horseplace FROZEN DANCER / snow, open

"It's getting rather nippy." Sunnyday wrinkled his nose as he left the refuge of his warm nest amongst the hay, a place he'd rather remain if hunger hadn't been gnawing at his stomach. However, heading out to hunt around the farm wasn't destined to be so simple as he came to discover a blanket of white on the ground outside the barn. The former clan cat blinked with surprise as he took in the sight, though soon enough a chuckle escaped him as he sat down at the edge of the snow that littered the ground. "Well, that explains the colder air this morning. I wonder if ThunderClan has had any snow then? I bet the kits will be playing in it..." Home. It still sat in his mind and he couldn't help but reflect on all the normal life experiences that he was missing. A sigh escaped him as he lost himself in thought, all plans to hunt briefly lost to him.