
radioactive by imagine dragons plays
Sep 13, 2022

Most of his personality is up to the user, but his main traits are

POSITIVE: Kind, compassionate, brave,
NEUTRAL: Observant, silver tongued, patient
NEGATIVE: Easily distracted, promiscuous, gullible

You can do whatever you want with his backstory! He currently lives in the carrionplace, but doesn't have to stay there! The plan is for Frostbite, after he recovers enough from childbirth, to march on over to the Carrionplace to meet him and drag him back to help raise the kits. He doesn't have to become mates with Frostbite unless you want him to, Frostbite is just bitter because why does HE get to get off scott free and I get stuck being MISERABLE.

Preferably, he is not mean to the kits or abusive towards them or Frostbite.
Perhaps he is shocked that he has kits, and wants to be part of their lives.

His genetics are:

Genetics: SH red marbled tabby w/ low white (masking chocolate; carrying longhair, dilute)

Your app can be anything as long as it has the basics, like name appearance and personality!​
  • Haha
Reactions: mercibun
oh god
please i beg of you stop tempting me

- sorrel, ragweed, or rose for current name
- flame-??? warrior name
extreme himbo; thinks he's hot stuff but is very mid at *everything*; tries to come across as smart but could also be convinced the sky was green if you tried hard enough (not the brightest bulb)
the dad everyone wishes they had; does cool/fun/stupid stuff with the kit; honestly its almost like frostbite has a whole extra child to care for RIP
not opposed to becoming mates but honestly he's originally just there for the kids ngl
seemingly nose-blind when it comes to the harsher scents of the marsh and carrionplace - man will dumpster dive with no hesitation; probably eats crowfood a *lot* (probably keeps getting sick too but he's dumb af)

pers. notes;;
- kind, compassionate, empathetic, polite, loving, gentle
- emotional, crybaby, gullible, clumsy, impulsive, ditsy, easily distracted
- promiscuous (accidentally; mans don't know he's flirting most of the time), observant (towards emotions and surroundings; *not* common knowledge), sheltered, silver tongued, ???, ???
When I'm tempted

Name: Quincy
Warrior name: Tbd (thinking of having him earn it) current thoughts are flashfire
Appearance: Short haired red marbled tabby with low white and amber eyes
Personality: Quincy is brash and naive, which stems from being separated from his littermates and mother at a young age. He didn't socialize with other cats either, or if he did it was a somewhat negative experience. After all, most cats would rather not find themselves at the carrionplace due to the putrid smell and the vicious rats. he believes the best in everyone he meets and fails to realize when someone is using him. he whole hardly believes in others, even if they were to mess with him and say that rats can grow wings and swoop down much like hawks to attack him the dead of night. His kindness is unmeasured but some might argue that he gives it away too easily. He doesn't see it as such and a big reason why he so readily gives kindness is from his own upbringing and the simple thought of if I was in a rough spot I'd wanna be looked out for. For those he cares about his life is of no importance and he will throw himself for his friends and even strangers. This does nip him in the butt though because he isn't much of a fighter and he ends up pretty battered as a result. Nothing he doesn't laugh off though (he'll be doing it again another day).

He is quite liked as a result not only by those passing but his friends that he ends up having relations with many cats. The reality is that he quite greedy and craves the feeling of intimacy so when is more than ready to throw himself at another. Quincy believes he should live his life to the fullest and that being promiscuous is part of that. The reality is that he simply wants to feel loved and many in his life have left him, so he chases it. Who knows if this habit will be changed easily. One thing to note is that he is a horrid liar. The man can't keep a secret for the life of him and accidentally outs himself for his poor decisions.

Ideas: Will not be mean to the kits or frostbite, but he's never had this happen to him. As in, someone he had relations with coming back and dragging him back to raise the kits. He's had relations before so he probably has more kits out there, but he doesn't keep track nor have those cats returned. Frostbite would be the first cat to do so, which is a smack to the face because your actions have consequences. He will be completely surprised that he has kits (had never thought about it before he's kinda dumb), but will agree to come see them.

Although he is a grown cat who knows little to nothing about the clans other than rumors and such, so maybe he should've asked Frostbite where they were going or what new life he was going to have once he joined the clan. It will be harsh on him, but he is not one to break his promises and he would feel horrible running away from his kits. Although he has no idea how to be a proper make or how to help Frostbite, so there will be times where Frostbite might want to claw him to death for making the kits do questionable things or throwing frogs at them a little too hard because he simply wants to play and make life fun for the kits, but sir maybe don't peg them in the head.

Quincy is not opposed to becoming mates with Frostbite! Although his main concern would be the kits and second would be making sure Frostbite is comfortable and fed. Frostbite might have to establish some boundaries with him because he wouldn't ask and assume some things were a given. If Frostbite were to reprimand him for flirting with them, he wouldn't realize he was and apologize for it. His main goal is to do what he is to help raise the kits and ensure their happiness and safety.