what that is. " Garlickit needs friends, too, " she says, a hint of worry lilting in her voice. Then, straightening herself with a doe - eyed look. " Who are the interesting cats, Halfshade? " she glances back into her nursery, watching for her mother's form.

Her attention is drawn by an unfamiliar voice. Mismatched ears swivel to the source before her head does. This cat is not a snail. Wide eyes and keen teeth tell her such, suddenly smiling into all of their attentive faces. Applekit can't say she's heard of a Ferndance as a best friend. That sounds important enough to mention. Applekit looks assessingly at Ferndance before turning to Smogmaw. " Is she your best friend? " Lead Warrior sounds important, at least.
can we leave it behind? While Sabletuft hadn't seen the Deputy's kittens, he had certainly heard them over the past moon or so. It was hard to ignore loud sibling mockery and bickering. The hissing of play going too far, and of course the disciplined lectures their parents had given. Sabletuft found amusement in how scarce the camp went whenever any of them got into trouble, and watching how fatherhood formed Smogmaw was equally interesting.

There was a possibility he could have been like Smogmaw once upon a time. Seeing how happy his friend was made him bittersweetly content at the thought that, maybe he would have been the same.

"Giving Halfshade a break?" The tuxedo rumbled as he joined Smogmaw's side. He watched as Ferndance entertained the kittens, half expecting it to turn sideways. At least her first impression was better than most he would have anticipated. "They look really healthy. You guys are doing good."— tags


Smogmaw perches in the den, blocking any wayward attempts to escape early before he has said his peace and the torbie watches the kittens scoot forward eagerly as he gives them all a quick briefing of instructions; well, most of them scoot forward-some would prefer to remain sleeping but she gives Swankit a gentle nudge forward with her nose to urge him to follow along with his sisters. One by one tiny paws roam outward into the light of the camp, she'd been in the den so long she can't quite see past the white wall it has conjured up and it takes a moment of quiet blinking before her vision returns when she does step outside though the queen does not go very far. Halfshade would be lying if she said she wasn't tired, she wanted to curl back up in a ball and continue sleeping like her drowsy little son but she settles herself down at the mouth of the den with her paws folded under her to keep an eye on their first bit of roaming about the world. A yawn nips her tongue and she lets it out, mouth open and teeth flashing white as Applekit dutiful looks back in her direction for guidance, "Oh...ShadowClan is full of many interesting cats. You'll have to see for yourself who is most intriguing to you." Ferndance for example, an absolute fool but mostly well-intentioned. She hears the joke about none of them looking like Smogmaw and finds herself narrowing her eyes despite herself, he'd not said a word but it was clear he was just a little disappointed his looks hadn't passed down to any of the kits; perhaps it was why he'd worded his response on a second litter so soon to try and hide the fact he'd been bothered, but he loved them all the same-it was obvious enough to any cat who looked. Sabletuft appears and she lifts a paw in a light wave when she hears her name. Break, that was funny. A mother's work was never done, not until they were apprentices but admittedly she was letting Smogmaw do most the running around for the time being.
"Swankit, go on. Why don't you see what Garlickit found." Stars she was tired, but she couldn't be caught napping now less the cream kit take advantage of that to resume his own slumber. At least Valeriankit was perched dutiful waiting, she found that despite herself she kept looking to the small kit more frequently than the other three; a gnawing worry she'd simply vanish perhaps.
Comfreykit had been enamored with her newest denmates, and seeing them toddle about now on sturdier legs and high, squeaking voices excites her more than she can say. Jitterkit isn't much company, and Yarrowkit exasperates her; her mother is distant, despite the tired love she still bestows upon her kits. She's taken to padding around camp after the adults and even the apprentices, but her easily-bruised heart perceives she isn't wanted. Heavybranch doesn't mind her coming to listen to stories, but doubt has begun to creep into her mind -- does he really want her there? Does anyone?

She watches with shimmering golden eyes as Smogmaw and Halfshade coax their litter out into the camp. She is only two moons older, and barely that, but she feels almost worldly compared to them. Comfreykit observes Garlickit interacting with a snail, while Ferndance pretends to be its voice. She giggles. Garlickit is especially unruly. She reminds Comfreykit a little of Yarrowkit.

Valeriankit and Swankit are quiet, hesitant. Both are overshadowed by their dominant tortoiseshell sisters, especially Applekit, who is outspoken and has the sharpest edge to her voice that Comfreykit has ever heard on a kit.

The charcoal tabby edges nearer, giving Halfshade, Smogmaw, Sabletuft, and Ferndance a nervous smile. "Hello," she greets them, amber gaze sweeping over the gray and cream assortment of kits. "You're finally out of the nursery. Isn't the camp cool?" She addresses them all, clearly feeling inadequate. Why can't she be sure she's wanted here? She looks hesitantly over her shoulder, wondering if Betonyfrost is watching, if Yarrowkit is nearby to help her find her footing.


Since Halfshade had delivered her kits, Dewfrost knew it would have only been a matter of time before they were running around camp. And it seemed today was to be that day based on the sudden clamour of noise coming from the nursery and five kits came bursting out of it. Dewfrost watched with an amused expression as they milled about camp with wonder and awe at their new surroundings. Dewfrost wondered if she had been like that as a kit, drinking in all the new sights and smells with such eagerness. "Hello, dearies!" Dewfrost cooed at the kits as they walked past her. Despite her own grief and guilt at what had happened with her own kits, the sight of new life always brought out a much softer side to her. The silver spotted tabby approached Halfshade and Smogmaw, dipping her head in acknowledgement to them both. "You have lovely children. They all look strong and healthy," She commended.
————— ☾ —————

Applekit's words bring a twist to Swankit's mouth, a furrow to his brow. "Are family not friends?" He asks. He didn't know that... Then he really does have no friends. That's kind of sad. Still, he doesn't feel sad about it, so it's probably fine. Until Halfshade starts making her way out of the nursery, and he's the only one in there, and that does make him sad.

It seems even his own mother has betrayed him... First Valeriankit, now Halfshade, his two favorite napping buddies both abandoning him for the outside world. He has no choice. With a heavy sigh, Swankit slowly reaches a paw out into the sunlight, lighting his cream fur in a brilliant glow. Not great for a ShadowClanner. He squints his eyes, cringing and blinking at the light, maybe exaggerating his misery a little as he emerges from the nursery. Look at how pitiful he is, he seems to be saying, barely restraining himself from enacting a dramatic faint.

Isn't the camp cool? asks Comfreykit. He just got here, but he's not very excited by it. Swankit murmurs a soft "Not really..." as he creeps his way towards Garlickit, not looking at the not-sibling kit. Not looking at Garlickit, either, his eyes are focused on his sister's new friend. "Hello..." He addresses it. And then — a glance at Ferndance. He's not falling for her tricks. His voice lowers, leaning close to the snail. "It's okay, you can tell me your real name... We're not gonna eat you, or squish you, I promise." He's never been friends with a snail before, but he thinks he might like to.
————— ☾ —————

  • //
  • SWANKIT named for his pale fur, after his maternal grandmother.
    — he/him. 2 moons.
    — shadowclan kit.
    — quiet and dreamy.

    penned by saturnid.​
  • "SPEECH"
  • Untitled147_20230514003200.png
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As far as Yarrowkit was concerned, Smogmaw and Halfshade's kits were an excellent addition to the Clan. For one thing, it meant he and his siblings weren't the youngest residents of the pines anymore. For another, he thought it would be nice to have some more kits around. The warriors and apprentices were certainly interesting, and very inspirational - all long legs, powerful muscles, and keen eyes, pelts spiced with enticing scents of the out-of-camp world - but they weren't much good for playing or exploring. The blue-eyed tabby tom was quick to appear beside his sister, studying the quartet of younger children with interest, a small but bright smile appearing on his face. If he was aware of the fact that he was much bigger compared to the rest of the crew of youth, he didn't show it.

"I have all sorts of interesting things I can show you, now that you're out." he added to Comfreykit's question, puffing out his white-locketed chest with pride. "And we can play games together!" he gave an excitable lash of his striped tail, casting a dubious look at the gaggle of adults before leaning towards the nearest kitten and whispering, "Warriors aren't much good for me." of course, he'd rather be doing interesting warrior stuff than amusing himself with simple games, but he somehow suspected that Betonyfrost would be sorely displeased if she heard that her son had tried to escape camp.