- Jan 4, 2024
- 155
- 49
- 28
The night had been sprinkled with the gentle rumble of rain too cold and too sturdy to be called rain. It had thrummed against the roof of the nursery, a lullaby of winter song. If only their children were quite so soft... they are in feeling alone, the fluff of their furs not so different from the long streaks of dilute puddles but their paws... they are lined with tiny thorns, their mouths greedy and searching.
Warm splashes of stark stripes had been a wiggle worm of stubborn movements. Jarring smacks of a tiny skull against the most sensitive parts of joints and fleshy spots. She'd woken up several times in the middle of the night to lean against her mate with a sigh of mock distress- "She keeps waking me up," she'd said, "Like the storm outside."
It had been between their shared snickers and giggles at the expense of their daughter that they'd formulated a thought... and come first light, the return of those who'd ventured to the Gathering, Doepath had given herself something to socialize about for the day. Gathering up her little bundles for another day to practice wobbling around on tiny legs, she is careful to lift her paws far above them to tread over them without trampling them on accident (there had been a few times now that her pads had pressed into a tiny tail by mistake).
The sight of cloudy fur skirting along the camp's walls grabs her with a selfish urge for attention, for familiarity and she beckons him with a flagging of her tail- "Gentlestorm! Come here," she purrs, cut short by a wince as a stubborn head whacks against one of her legs thoughtlessly- Cheeky girl...
"We've picked another name... This... hard-headed little torbie..." She lifts her throbbing leg out of grasp, golden gaze drifting towards the patchy silhouette of her child with a grin, "We settled on Hailkit... did you hear it last night? Loud... sturdy... and it hurts when it hits you on the head," the last bit is mostly a joke though her knack for throwing her little body around had been noted already.
Warm splashes of stark stripes had been a wiggle worm of stubborn movements. Jarring smacks of a tiny skull against the most sensitive parts of joints and fleshy spots. She'd woken up several times in the middle of the night to lean against her mate with a sigh of mock distress- "She keeps waking me up," she'd said, "Like the storm outside."
It had been between their shared snickers and giggles at the expense of their daughter that they'd formulated a thought... and come first light, the return of those who'd ventured to the Gathering, Doepath had given herself something to socialize about for the day. Gathering up her little bundles for another day to practice wobbling around on tiny legs, she is careful to lift her paws far above them to tread over them without trampling them on accident (there had been a few times now that her pads had pressed into a tiny tail by mistake).
The sight of cloudy fur skirting along the camp's walls grabs her with a selfish urge for attention, for familiarity and she beckons him with a flagging of her tail- "Gentlestorm! Come here," she purrs, cut short by a wince as a stubborn head whacks against one of her legs thoughtlessly- Cheeky girl...
"We've picked another name... This... hard-headed little torbie..." She lifts her throbbing leg out of grasp, golden gaze drifting towards the patchy silhouette of her child with a grin, "We settled on Hailkit... did you hear it last night? Loud... sturdy... and it hurts when it hits you on the head," the last bit is mostly a joke though her knack for throwing her little body around had been noted already.
ooc; sorry this was meant to be the day after the Gathering but I've been SUPER busy up until now... please wait for @GENTLESTORM or @sunshinespot OR any of the kittens:
tagging @Tuffy-kit and the other babies @honk-kit @/sneezekit @Calfkit – @DAFFODILKIT. -
fifteen month old warrior of thunderclan
she/her fawn sepia with low white and yellow eyes
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