sensitive topics frosted hearts and icy claws // Owlfrost

Jan 5, 2023

-ˋˏ ༻❇༺ ˎˊ- A half moon hung in the dark, inklet sky and stars glittered from above. The camp was quiet say for a snore from an older warrior or a kit fit in a nightmare. The trees blew with a cooling breeze, but something stirred in the midst of the nursery. A figure had slipped out of the den entrance and into dirt place, before stopping just feet after it. Couldnt go out into the forest just yet even if it was so desired, as bad as it has been, so just inside of it would have to do for now.

Cream fur shines in the moonlight before the figure sits down, head hanging low before shoulders started to shake. Why did this have to happen? What happened to forever? Was everything said, every promise made, every memory had just a lie? Everything- hurt. Like someone had taken their claws and struck them deep into their chest, only to rip and rip until there was nothing left but liquid of their heart.

Soon sitting became hard and they collapsed to the ground, letting sobs come forward. They racked their lithe body and they gasped for air between whys, how comes and i miss yous. This was never something they’d think would happen but yet it had- and all cause of another cat.

Why were they never enough? Quillstrike had left them for another tomcat, Chrysaliswing rejected every offer and touch they’d ever offer and now- they choke on a sob. They didnt want to think about it but it hurt to know that everything they’d said, exchanges and deepest fears now lied in someone they no longer could call their love. That morning flashed behind dark green hues and they burrow their face into their paws.

They just wanted to be enough.

Honeysplash had only ever wanted to be loved, truly and fully. Yet everyone she’d consider family, friends, loves- they all dropped off like flies. Was it something she was doing wrong? If so- why had no one told her what she’d done wrong? Couldnt they fix it? Couldnt things have worked out? They didnt know, but in the midst of the night they felt so alone. So unworthy of being in the clan she once called a home and thought she could return to, to pick up and make a life.

Now everyone she loved or cared for avoided her like she had yellowcough.

They shake their head slightly, why did Starclan put this upon them? What was so wrong with them that no one wanted to stay? They tried to be happy, to be cheerful and spread love and positivity every where they could- but it wasnt ever enough. People just walked over them, casted them aside. Honeysplash lifts her head from her paws, staring at the wetness on her pads from her tears. Theyd all taken advantage of her. The realization hit like thousands of needles pressing into her chest, sharp, painful and numbing.

That was going to change. Honeysplash had the rash decision of no more cheerfulness, no more skidding around and being anxious- it was time to hold her own. No one was going to be there for her, no one was going to be by her side ever- so she had to be on her own side. The cream warrior swallowed thickly and wiped at her eyes, but they kept coming regardless of her hollow, empty feeling they had in her chest.

Then there was soft footsteps.

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  • 78199419_gjurPbpI3pGRvx7.png
  • Honeysplash she/they/it, Warrior of Skyclan, 31 moons.
    a lithe, short haired cream tabby and white patched cat with mossy green eyes
    sister to Orangestar, Applefrost, Apricotflower and Cloudberrythorn // aunt to; Cherryblossom, Eggbounce, Tawnyclaw, Glimmersun // crushing on; No one // mother to; Cloverkit, Adderkit, Weaselkit
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by wolf@wolf_1997 on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

The titan had been out on a patrol and was once again returning when the sight of Honey caught his blue eyes. She hadn't been one to leave camp recently. His paws fell against the earth bringing him to a halt, watching her slip beneath the light of the half light. The flanks of his frame rose and fell slowly, something was wrong with this one. A slow blink causing his eyes to disappear under scarred lids. The callings of his nest were fighting his devotion to those within his home.


Such a strange species.

The brute didn't feel anything for he was merely a tool to be used and discarded whenever Orangestar decided to give that order. ”Go and die for us” The echo of her command his bleak heart longed to hear. There wasn't any other way his soul desired to leave this planet. Would it ever come? He hadn't the slightest idea. This was a thought for a different time, inhaling as he stepped forward for the first time in several minutes.

Sleep was lost on him tonight once again, a machine to the cause. His pelt wiggling as he walked downwind of the new Queen. Her desire for space is apparent, willing to give it to her for the time being. The cold glare coming from his frozen iris’ like daggers hung stuck in time. Sadness The most annoying and useless emotion one could have.

When she fell to the ground the tom stopped once again, watching over the lady as she lost herself to her feelings. Tragedy It seemed this gorgeous gem had lost her shine. After several more moments he approached slowly, not cautiously. In truth he didn't care if she wanted or yearned for company. She was allowed to have a breakdown, too innocent, too naive.

His claws dug into the dirt as he crested her collapsed frame, neutral eyes lifting to the half moon. He too had been in such a state not long ago. Life is nothing but a cruel jester. It took his Lillystream from him, along with his unborns. Lost. Never found. Never brought home to him.

Nye, his world had been washed away and with part of his soul. It turned him into his own living ghost. A vigil of silence had replaced the joyous dreams of a young man. Suffer in silence. They called it. So, that is something they could do together. Suffer.
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-ˋˏ ༻❇༺ ˎˊ- At first the young molly growled as they had wanted to be alone. That they had wanted to just sob and sob until they couldnt breathe anymore along as no one would get to see their emotions anymore. Honeysplash was done holding her heart out to those who didnt deserve it, putting her trust into so many that never shared the same sentiment. All lies, it’d all been lies.

The young queen though quieted her growl low in their throat as she felt him wrap around her and settle beside her. Had he followed her? Owlfrost was a silent cat, never offering much other than a cold gaze and obeying every order given to him. So why was he here? Didnt he have something better to do? No one ever bothered with her.

They lifted their head from their paws and look up at the large tomcat, dark green eyes glistening in the pale moonlight of the half moon. They stare at him for a long moment as if to say something, to tell him to go away or that she was fine and needed some air. Though as she sat there, the more her brain circled back and back to brown tabby fur.

Why hadn’t she been enough?

Honeysplashs’ shoulders started to tremble once more and they then moved to curl into Owlfrost. One more time, someone would see her cry one more time and then she wouldnt let this happen again. She couldnt let this happen again. Her kits needed her, her clan needed her- there was no more soft Honeysplash. No, from now on, she only had herself to count on.

Why does no one love me?” She whispers into the darkness, “I just want someone to care like i do, ya know? I just want to be someone’s enough- to be loved for-f-w-wh-,” Her voice started to crack as a fresh wave of tears started up. Honeysplash burrowed into Owlfrosts’ shoulder and sobbed quietly.

  • Speech
  • Honeysplash she/they/it, Warrior of Skyclan, 31 moons.
    a lithe, short haired cream tabby and white patched cat with mossy green eyes
    sister to Orangestar, Applefrost, Apricotflower and Cloudberrythorn // aunt to; Cherryblossom, Eggbounce, Tawnyclaw, Glimmersun // crushing on; No one // mother to; Cloverkit, Adderkit, Weaselkit
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by wolf@wolf_1997 on discord, feel free to dm for plots.