camp from the mouth of babes ☀︎ questions

ThunderClan was about to have plenty of kittens of its own, not that he was contributing a third time or anything, but it was rather warming still seeing little ones roaming about and it left him less wary about his initial worries of WindClan's plight. He would never question Howlingstar, he trusted her wholeheartedly but he could not deny there was a part of him that was terribly anxious about having the moorland cats so close by now - even if they were outside the camp. Mostly. The kits and their queens resided here where hopefully mischief not much larger than a few kitten pranks would arise, but he kept his eyes focused and his attention set on observing them nonetheless. Sunfreckle was sitting outside the nursery, splitting his focus from inside it and outside when a kitten wandered over and his expression softened from its diligent alertness to a much gentler visage. Before he could even greet the little scamp he was immediately overtaken by a barrage of questions, bluntly hurled his way with little pause between them. Kits, as he had learned in so many moons of raising his own, lacked the sense of a polite filter and would simply say whatever they so well pleased.
The red tabby smiled, strained, as he listened to the usual barrage of queries that often came his way: Why was he so big? Where was his leg?
A missing limb was an oddity in WindClan it seemed, where such a thing was apparently a sign of weakness and he inwardly grimaced as he thought about the way his fate would have gone had he stumbled upon the moors so long ago and not here in the forest. The answer to both questions though, was quite simple.
"I was born like this! I never had a leg...and I guess I'm just big. I can't tell you why! Maybe I'm part lion..."

  • Any kit can be the one questioning him or even multiple ones!

  • 57579394_y5Qft2znjLniwSo.png
    —⊰⋅ Lead Warrior of ThunderClan
    —⊰⋅ He/Him
    —⊰⋅ Large red tabby tom w/green eyes and no left foreleg.
    —⊰⋅ penned by Rai

Pearlykit has taken to causing a ruckus whenever he can and bothering literally anybody in his sights. Today, Sunfreckle had been his victim. The large fluffy warrior was possibly the biggest cat he had ever seen. How? How did he get so big??? And why did he have three legs???

He found it crucial to ask him these things and was met with answers that perplexed him.

He was born this way!!! He didn't lose the leg in a terrible battle and he didn't eat the heart of a dog to become big..... He's just like that!! Maybe even PART LION!!

"Wowie.....I didn't know you could be born without a leg...... Can cats be born with no legs????" He asks.

"I bet you're totally part lion!!! You're just as big and fluffy!!!" He squeals. He is in the presence of a legend, for sure. "Can I be part lion too???" He asks, as if such a thing is possible.

Thunderclan was full of so much new stuff... He HAD to absorb it all into his brain. What if he never gets to see this place again!! He's gotta know EVERYTHING.​
Being as small and curious as she was, Softkit had to admit that she had been wondering how Sunfreckle was as big as he was - he was bigger than Softkit and her sister combined, and she'd even wager that Sunfreckle was a great deal larger than even a few of the kits put together. She'd been just as interested in why he was missing a leg, but had more of a mind to figure that it could be considered a sensitive question, which was what held her back from asking upfront; Pearlykit seemed to have less problem with his probing, and if it helped Softkit gets answers, who was she to judge the other kit?
"If he can be born without a leg, I don't see why a cat couldn't be born without any legs." Softkit reasoned as she looked between Sunfreckle and Pearlykit. It would be a strange sight; how would a cat born like that be able to hunt? Perhaps, like Whitelion and Spiderlily took care of one another and Softkit and her sister, a no-leg cat would have family to help them out. "If you're part lion though, can you roar? I've heard that lions had big roars... I can't imagine how loud one would be." She wrinkled her nose. If lions were as loud as she was imagining they were now, she wouldn't want to be one.
Sunshinekit's tail shakes with a laugh as their father is confronted with question after question after question. There is a small disparity between themself and the youth that bombards Sunfreckle - a few short moons, they suppose, can produce enough maturity for an attitude shift. Or, perhaps, it's something else that guides them to be even quieter and more downtrodden than before.

In any case, as the kittens as if there can be a cat with no legs, Sunshinekit waves a paw in an attempt to get their attention. The blue tortoiseshell folds their limbs underneath themself, properly loafing in front of the younger kittens. "Tada! Legless," they hum, a grin on their round face. They tilt their gaze upwards, hoping to see a smile in Sunfreckle's expression as well. ​
*+:。.。 Salamanderburn's ears would perk up as he approached the chattering group. Sharp green eyes pierced between children and fatherly figure, noting the line of inquiry passing between the group. Not quite connecting the dots between naive children and patient adult Salamander decides now's the best time to ask a question that'd been weighing on his mind since his youth. "Since you're missin' a leg, does that make your other legs stronger?" he piped up, the innocence behind that question a bit difficult to forgive considering his age. But what can he say - he was dying to know! "I heard how blind cats have better hearing and taste than seeing cats, so like - does it work the same for your other legs?"

To Salamanderburn, strength and speed meant everything! So growing up he was quite fascinated by how little the man before him seemed to be burdened by his missing leg. The best part about strength was earning it so to Salamanderburn, Sunfreckle was a hero to be admired! I mean, the man pushed against the odds so fiercely that he became a lead warrior! Say what you will about missing legs and balancing, the man had lacked a whole pawful of claws, and yet that made him no less of a frightening figure in battle! How cool!

So while the question may not have been the most sensitive, it was asked without malice, just pure curiosity. Eyes almost as wide as the kittens surrounding him, Salamander then asked, "Do'yah got any strength training tips?"


Can you roar? A kit asks, and he glances to Spiderlily's youngster with a mischievous glint in both green eyes. "I can, yes!" Sunfreckle squared his shoulders, stood up onto all three limbs properly and puffed up his chest with a big inhale before belting out a great booming snarl of a noise; a few birds in nearby trees taking to the sky in a flutter of panic and loose feathers. Maybe he shouldn't make so much noise during such high tension among his clanmates and the visiting WindClanners he realized a bit too late and sheepishly glanced around with an apologetic look to any who might've heard.
He smiles brightly down to Sunshinekit's antics, tucking their paws up to hide the long limbs inherited more from Rabbitnose than himself; he was build more stocky-lower to the ground but not small by any means.

"Oh, I'm not very strong really. It's all...weight. But I suppose I'd recommend a lot of running when you can. If I sit for too long I feel like I lose all my energy, being in the nursery has been kind of a drain on my willingness to move around." He laughs, slightly nervous but content all the same - he was not going back into the nursery again for a while and while he loved his kits they needed to be apprenticed. Like yesterday.


  • 57579394_y5Qft2znjLniwSo.png
    —⊰⋅ Lead Warrior of ThunderClan
    —⊰⋅ He/Him
    —⊰⋅ Large red tabby tom w/green eyes and no left foreleg.
    —⊰⋅ penned by Rai