fruit fly don't bother me & Katydidpaw

Jan 5, 2023
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How did this become a mission? Why was it such an important thing to her? Maybe it was because she was close to her own family and wanted to sort of spread that sort of close-knit-ness to others? Termitepaw was already a huge sweetheart and Bananapaw was looking forward to training further with her, but there was one hurdel still to go; Katydidpaw. Chrys' other sibling, and the one that was more socially secluded than their brother. That was saying something cause she was pretty sure Chrys hated even exsiting in the same world as most cats. Still! Katydidpaw was his sibling, and Bananapaw wanted to be in good standing with them!

A mouse dangled from her jaws as she trotted across camp and glanced around for a white with tortie patches pelt. Where would Katdidpaw be? Suppose her thoughts of what to do didn't come to her quite quickly and she faltered in her steps slightly. There wasn't a whole lot of thought put into this whole befriending Chrys' siblings thing. It was an unexplain thing she must do or she might explode, figuratively of course. White paws danced on the ground as she bounced in place in her own frustration.

Bananapaw lashed her tail slightly in her own annoyance before moving to the apprentices' den. She sat herself down promptly with the mouse between her paws. This was stupid! They probably didn't need her nosing her way into their lives! But they had to held some sort of importance to Chrysalispaw- and he was important to her. A soft sigh left her nose as he pawed at a chunk of dirt on the ground idly. It wasn't like this with Quill, but he had no family here. Just Twitchbolt. The name had her curly her lips back slightly and she shook her head, refusing to let that name ruin her mood once more.

The little grey body between her front paws caught her attention, and she gave a soft sigh- maybe it was a bad idea. She didn't want to be a bother or anything like that. It was miracle even for Chrys to not snap at her or call her dumb or what have you. Come to think of it- he neve snapped at her. His bluntness knew no bounds, but she never felt insulted around him. Bananapaw furrowed her brow slightly- why was that? Did he think she couldn't handle it? This made her give an indgenious snort- of course she could! She was tough! Even though she had to prevent herself from crying over baby flowers and catapillars, but that was besides the point! She could take Chrys tongue lashings like anyone else in Skyclan!

Cream tabby fur spiked slightly against her back, and she snatched up the mouse from the floor and marched it back to the pile. Seeming to be determined about something or other.

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