FUKAI MORI — "discovery"

A silvery dawn glows, misting the shadows away from camp. Granitepelt had killed Tornadopaw only the night before, and now it is time for him to discover her. He slinks into Starlingheart’s den with two lizards caught by their tails, the picture of skulking dedication. He drops one near his mate’s sleeping form, the taking the other to a patient—isn’t that thoughtful of him, to tend to Starlingheart’s sick patients as well as her? He halts before Tornadopaw’s nest, dropping the lizard with an expression of shock.

Starlingheart? She’s—” He swallows around a fake lump in his throat. “She’s not moving.

The memory of her body squirming under him comes rushing, crashing into his senses. He forces it back, but it had been so visceral that the tremble in his paws and voice is real.

  • takes place after this thread </3
  • granitekit . granitepaw . granitepelt
    — he/him ; warrior of shadowclan
    — heterosexual ; taken by Starlingheart
    — short-haired gray tom with white and green eyes
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette
    — chibi by Meg

While a demon had slipped into her den under the cover of shadows and taken the life of the curly furred apprentice, Starlingheart had slept. Blissfully unaware. She dreams but in the wake of the tragedy that is about to befall her she does not remember what she had dreamt of. Funny how memories work like that huh? Her green eyes open slowly in the presence of her mate, bringing her breakfast like he often did. ShadowClan had not a lot to spare but between Granitepelt and a few helpful clanmates her and her patients were being taken care of. She is thankful for him, she thinks as she stirs.

She has just begun to stretch her limbs in front of her when all of a sudden Granitepelt is calling her name, and the tone of his voice startles her. 'Shes not moving' he says and suddenly Starlingheart is scrambling to her feet and rushing over to the form of Tornadopaw, who lays as if she is sleeping except...

She presses her nose to the she-cats neck, eyes already brimming with tears "No no no no no not her StarClan please not her" she cannot feel a pulse and her flanks do not rise with the breath of the living. Starlingheart stares at her with glassy eyes for only a moment. There is nothing she can do, Tornadopaw, one of her closest friends, is gone. She scrambles backwards and lets out a mournful, keening, wail before she turns to bury her head in her mate's chest and sob about the unfairness of it all. "Have-Haven't we already lost enough?" she cries. Hasen't ShadowClan suffered twice the amount of any other? She does not understand. Why does this keep happening? "Is it me? Am I cursed to- to lose everyone I care for one by-one by one?" she moves closer to Granitepelt then, as if she is scared of losing him to. And she is, she is terrified that one day she will wake up and he will be gone, that Flintkit or Nettlepaw or Ghostpaw were next.

  • ooc : — ​

  • she / her
    shadowclan medicine cat
    mates with Granitepelt

    - - a small, black furred she-cat with green eyes
    toyhouse [ ]

    - - Starlingheart is the reclusive and anxious medicine cat of shadowclan. She tries her best to always be kind and to wear her heart on her sleeve but life has not always dealt her the best hand. Still, she does her best to remain optimistic and faithful to starclan even in the face of her clans cynicism. Because of her stutter, which is starting to improve as she gets older and gains more confidence in herself, she tries to speak as little as possible. Her quiet demeanor has granted her a valuable skill, however, the ability to listen. She prefers to hang back in the shadows and observe over being in the spotlight and because of this she has learned to pick up on things quickly. It is what she can attribute her quick skills as a medicine cat to, the ability to retain information, the ability to learn swiftly. Despite the way life has gone for her, she believes that there is good in everyone she meets. Because of this she trusts easily and therefor is easy to manipulate.
    INFJ-T 'the advocate'

    skilled medicine cat ; not very good at anything else
    BRIARSTAR X AMBER; sister to pitchstar, nightswarm, chittertongue, skunktail, and lilacfur; mother to nettlekit, ghostkit and flintkit

———————————she/her | menacing ——————————
The wail splitting the air causes the fur along Scalejaw's spine to raise. Her ears lower moments later, knowing that it was a wail of grief, not fear. On paws that sway and beg to delay the trip, she pushes herself towards the medicine cat den. Scalejaw knew it was not attack- her eyes, her nose would tell her if it was- but it was still worth checking out, right?

Ears flatten further as she sees the body of Tornadopaw. Scalejaw had offered not too long ago to move the apprentice into the den, or help, anyways. Each time she offers, she is denied. With a drooping tail, another breath was inhaled, calming her nerves. And as if she had stepped onto the battlefield, the uneasiness she felt is swept away like shadow over a warm day. The anger tussling in the back of her mind, of which is targeted at Starclan, is pushed down for another day. She'd have to get a training session out of the way, or something. A spar, perhaps.

Just to get all of these emotions out. They suffocated and choked her, but she was sure it was nothing akin to the death that this yellowcough was creating. Starlingheart's words snapped Scalejaw back to the present. Granitepelt could do all the comforting he wanted- she still had words in her head she wanted to fling at him, but now was far from the time. "If you need anything..." Scalejaw started. She didn't need to finish the sentence, of course. It was her self-decided role- being there at the edge of death, and running for anything the medicine cat needed. Anyone, too.

Scalejaw turned her vision away, because watching dead bodies time and time again was wearing her down.


[penned by dallas].
Frostbite can't stand hearing Starlingheart cry as she does. She doesn't deserve this. He curses the stars for making her suffer so, for hurting one of the only cats in this clan with a good, kind heart. She has always been a gentle and loving cat, and he fears this plague is going to scar her heart, make her become as jaded and closed off as the rest of them.

He can't help but approach the medicine den to see her and Granitepelt hovering over Tornadopaw's body. He remembers when she was taken in with her siblings... She had the potential to become such a great warrior. She certainly had the drive for it. And now... She'll never get to. It's not fair.

Why does fate hate them so?

He glances to his daughter in the den, to the other patients, and his throat tightens. Was Poppykit next? He can't handle the thought of losing her. He doesn't want to see anyone else die. Shadowclan is suffering enough.

"Starlingheart...." His voice is soft. He's not sure what to say. There's nothing that can make this better. "You are not cursed...Our only course is to weather this storm together...And hope that the sun peaks through the clouds." He says. He wants to reassure her, but it would be cruel to offer false hope at this point. All they can do... Is weather the storm.

There was nothing they could do but wait for the journeying cats to come home. He wants to curse the stars, but he figures thats unwise to do in front of, you know. The medicine cat.

"If you need help with anything, please let me know, too." He adds on after Scalejaw speaks. Starlingheart needs all the support she can get.​