Petalstep .

. don’t let them win .
Jan 2, 2023
( 。゚❁ུ۪ °ₒ ) What had been a light sprinkle had quickly spiraled into a sheet of seemingly solid white, and it had raged for days on end, cooping Petalkit up until she was just about ready to bite the head off the next person who breathed too close to her.
The morning was cold when the pale molly began to stir- colder than it had ever been in the nursery. She wanted to snuggle for a little longer into her nest, but when her eyes fluttered open and slid towards the entrance of the nursery, she could just barely see past the heaps of snow- but the snowing had ceased.
She was up in a heartbeat, sizing up the solid tail length of snow that blocked her path to the outside.
A groggy queen muttered a half-minded warning that Petalkit would not heed, she was bigger than the other kits-stronger she’d even bet, and snow was just glorified powder.
She dove head first into the snow with her forepaws outstretched for maximum digging power and she began her journey.
She found digging similar to swimming, but more claustrophobic. The hollow snow created and icy blue tint that Petalkit might have stopped to admire if the cold hadn’t begun to seep through her pelt, burning delicate skin with its freezing temperature.
She scrambled upwards, shaking snow from her head when she was finally able to poke her head through.
To her horror, the snow only seemed to get worse throughout camp, it’s blanketed… everything.
She shivered against the frosty feeling pressed against her skin, but her limbs burned against the strain of her digging.
She turns, aiming to burrow herself once more back towards the nursery, but her forepaw wouldn’t budge, weighed down by an almost overwhelming amount of snow.
Uh oh…
Concerned furrowed at her brows for only a moment before she relaxed her expression, reminding herself not to panic.
She shuffles around in the snow, but her limbs don’t budge, and the burning of the snow intensifies.
In every situation you give me peace
The snow seemed never ending, covering and burying everything its could lay upon until finally they were snowed in. Stuck within the nursery with nothing but queens and other kits to keep each other company. Although she would have loved to have a meal right about now, even a light snack would do. But for now the girl reclined against that of Boneripple's chest, nestled comfortably betwixt ivory limbs that kept her snug and warm. Perwinkle eyes drift upward to meet the queen's face. "Mom, how much longer before the snow melts?" Sablekit questions, although her ear flicks at the sound of another queen chastising Palekit up ahead. Sable's soft blue gaze drifts to where the older girl fervently dug into the snow, pausing briefly before wiggling, only to pause again. The girl's brows pull together ever so slightly and she leans forward a tad, though she is completely unwilling to leave the warmth of her mother. "Palekit?" Sable tests the older kit's name on her tongue, a tingle of worry hidden beneath the notes of her voice. "Are you just playing around or are you stuck for real?" She asked. (Mom tag! @BONERIPPLE)
Don't gotta be afraid because you're in the lead

The snow is unforgiving and has been relentless for days. It's chill attempting to reach into the nursery but luckily it's one of the most protected from the elements. After giving birth she had needed time to recuperate. Time to revitalized after so much blood had been lost. Her paws now were wrapped around her daughter and she gently lapped at the top of her head. Though a question of the snow was asked and she hums softly in thought. "It shouldn't be too long now. Hopefully soon and we can all go out and see the camp." She has seen many leafbares and have endured enough of them. Her burning gaze lifts up them as she watches Petalkit go on the warpath against the snow. Tunneling their way through.
Shaking her head the queen rises up and she flicks her tail.

"Now isn't the time to be out and about, young kit." And then the child gets stuck. For a moment she just shakes her head before she steps forth into the snow. Gently she attempts to pick Petalkit out of the harsh ice and settle her back into the nursery.