
drinking lemonade and playing with my hair
Jun 7, 2022


  • Two cats with tainted roots - one outsider born and plunged unwillingly into windclans grasp, another with proposed kittypet heritage. Azaleafrost and Marmotbite's story started out simple - a curiosity about one another, a healthy does of mutual respect for battle prowess. Neither being the most friendly of cats, far more at home on the battle field with paws stained red than with their clanmates, it was only natural they gravitated towards eachother. When rogues take over windclans territory, they fight side by side - even kill for one another.

    But it's Marmotbite who pushes past their shared fascination, leads them to take things further than a simple mutual crush - amidst Sunstrides rebellion, she chooses to fake her death and flee Sootstars rule. Azaleafrost is the first of the rebels to cross paths with the injured tunneler, who plainly states that she alone is her reason for leaving - it is love, not fear nor loyalty that drives her. Stunned by her confession, the two begin their mate-ship in this way, never making a spectacle of it but certainly becoming far closer than the strangers they once were. There's very little that can dull their joy - at least, until disaster strikes.

    With strange omens in the sky and windclan and windclan alone suddenly on fire, tensions are high - a sense of danger and unknown creeping around the corner. And yet, it's not only windclan who's suffering from the twolegs strange actions. Amidst fleeing prey and predator alike, one patrol is particularly lucky - or unlucky - in their finds. A dying mother, lost to the flames as she tries her hardest to give her kittens a fighting chance. The two she-cats are lucky to be there to bear witness, as Azaleafrost dives into the fray to haul the tiny figures to safety (much to Marmotbites dismay) though the unknown queen is beyond saving. An argument ensues, but in the end Marmotbite cannot begrudge her mates spur of the moment actions - she likes how fearless she is, even if she finds saving a strangers kittens to be a waste of her skills. In the end, they decide to bring the kittens back to camp to recover and be taken in - not just by windclan, but as their own.

  • — These kits will be born and raised in windclan, and must stay in windclan permanently barring IC consequences
    — At the time of rescue, these kits were only three weeks old. It is very unlikely they would/will remember much - if anything - of their origin or their birth mother. Kits will start out being played at three moons old aging realtime.
    — This is a casual activity litter - neither parent is a super high activity character, and we don't expect you to be either! We do expect them to at least be kept on the census, which means at least 3 posts per month. Extended inactivity without warning with these kits will lead to rehoming.
    — There is currently no set choosing date for these kits. When one has been picked, we will give everyone at least 48 hours notice to wrap up any incomplete apps.

  • LH blue smoke w/ low white (carrying non-silver, point) x SH blue tabby w/ low white (carrying solid, longhaired, point)
    kittens can be blue, blue tabby, blue smoke, blue silver tabby, blue point, blue lynx point, blue smoke point, or blue silver lynx point
    — kits can be longhaired or shorthaired
    — kits can have no white, low white, or high white
    — non-pointed kits with no white may have any realistic eye color barring blue; non-pointed kits with white may have any realistic eye color; pointed kits will have blue eyes
    — shorthaired kits will carry longhaired; silver kits will carry non-silver; non-pointed kits may or may not carry point; tabby kits will carry solid

    — due to their origins, minor permanent fire related injuries are allowed as long as it is realistically survivable. please make sure to check with staff and/or windclans medicine cat to make sure it's something that would be treatable.
    — natural disabilities are allowed but must be researched fully and played respectfully. ​

    — no outside relations ​

    For Windclan:
    — wind, gust, breeze, prairie, wild, sway, flower, heather, gorse, any valid flower names
    After those she loves:
    minty, dazzle, gleam, wolf, song, howl, ice, mountain brave, bluet, bite
    Violence names (because neither parent is normal, could also double as being for mintshade lets be real):
    — rip, tear, shred, fang, sanguine, crimson, red, blood, rush, prowl, crush, stalk, lunge, pounce, spite
    Poisonous plants (for mintshade again):
    — foxglove, hemlock, nightshade
    Names to spite Sootstar/her loyalists:
    — Dandelion, Honey, Coal, Cold, Hyacinth

    — soot, any loyalist names

    Marmotbite - due to a difference in culture prior to joining windclan - will not be providing name options, instead leaving all matter of choice to Azaleafrost. In all honesty, she's liable to rarely use or even forget the names picked irregardless, opting instead for endearments such as "son/daughter" or "hey you" and "kiddo", or giving them nicknames based on certain traits they may have

    — one
    — two
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Mintykit, Foxglovekit, Fangkit, Sanguinekit, Crushkit
Crispykit heehee

- bouncing baby boy
(Gonna have to ask if any of this is possible/realistic, I'm just throwing ideas out here before research so none of this is set in stone)
- born with either his ears burned off (is that allowed?? gotta ask)
- born with his paws severely burned (would that prevent feeling? Nerve damage?? Maybe a single paw instead?
- born with patches of fur burned off, looking like a little rat man but later grows up to be a SURPRISE! Am super pretty!!! child

- Night owl, strategist, likes to talk about traps!
- optimistic, needy, gullible

- can and will hang onto his mom's 24/7 babbling about how he dug a hole and a bug fell in!! isn't he so smart?!!? mom look! MOM LOOK!!!
- Hemophobia

- long-haired blue smoke with high white, most of said fur burned off at the start with big buggy eyes - homeboi is just gonna be ugly as SHIT as a baby

  • DANDELIONKIT BLISTERKIT ; lives up to her name by a foxlength.
    an angsty young cat with self-image and intimacy issues. though her personal relationships are shaky at best, she finds purpose in putting her all into training; she may even do anything it takes to become a great warrior, even if it means not being a good warrior.
    — cisgender she-cat [closeted nb] ; she, her & feminine terms
    — windclan, future moor runner / clanborn

  • X4Jd0Op.png


    A long-haired silver lynx-point she-cat with dark blue eyes and a burn-scarred tail. / KITTEN, APPRENTICE, WARRIOR
    As a kitten, Blisterkit is not much more than a little puff of silver-white fur. Her face and lower back show the early signs of colorpointing, turning grayer as each day passes, and her nose is a pale pink.

    Her hindquarters are suffering, still, from the burns inflicted in the weeks after her birth; only a few scrappy wefts of singed gray fur still grows from her tail. The worst of her injuries are an angry red web of scar tissue wrapping her tail, though it is seen in detail only by those that must apply fresh poultice to prevent infection.

    When she becomes an apprentice, the awkward teenaged phase hits hard. Long legs and a wide body leaves her gangly like a fawn, and her dark blue eyes fit too-small in her face. Silky white fur gives way to dark silver stripes along her face and legs, as well as the fresh patches along her tail. Her paws and an arc across her nose remain a bright white, but the skin of her nose darkens to a deep red.

    Her tail appears to have mostly healed; at the surface, at least. The fresh layer of skin is fragile, and a shiny red in hue. Though no longer susceptible to infection, it is now at risk of further damage from the sun itself.

    Maturing to adulthood treats her more kindly than her youth. Her training as a warrior has refined underlying muscle and her coat has grown in thickly, offering a large and imposing stature to compliment her boisterous personality. Dark silver stripes contour her face and legs, and begin to shine through the white of her fur at her back and hindquarters. Her whiskers have lengthened considerably, sprouting thickly like blades of grass.

    The scar tissue has furthered in the healing process, cooling closer to her natural skin tone, but has hardened to a tough, leathery texture. The thickness of her coat has helped shield it, partially, but most of her tail is still bald, save the very tip.

    — closer to her mentor than her peers as an apprentice, and that's saying something.
    — the type to run off and fight a badger to prove herself - prove herself to who? she doesn't even know.
    — throws herself into combat training to feel like she has a purpose, and to avoid thinking about anything too deeply, but doesn't actually enjoy it. blood makes her a bit queasy, and that only enrages her (identifying it as a 'weakness' to overcome.)
    — will either distance herself from her sibling as much as possible, or become like a third parent to them. maybe a bit of both.
    — can barely stand to have a serious conversation, let alone one about herself.
    — instantly on-guard when her scars are mentioned.
    — gets tired as she gets older, finding it harder and harder to get worked up over anything and everything. it's like her whole life she was winding up and up and up, but to what end?

    blisterkit is extremely difficult to get close to, even for her own kin. though she craves validation, she self-sabotages most positive experiences.
    SOUNDS LIKE: masculine baritone, clear. voiceclaim if you have one
    GENETICS: LH blue smoke w/ low white (carrying non-silver, point) x SH blue tabby w/ low white (carrying solid, longhaired, point)

  • ANOTHER BELIEVER - Rufus Wainwright
    so give me just one more chance
    one more glance, one more hand to hold

    GIRL ANACHRONISM - The Dresden Dolls
    i'm not the carefullest of girls,
    you can tell from the glass on the floor,
    and the strings that are breaking
    and i keep on breaking more

    TAKE ME TO WAR - The Crane Wives
    but i am always swinging at
    somebody i can't knock down

    PLENTY - aeseaes
    we want violence, we want blood
    we want superhero love
    we want all the answers that you promised us

  • ◉◉◉○○○○○○○ HUNTING: Basic. Rudimentary ability, just enough to get her through basic training.
    ◉◉○○○○○○○○ CLAN SKILL: Lacking. She spends as little personal time as possible around her clanmates.
    ◉◉◉◉◉○○○○○ TRACKING: Decent. Not particularly adept, but not lacking either. Enjoyed more than combat.
    ◉◉◉◉◉◉◉◉○○ COMBAT: Tank. Not her favorite skill, but the one she's honed the strongest.
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reusing a personality i liked :D


Name Meaning: Named after Dazzlepaw | Alternative Names: Mintykit, Icekit, Hyacinthkit, Heather
Parents: NPC x NPC, Adopted by Azaleafrost x Marmotbite, Gen 2 | Siblings: TBD
Gender and Pronouns: Cis-Female, She/Her | Sexuality: Undecided, Too Young
Appearance + Genetics Short haired blue she-cat with high white and blue eyes (Carrying longhaired and point)
(Base by supurrnovae on deviantArt - might add more white later

Selfless | Kind | Emotional | Naive | Pushover
Blurb: Dazzlekit is kind and generous, always looking to help others. She is selfless, always willing to put herself into danger or take the fall for others, and generous, willing to give away things to others if she thinks they need or want it more. She can be a bit of a pushover, however, as well as naïve - allowing her kind nature to be exploited by others. She can be very emotional at times, and she wears her feelings on her sleeve - she struggles to hide them.

> Theme Color is Seagull #80CCEA
> Takes the fall for a littermate after they do something bad.
> Her trusting and naive nature is taken advantage of, resulting in her getting injured, making her reevalute herself.
> An arc of trying to become more assertive
> Struggles a bit after putting her foot down for the first time, seeks comfort in her parents and/or siblings.
> Mostly unscathed from the flames, save for some burned patches of fur that eventually grow back. She remembers heat, and oftentimes gets a bit nervous during the hotter months of her life. The scent of smoke also makes her feel sick and scared.
> Because she only had minor injuries from the fire, she'll likely feel very guilty if her littermate got most of the injuries. She'll likely wish she had gotten more injured in exchange for the severity of their's being lessened. No matter what, Dazzle will see the beauty in them, regardless of appearance, and try to make sure they can see it in themself too.
> Feel free to choose one of the alternative names for me if you choose another Dazzlekit!
> Potential warrior names: Dazzleberry, Dazzlebriar, Dazzleleaf, Dazzlecloud, Dazzlefall, Dazzlefern, Dazzleflower, Dazzleblossom, Dazzlebloom, Dazzleheart, Dazzlepoppy, Dazzleshine, Dazzlesong, Dazzlewish, Dazzlewillow, Dazzlerain, Dazzledream, Dazzlegleam
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━ Fangkit or Tuskkit
Alternate names in order of preference are Stalkingkit, Pouncekit, Hemlockkit
━ AMAB, he/they
━ Windclan kit, No former ranks
━ 3 moons, Ages every [DATE]
━ Birthday is [DATE]
━ Created on 05/01/24
━ Penned by Reaver
    ━ Small and thin, the runt of their litter for a time, he is disproportionate with his big paws and long neck and tail. Fur a jagged, spiky mess of blue tabby stripes and a paler underside it has an unpleasant texture echoing something like short pine needles or stabby bits of hay. With a face only a mother could love (good thing he has two), his too-wide mouth is baring an ever-present smile topped with a pair of uncomfortably staring eyes pulled into an untrustworthy squint. His most standout features would be his ears that stand too tall and round atop his head, furless and pale and veiny and a little gross looking they're paired with large hairless paws and lower legs and a long rat-like tail naked from halfway down. As he ages, it's not done gracefully, as an adult he finally hits his growth spurt, legs heightening to allow him to finally fit his overly long tail and neck with a body still too short in overall length it looks as if he's wearing the torso of a much smaller cat and the extremities of another taller one. The one constant is his gangly, too-skinny frame, lithe muscles barely present and with just enough meat and fur to conceal the bones underneath that remain in spite of his larger than life appetite.
    ━ Burns were only ever first degree leaving well-healed scars by 3 moons, but their fur never really grows back
    ━ Tail is usually curled very close to body, typically over their back or around a rear-leg
    ━ In spite of their under-muscled frame, they carry themselves like they're larger than life, all good posture and looking down their nose at clanmates to keep them distanced
    ━ Equally as good at seeming small, curling into himself and sneaking around in a slinky spidery jaunt
    ━ Doesn't outwardly express a whole lot, pretty much always has an annoyingly smug smile and squinty eyes, when they do emote it's always with their mouth, their eyes always reflective and glinting with secrecy
    ━ Almost doesn't seem to even notice they're lacking fur in several places, only reacting when someone else points it out causing him to fallback onto his ever reliable claim of "Starclan blessing him and having wanted him to survive the fire that killed so many"
    ━ Consistency in his day-to-day is key for them to keep going, waking up at the same time everyday, eating in the same place in camp, going to sleep at the same time if it can be helped. It's why his flip-floppy personality and opinions don't seem to fit into the puzzle. If he likes someone one day, then it's a possibility he won't like them the next day. If he's clingy in one moment then he might be very distant the next
    ━ Satisfied and comfortable with his place in life, cozy with his parents and littermate (already having more than many cats), he neglects an issue till he becomes saddled with it. As soon as it's on his doorstep though, he freezes- stressed and looking for someone else to foist the problem onto, receding back into himself and falling into the shadows. He doesn't like the unexpected and doesn't like being put in charge of an issue, that's what lead warriors and deputies and such are for, right?
    ━ A fast and never-ending talker, he loves to yap about this and that and anything interesting, always clinging to the side of his sibling and blabbing on about anything and everything. However, the second a stranger might come near, he quiets up real quick, not wanting them to be privy to the same things as him and his family. This does make him come off as shy, but if anyone overhears and decides to ask him about something someday, they may just get an earful of useless ideas and info from observations he's made
    ━ Blunt, intense, always telling the harsh truth. They're not willing to pull their punches with anyone, not their family and especially not strangers. Not without a dramatic flair to his words though at times, a bad knack for making things seem worse than they are, dire and dangerous and world ending in his snappy way of speaking
    ━ It's obvious from the get-go that he doesn't care for cats outside his immediate family. They have everything they need: a littermate and two parents. So why should they need more? This is made clear in the way he hangs like a parasite off the sides of said family, his squint turning into something of a frigid, soul-sucking glare should anyone try and intrude onto their bubble of sparkles and joy contained within their small household
    ━ Dedicated to everything that they do, striving to be the best at even the most miniscule of tasks, holding themselves to a standard too high to reach. And with this comes a competitive streak. If they can't be the best, then they can at least be better than the next cat? Losing is something that they hate more than anything, and they are a very sore loser, always finding something to blame it on whether it be the sun in his eyes, the wind blowing his fur in an uncomfortable way, he stepped on a thorn last week and it was flaring back up, any excuse to soften the blow of the loss
    ━ Littermates are [NAMES]
    ━ No extended family
    ━ Cooperates well with his littermates and parents but dislikes working with anyone else, taking on a rude shell hoping it'll chase whoever away, maybe then he can get back to his sibling and parents
    ━ Doesn't make friends well, his unusual behavior making it difficult and so they just start off strong, rude and mean and obnoxious, fighting to let anyone even make an attempt. He doesn't need friends anyways when he has his family
    ━ Certainly doesn't trust easily, given his erratic changes of opinion on others, it's hard to stay near him. If you want to be his friend, you need to be just as consistent as he is, not copying him, but don't surprise him with some unexpected flip-flop in behavior making him something of a hypocrite
  • ━ Nasally voice with a bit of hoarseness to it, only noticeable when speaking at loud volumes
    ━ Despite their minor height over the average Windclanner, with their uncomfortably skinny frame and penchant for going too fast and ease with seeming to grow and shrink in posture, they're grouped in as a tunneller and he absolutely adores it. Giving him a sense of superiority in knowing how important the tunnels are and how relied on they are in leaf-bare and how they need to be maintained and taken great care of it plays well into his need for consistency except for when there's actually an emergency of course
    ━ Would've been made tunneller and since he hits his growth spurt way late, it would just be a waste of time to switch them over to being a moor-runner by then
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EDIT: withdrawn as I've received another WindClan kit!

i think im finished! these are my first TT kit tryouts so I hope i did everything right <3 good luck everyone!

alt names Wolfkit [Wolfstalk(er)], Hemlockkit [tbd]


LH blue-silver tabby tom with low/high white and blue eyes.
Long-legged and svelte, Wildkit is rather effeminate in build. For a kit his age he's a little disproportionate, but will grow into his size. His fur is spiky and wild (giving him his name) but soft, and he has a bit of a mane around his neck. A little ugly as a kit due to the fire burning parts of his fur + scarring his foreleg, his tail particularly has some charred bits.

Personality. Loyal, shy, a bit of a pushover. Avoids conflict. Has no backbone and runs crying to his moms if anyone yells at him. A bit jealous most of the others don't have permanent damage from the fire like he does - finds companionship with those who do. Self-conscious of his scars and wounds.
From the moment he's aware of who he is and where he is, Wildkit is terribly overwhelmed. He is quiet, he is incredibly shy, and he always feels like he can smell the putrid scent of smoke. Wildkit is constantly hiding behind his sibling or his mothers, seeking protection from the outside world - he especially asks for his littermate to speak for him; as in, he will mutter words to them, and they will parrot it to others.

  • Notes. . .
  • Tail always low, brushing on the grass of the moors
  • Some of his fur burned off during the fire, will eventually grow back! Has a burn scar on his right foreleg.
  • Asthmatic because of the smoke, also struggles to talk loudly and a lot. Deep and hoarse voice - maybe Viktor from Arcane as VC.
  • He's not very muscular and never will be, a whatever figther but a talented hunter and stalker.
  • Despite being a bit tall for a kit, he will grow to be a smidge taller than the average WindClanner.
  • Is constantly slouching over. Bad posture gang!!!
  • Probably stays a lot in the medicine cats den because of his condition, possible med cat app?
  • Is very facially expressive, due to needing to convey emotions with something other than his voice.
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