camp front row seats // prompt, pafp


maggotfur 16 moons female she/her shadowclan warrior

Carrionplace is a place that maggotfur frequents nearly as often as the thunderpaths, or perhaps her very own nest. A second home to her - and why wouldn't it be? Hardly anyone cared if she stole a bite of twoleg trash here and there, heads shaking and looks of disgusts on their muzzles as they turned their noses up at what she felt to be a free meal. And that wasn't even to speak of all the wonderous objects they'd found - some more horrible than others (don't get her started on the strange screaming corpse that skunktail had found). But todays trinket is not something she's found so selfishly - instead, she'd had the strange urge not to keep but to give.

In a move utterly out of place, when maggotfur strides into camp she heads not to her throne of bones but instead towards her den mate - and 'acquaintance' - @Scorchedmoon . Object falls to the ground with a clatter - green plastic bouncing against dirt and stone. " It looked like you, " she says blandly, blue eyes serious as she shuffles her find forwards with her paw - the strange, luminescent crescent only slightly worse for wear, dust sticking to one smooth side and yet not the other.

actions & " speech, " & 'thoughts/quotes'


❤︎₊ ⊹ Carrionplace is full of many odd things, you find something that reminds you of someone. Maybe it would make a good gift.
// she found one of those kids glow in the dark wall stickers shaped like a moon
One of the easiest ways to gain Scorchedmoon’s trust was to give him presents. It’s not something that many have done for him, but he enjoys gift giving, even if he never gets anything in return! So when someone shows him kindness without him even prompting, it tends to take him off guard.

Scorchedmoon can smell Carrionplace on Maggotfur’s pelt when she approaches him suddenly, but it doesn’t change much. He might not be as insistent on visiting it like she is, but even he can admit that sometimes you’ll find something nice there. Like today, it seems!

He tilts his head at the object she carries in her mouth, eyes sparkling as she drops it in front of him. “It looks like me?” Scorchedmoon questions, but he realizes why quickly after saying that. He looks back towards his flank, and it’s almost exactly like the moon marking on his legs! “Oh wow, you’re right! Aww, you’re so sweet, Maggotfur.” The chimera grins widely at the classic tabby’s thoughtfulness.​
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Kindness is something that can, at times, be a hot commodity in a place like ShadowClan. She remembers a time when she had still been Halfkit (young and foolish and so so painfully naive) and she had attempted to gift to her brother a bone she had carved herself and decorated in flowers. Her gift was refused, thrown back in her face with biting words and harsh refusal. Other cats had attempted to fix it, to offer to take the gift themselves, to give her reassurances that it was in fact him not her who was wrong but the damage had already been done. She had learned a lesson that day.

But here was Maggotfur, presenting a gift to Scorchedmoon and at first, Halfpaw feels… cautious for the blue toned Molly. If Scorchedmoon was rude… But no. He is not her brother and he accepts the gift with a grace that she has not seen much of in the swampland. Her ears flick backwards and her eyes widen in undisguised surprise. Where was the harsh refusal? The bitter words she had expected? “I don’t want this garbage” she can almost hear him say before praise poured out of his mouth. Jealousy burns just under her pelt for a mere moment. Why couldn’t things go like that for her? Why whenever she tried anything were things bad?

She likes Maggotfur though, the molly had always been kind to her so she keeps her cynical thoughts to herself and stalks forward on legs too long for her disproportionate body (‘still growing into them!’ The adults would chirp ‘you’ll get there some day!’) Her blue eyes rest on the moon for a moment before she looks to the crescent shaped marking on the warriors flank. "Wow! It really does resemble that spot on your fur" she muses with a twitch of her whiskers. "What is this thing though?" she reached out with a tentative paw to touch it gently, curiosity shining in her gaze. "I’ve never seen anything like it" she admits.

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    A fluffy she cat who's fur is half cream tabby, half blue tabby split by white. Her eyes are two mismatched shades of blue, with one being a light icy blue and the other being darker in color.
    Easy in battle + still learning how to fight
Twice now has she experienced someone tugging something back from the carrionplace and gifted it to someone else. First it was the screeching thing that now belongs to her mother, and now its this... small, crescent shaped piece that is given to Scorchedmoon. She doesn't quite understand the sentimentality between the two warriors, not then and not now. Is gift giving meant to be sentimental? Skunktail had some sort of apology with his, but Maggotfur offers her because it bears likeness to the warrior its given to. Maybe gifts are given simply because they can be...? Yeah. That sounds like a better option.

She comes over to stand beside Halfpaw, offering the patchwork she-cat a cursory glance. She almost wishes she could escape camp, maybe then she could bring her fellow apprentices gifts with apologies and likenesses. She'd bring Shadepaw something with a too-big smile, and Halfpaw something... pink. And fluffy. She doesn't know if the carrionplace has things like either of those - thankfully Snowypaw doesn't dwell for longer than a moment. Her ears twitch as her fellow apprentice begs a question, offering up an answer of her own.

"Maybe...! It's a piece of the moon!! D'ya think its smooth like this...?" Snowypaw asks, though she doesn't reach to feel the gift. Her paws might just get a bit too sticky if she grows attached.​

"It smells like the lumpy thing Sharpshadow gave my mom." His nose wrinkles, the black apprentice ambles over carefully shuffling his paws and brushing alongside Snowypaw as he tilts his head down to give a tentative sniff. The carrionplace smell was unmistakable but it had an odd mildew-like quality to it as well meaning it was probably made of the same material as the last 'gift' brought to camp. It was like rotted logs in a way but not as powerful. It apparently looked like a moon-shaped spot on Scorchedmoon's pelt not that he could confirm the comparison but it was a nice guesture all the same. Maybe one day someone would give him a gift as well, something he could feel and smell, hear or taste, that would be as meaningful as something matching an appearance. Though he supposed one could claim they gave him a rock dark as his pelt, but he'd never know if it was a lie or not so tangibility had to lean in a direction he could understand. Flowers were nice, he still thinks about the strangely scented floral one Screechpaw had settled within his fur and claimed looked good on him. Sweetpaw didn't know about that, but they had smelled nice and that was what mattered most to them - that he could grasp the concept of the gift.


  • 75204735_hp0.png
    —⊰⋅ Apprentice of ShadowClan
    —⊰⋅ He/They
    —⊰⋅ LH Solid black w/golden eyes (Is Blind)