pafp frozen slushie // mealtime

"But ma...! Why can't we jus' eat a frog like last time?" Snowykit complains like a child ignorant of a leafbare struggle. Any meal is a decent one to the forest cats, but to someone who's milk teeth are beginning to fall out, she's not fully experienced the pang of an empty belly. A bird, scrawny and full feathered, is placed in front of the black-and-white she-kit, and her blue eyes zone in on it. Eyebrows are furrowed with blatant frustration and distaste.

"This - this has all these... things," feathers, she knows them as, however only as bits of nest lining, not prey lining. "How am I supposed to eat with these...!"

[ pls wait for @FERNDANCE <3 ]​

"Are you going to catch one then?" Ferndance tilted her head as if her neck was boneless, a smile adorning her white-whiskered maw. She had done her best to teach her young from the comfort of her prison, she was confident that the day would come where all four were competent hunters, but without firstpaw experience, the question was rhetorical. There was little begging to be done in Leafbare, though she loathed that she would have to give her little ones food with tougher skin, it was at least something, which was more than what could be said for her own empty belly. Placing the half-stared starling before her daughter, the former Lead Warrior's ears twisted in amusement, a warmth filling her chest. 'Is this how mama felt?' Five little kittens trying their first squirrel; the complaints that it wasn't warm and it was too hard to chew must've sounded so entitled to the one who'd worked so hard to get it. But, she just remembered her mother smiling and giving them advice (and some gentle admonishment for certain siblings who seemed to maul instead of eat). "Things?" She queried, following the sapphire gaze.

Eyes searched for maggots, or boils, or some other dastardly indication that it was carrion, before she clicked onto what Snowykit meant. "Ah feathers," she purred, pressing a paw onto the bird's body. "You don't eat them... Unless you want to... but then you'll be spitting feathers... No, hmm... that means something else," She shook her head as if dusting it from cobwebs, mental tangent cut off by such a gesture. "You tear them away, like this." Teeth sunk around the starling's feathers before, with a rip and a tear, she plucked a strand from the prey's body. A nose wrinkled as the brown vane bristled against her nose, unceremoniously, Ferndance spit them out beside her - decorations for later, a fun little memory of Snowykit's first bird. "When you see the pink... then you can eat it, have a go," she mewed, pushing the catch forwards towards her daughter.


"sorry, snowykit. no one has caught a frog just yet."

they have not a single clue when any one would, either. they're rare, mostly hibernating and the ones that did come out? they were hard to catch. if they're honest, they miss the frogs. the croaking within the marshes held a certain level of comfort to them. maybe it's just because they're used to it. they don't know. but it was better than the eerie silence brought on by leafbare.


they greet awkwardly. she doesn't like them and they can't say they would blame her, they guess. in a way. but at the same time, they're just doing what they felt was necessary. she didn't have to like it. it simply was. and there was nothing towards that. they meant it when they said they cared about their former friend and never hated her. she didn't have to believe it if she didn't want to. they're not gonna beg for her to, either.

"maybe when you're old enough to be apprentice, you'll find a nice frog to hunt all by your lonesome... with your mentor of course."

A little brown tabby had been walking by the group as Ferndance was showing Snowykit how to pluck feathers from a bird and how to properly eat it. While they agreed they would too like a frog or something more- a bird was good too. Any food was good at the moment with how harsh leaf bare was grasping at the forest. Chilldedstar had also walked up and this lead to Skywish approaching shortly there after.

The young warrior gave a little chuckle of amusement, “I am sure any frog will face fear when Snowykit is out there to catch them,” They mused to Chilledstar and then turned to the young kit and mother, “But a bird isn’t so bad, now is it?” They tilted their head at the kit and swished their tail behind them idly.

"Feathers can be consumed but I wouldn't recommend it." Eyes darted briefly to the side as if the suggestion was born from more personal experiences than a mere observation although Magpiepaw would never admit as much out loud. He glanced to the cats there, unimportant, leader, unimportant and then CHILD and among them his blue-violet gaze wandered to the child as being the worst of them; he'd never liked kits, the brief period Starlingheart had her squirming little things in their den had been a source of irritation for him and he'd been delighted when they all moved to the apprentice den not long after. Once again he is grateful to be so priveleged as to be Starlingheart's apprentice, the den of his former peers grew more and more by the day and he inwardly grimaces at the idea of sharing a nest in that sea of warm bodies; at least now if he was ever sent to return to normal duties he was warrior-aged and could move to the much bigger den but the thought was equally appalling. He liked his privacy and he liked his peace.
The reminder of his age brought another wave of uncertainty through him and the '-paw' so clearly still attached to his name like a parasite siphoning away his life, how much longer until he was unburdened of it?
"They are comfortable if placed around your nest with the pointed stems down and the feathers furled, you should keep them." His own nest was a vibrant mess of colored feathers and various baubles.

  • OOC can go here.

  • dgjzb1y-75361c4e-601a-4b3f-a424-fe26a15fe6df.png
    —⊰⋅ MCA of ShadowClan
    —⊰⋅ He/They
    —⊰⋅ Black tom w/a white throat and blue-violet eyes.
    —⊰⋅ Has mild cerebellar hypoplasia (Wobbly cat syndrome)

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Reactions: wolfie
Jitterbug has to bite their tongue as they overhear Snowykit complaining about the food she's being given. Were they ever that entitled? They'd like to think not; Betonyfrost surely wouldn't have put up with them being little brats. As they catch themself thinking that, they huff to themself, giving a little shake of their head. They shouldn't be so harsh; she's young, after all, and doesn't know any better, but it gets under their skin to hear her complain so freely about the food she'd been given when there's so little to go around. She should be grateful she got anything at all, and if she were their kit, they'd surely tell her that, but they won't go around and start parenting other ShadowClanners kits. Others will raise them however they please; it's none of Jitterbug's business, even if they have more than a few words they'd like to say. They just turn their head away, facing a different direction so they don't say what they're thinking out loud.​

swallowkit 03 moons polygender any pronouns shadowclan kit

Nosy as ever, it takes very little for he boy to notice the cluster of cats gathered around snowykit, and once attention has been drawn the orange and brown feline is quite to toddle over. " What's wrong with eatin' the feathers? " he asks, staring at magpeipaw in particular who'd been the one to warn about it. Not that swallowkit woud, probably - he's not stupid enough to do something the adults said not too... unless it was something cool, or did something cool. But maybe it made you grow feathers like a bird or something - wouldn't that be a sight? ... maybe he could convince Sin' to do it if it did.

actions & " speech, " & 'thoughts/quotes'


*+:。.。 "I dunno why don't you find out" Singekit says with a playfully malicious smirk as he pads over. Thinking the same as his evil brother, Singekit grabbed a mouthful of feathers. He'd spare a glance at Snowykit and Ferndance as he did so, noting thoughtfully Snowykit's attitude about eating prey. Granted, he'd also been quite upset about having to change his status quo when he'd had to do the same, but he'd been excited to try 'Big Boy' food and wouldn't have thought twice about whatever was handed to him. He was pretty sure his mom gave him a frog through, and every bird was carefully plucked before it was laid out before him. So he didn't have much of an opinion about Snowykit's "entitlement", but instead focused his attention on Ferndance.
The clan was still so on edge after the whole Sprucepaw situation. It was kinda freaky to think an apprentice had to die for Ferndance and her litter, and young as he was he didn't understand why she had to leave at all in the first place. But he'd leave the judging to the adults - he had bigger fish to fry.

Grabbing his mouthful of feathers, he pivoted on his feed and turned burning blue eyes upon his brother.
Without wasting a second, he aimed to bowl his brother over, trying his best to pin his sibling down to shove a feather or two into his mouth. All of course in the name of sibling teasing, Sin would never hurt his brother on purpose. But humiliation didn't count! Not in the children's code anyway! 'Sides, Swallowkit was no pansy - this was going to be a fun fight!

    Cismale — He/him — Questioning sexuality
    3 moons — Ages 1 moon every month on the 2nd
    NPC x NPC (brother to Swallowkit)
    Shadowclan — Kit

    Physically easy | mentally easy
    Attack in bold ruddy
    Can be power played just ask
    injuries: None currently


⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ "That's mean, Singekit!" protested Sneezekit, who had been lurking about and listening in on the conversation. He had curiously watched the observation over birds and feathers, giving no thought of his own until his brothers got into a tusttle.

With a roll of his eyes, the chocolate tabby stepped past his quarreling siblings, knowing all well that Singekit wouldn't hurt Swallowkit, and moved over to Ferndance and her child. "Bird isn't so bad when the feathers are gone," Sneezekit offered as a source of reassurance. "You never know until you try. That's what my mom always says."

  • SNEEZEKIT he/him, kit of shadowclan,, 3 moons.
    a long-furred chocolate tabby with low white and yellow eyes.
    brother to SINGEKIT and SWALLOWKIT
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by ixora@.ixora on discord, feel free to dm for plots.